Best 107 quotes in «brazil quotes» category

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    Capitu, apesar daqueles olhos que o diabo lhe deu... Você já reparou nos olhos dela? São assim de cigana oblíqua e dissimulada. Pois apesar deles, poderia passar, se não fosse a vaidade e a adulação. Oh! A adulação!

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    – Ele é homem – disse Leonie. – O que foi que Byron disse sobre homens e mulheres apaixonados? (…) – “Na vida do homem, o amor é uma coisa à parte; na da mulher, é toda a vida” – citou ele.

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    – E você, Srta. Bridgerton? Gosta de apostar? – É claro – respondeu ela, surpreendendo-o com a sinceridade. – Mas só quando sei que vou ganhar.

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    Era um vestido projetado para realçar, encorajar e levar os homens à loucura. Um vestido que só servia a um propósito: tentar os homens a removê-lo.

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    – E se eu disser que quero que você fique? Nick não respondeu de imediato, e ela ficou mortificada ao pensar que podia ter falado a coisa errada. Então ele deu um único passo largo e a apoiou na mesa perto da porta. Tomou seu rosto entre as mãos grandes e fortes e colou os lábios aos dela novamente em um beijo longo e adorável, roubando-lhe o ar e a capacidade de pensar. Quando ele afastou a cabeça, ambos estavam ofegantes. – Se você quer que eu fique, seria preciso um exército para me fazer ir embora. Isabel ergueu as mãos e mergulhou os dedos nas mechas negras do cabelo dele, puxando-o para outro beijo. Antes de seus lábios se tocarem novamente, ela sussurrou a palavra definitiva: – Fique.

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    Listen up, Nic," she said firmly, looking straight into his gray-blue eyes. "If you die on me out here, so help me I'll hold seances and pester you. I won't give you a moment's peace in the hereafter," she threatened in a fierce whisper. Gabrielle O'Hara, River of Dreams

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    History matters, not because it repeats itself (which it never does), but because its narration can rid demons that torment the oppressed, shock the complacent and intransigent into self-reflection, and inspire feats of human perseverance and will.

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    Los locos de amor eran tres o cuatro, pero sólo les resultaban asombrosos por la curiosa índole de su delirio.

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    Não, a vida nunca foi só a vida, nela há sonhos e fantasias que fazem a realidade ser o que é...

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    Nightmare completed, another humiliating defeat. 10 goals in 2 game. It will take time to come out from such humiliating defeat for Brazilian fans. But I think when you like something, when you fall to someone, when you are in love, you like them whatever happens, even they give tears to you time to time because you liked it from your heart.

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    Primeiro surgiu o homem nu de cabeça baixa. Deus veio num raio. Então apareceram os bichos que comiam os homens. E se fez o fogo, as especiarias, a roupa, a espada e o dever. Em seguida se criou a filosofia, que explicava como não fazer o que não devia ser feito. Então surgiram os números racionais e a História, organizando os eventos sem sentido. A fome desde sempre, das coisas e das pessoas. Foram inventados o calmante e o estimulante. E alguém apagou a luz. E cada um se vira como pode, arrancando as cascas das feridas que alcança.

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    Quis contar, não valia a pena. Ninguém entenderia.

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    Speechless and very nearly panting, she fell back against the wall with a thump, knowing that if she lived to be ninety, she would still carry the searing mark of that kiss on her soul. "At last," he murmured. "A way to shut you up." Christovao Santos (Chris), Sanctuary

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    Talvez aquilo fosse a definição do amor, afinal. Querer uma pessoa, precisar dela e a adorar até mesmo nos momentos de fúria, quando se tinha vontade de amarrá-la à cama só para que ela não saísse e causasse ainda mais problemas.

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    Then, born again from her womb, it rose again, beseeching in a swelling wave, that urge to kill.

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    The really magical things are the ones that happen right in front of you. A lot of the time you keep looking for beauty, but it is already there. And if you look with a bit more intention, you see it.

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    Não morre quem no mundo deixa o nome Em tantos corações tão bem gravado Não morre quem nas lutas do civismo No campo dos heróis tomba, prostrado.

    • brazil quotes
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    Não podia tirar os olhos daquela criatura de quatorze anos, alta, forte e cheia, apertada em um vestido de chita, meio desbotado. Os cabelos grossos, feitos em duas tranças, com as pontas atadas uma à outra, à moda do tempo, desciam-lhe pelas costas. Morena, olhos claros e grandes, nariz reto e comprido, tinha a boca fina e o queixo largo. As mãos, a despeito de alguns ofícios rudes, eram curadas com amor, não cheiravam a sabões finos nem águas de toucador, mas com água do poço e sabão comum trazia-as sem mácula. Calçava sapatos de duraque, rasos e velhos, a que ela mesma dera alguns pontos.

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    Ninguém está satisfeito com os bens que possui, mas todos estão satisfeitos com a inteligência que têm.

