Best 31 quotes in «vodka quotes» category

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    A track I’ve always liked by Mogwai goes on a loop while I pour a second glass of Reyka. This time it tastes of lava fields and thermal springs, aromatic alcohol evaporating stale thoughts, familiar and foreign. Something unnamed is melting, germinating, potentiating the currents of tomorrow across frozen, unpopulated dreamscapes.

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    Allan interrupted the two brothers by saying that he had been out and about in the world and if there was one thing he had learned it was that the very biggest and apparently most impossible conflicts on earth were based on the dialogue: “You are stupid, no, it’s you who are stupid, no, it’s you who are stupid.” The solution, said Allan, was often to down a bottle of vodka together and then look ahead.

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    I hate vodka. It is the second worst thing to have come out of Russia, after communism - which isn't Russian anyway, Karl Marx was Russian.

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    I pawned the remote to my misery, trading it in for liquor that was cheap; screwdrivers for my vitamin c, and a little bloodstream to my IV, helping to soothe my lunacy

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    I kiss her. I kiss her and kiss her. I try not to bite her lip. She tastes like vodkahoney.

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    Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit!

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    I really hate that I need my glasses while using my laptop. What I hate even more is that I need those glasses to be full of vodka at all times. -Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz

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    Ivanov: Gentlemen, you've again set up a drinking shop in my study... I have asked each and every one of you a thousand times not to do that... Look now, you've spilt vodka on a paper... and there are crumbs... and gherkins... It's disgusting!

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    It's super cloudy right now but I think I can see the northern lights from my room. Another observation: Every light is a strobe light, if you just blink fast enough, and drink enough vodka. -Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz

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    Parecia que nada se fazia na Mongólia sem um brinde de vodka. De todas as tradições russas que os sovietes tinham exportado para os seus satélites, era vergonhoso que a que prevalecia fosse a vodka a qual, antigamente, nem sequer fazia parte da sua cultura.

    • vodka quotes
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    Nel mio paese, la vodka non porta alcuna gioia. Porta abbruttimento, rimorso, depressione. Distrugge ogni cosa.

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    Once in a very blue moon, John Tallow imagined his younger self standing down the timeline of his present life, bare toes curling in teenage beach sand, looking ahead to today and watching his future life collapse in on itself like a dying star. His future life becoming small and dark and dense, its gravity apparently grim and inescapable. Once in a very blue moon, John Tallow spent some cash on a bottle of vodka and drank it at home within an hour.

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    You never know what the vodka will bring,” I laughed. “Oh, like the time you caught my hair on fire at the candlelight party in Mel’s basement! That was the craziest thing that I ever had happen to me. If you hadn’t switched to water, I would have been bald!” -Cora, Nessa

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    Tu zawsze obecna jest myśl o wódce, wiedza o niej. Napić się, upić - najlepszy sposób na odnalezienie sensu pośród bezsensowności. Od wódki uzależnieni są nawet ci, którzy nigdy nie pili, bo muszą sobie radzić w tym świecie pijanych. Nie mówiąc już o tych, którzy odważyli się przestać pić.

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    Vladimir leaned forward. “Never dilute vodka. Is sin.

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    She raised her middle finger to their smiles. She downed vodkas and cocktails and stumbled through the crowds and the streets, occasionally stretching up to touch a star in the black ice cap of the sky, shaking her hand and blowing on her fingers when it burnt her.

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    So long as the child was fed on its mother's milk, everything seemed to it smooth and easy. But when it had to give up milk and take to vodka, - and this is the inevitable law of human development - the childish suckling dreams receded into the realm of the irretrievable past.

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    You're the measure of my true decline. Your home isn't in the underworld, you live in the back room of the liquor store. My eternally hung-over angel, my Satan crawling like an amber worm from a bottle of Zoladkowa Gorzka.

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    Apparently vodka helps flowers last longer when they're dying. But you can put vodka in anything and it'll make it better.

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    Everybody is jumping up and down back in Russia. Probably lots of vodka, too.

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    Catnip is vodka and whisky to most cats.

    • vodka quotes
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    It was the fault of David Trezeguet, who made me do one drink of vodka after another. I slept in the bathtub. Now I hold my vodka much better.

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    If I have to be a monotheist, y'know pick one, I'm picking vodka, it goes well with everything, all occasions.

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    If wine is fruit, then vodka must be a vegetable.

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    That's what my perfume would smell like, margarita and vodka.

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    I was a drinker, so I went through the scotches. Before single malts hit, there were really cheap scotches, because nobody was paying attention to them. Then by the time they started jacking those prices up, I moved on to vodka.

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    Take your vitamins. Don't drink vodka. Get used to empire waistlines.

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    The one thing I always talk about in terms of restaurants is consistency. I think that's what we love about the vodka, is that it's consistent. It's consistent in its pureness and that's how I tie it to restaurants. When I think of a good restaurant, it's where the food has been consistent; there's always a consistency.

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    [on having to lose weight] I thought I'll drink vodka instead of wine because it's less calories!

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    This drink has a magical power. It strengthens the weak, and revives those who have fainted. Those tired after work and physical activity can return their life forces by this drink much sooner than by nourishment. ... It works as a diuretic, an appetizer, an antitoxin.

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    Vicodin and vodka the breakfast of champion's.