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    Nukuu ya mwandishi wa vitabu wa Brazili, Paulo Coelho, "Tunapopenda tunajitahidi siku zote kuwa wazuri zaidi kuliko jinsi sisi wenyewe tulivyo. Tunapojitahidi kuwa wazuri zaidi kuliko jinsi sisi wenyewe tulivyo, kila kitu katika maisha yetu kinakuwa kizuri hali kadhalika.", inadhihirisha kikamilifu tabia ambayo bibi yangu (Martha Maregesi) alijitahidi kuwa nayo katika kipindi cha maisha yake yote. Alikuwa mtu mwenye furaha sana. Alikuwa na tabasamu lenye kuambukiza ambalo marafiki na familia yake hawakuweza kujizuia kutabasamu pia alipofurahi nao. Pamoja na kwamba alikumbana na matatizo mengi na bahati mbaya nyingi katika maisha yake, alijulikana kama mtu mwenye upendo na uvumilivu mkubwa.

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    O que mais salta aos olhos, o que mais fere às vistas do observador, que bem se pode chamar o expoente da vida geral do país, é a falta de coesão social, o desagregamento dos indivíduos, alguma coisa que os reduz ao estado de isolamento absoluto, de átomos inorgânicos, quase podia dizer, de poeira impalpável e estéril. Entre nós, o que há de organizado, é o Estado, não é a Nação, é o governo, é a administração, por seus altos funcionários na Corte, por seus sub-rogados nas províncias, por seus ínfimos caudatários nos municípios: - não é o povo, o qual permanece amorfo e dissolvido, sem outro liame entre si, a não ser a comunhão da língua, dos maus costumes e do servilismo.

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    Please. Put the gun down and we'll talk. A beautiful woman holding a small cannon plays hell with my concentration. Christovao (Chris) Santos, Sanctuary

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    Sou amigo da divisão do trabalho. Pessoas que não fazem nada devem fazer pessoas, enquanto as demais devem contribuir para a instrução e a felicidade delas. Eis o que penso. Para confundir esses dois ofícios, há uma multidão de amadores, a cujo número não pertenço.

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    The political reform is important, but no reform will be greater than promoting popular awareness.

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    There is, however, one natural feature of this country, the interest and grandeur of which may be fully appreciated in a single walk: it is the ‘virgin forest’. Here no one who has any feeling of the magnificent and the sublime can be disappointed; the sombre shade, scarce illumined by a single direct ray even of the tropical sun, the enormous size and height of the trees, most of which rise like huge columns a hundred feet or more without throwing out a single branch, the strange buttresses around the base of some, the spiny or furrowed stems of others, the curious and even extraordinary creepers and climbers which wind around them, hanging in long festoons from branch to branch, sometimes curling and twisting on the ground like great serpents, then mounting to the very tops of the trees, thence throwing down roots and fibres which hang waving in the air, or twisting round each other form ropes and cables of every variety of size and often of the most perfect regularity. These, and many other novel features – the parasitic plants growing on the trunks and branches, the wonderful variety of the foliage, the strange fruits and seeds that lie rotting on the ground – taken altogether surpass description, and produce feelings in the beholder of admiration and awe. It is here, too, that the rarest birds, the most lovely insects, and the most interesting mammals and reptiles are to be found. Here lurk the jaguar and the boa-constrictor, and here amid the densest shade the bell-bird tolls his peal.

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    Todas as mulheres são mais materialistas do que os homens. Nós fazemos do amor algo enorme, mas elas sempre se mantém ‘terre-à-terre’.

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    Because of my Portuguese heritage, I have an interest in all of the instrumentation that comes from Portugal and Brazil as well.

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    You don't realize how strong you are until you have to be.

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    We all take for granted things that come too easily. That's why I can't let you go--you're always a challenge to me. Here's my wow to you, here's all I believe: For you, I'll stay invisble. I"ll be the air you breathe.

    • brazil quotes
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    What could I offer the local bad boy except my livelihood? Oh, I know. My body or my planes! Why didn't I think of that? Would you have preferred that I offer him my body, Nic, because I sure as hell wasn't going to sign over either of my planes!

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    Will Brazilian antigambiae measures succeed in Africa? As time goes by it will almost certainly be found that an increasing number of areas can be cleaned of gambiae and be freed of gambiae-transmitted malaria. In Africa, where the species is already widely disseminated, it would seem logical to attempt eradication by beginning in the center of the area to be cleaned and working always outward. It has been demonstrated in Brazil that species eradication of Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae is feasible.

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    Brazil is where I belong, the place that feels like home. They love their family, their country and God, and are not afraid to let anybody know it.

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    Brazil, I'm totally obsessed. I've been going since I was 17, and the first time I went, I fell in love with it.

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    Brazil was beastly but Buenos Aires the best. Not Tiffany's, but almost.

    • brazil quotes
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    Brazil does have every right to develop its own peaceful nuclear programme.

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    Brazil has no future as a China with fewer people.

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    Brazil is bigger than Europe, wilder than Africa, and weirder than Baffin Land.

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    Brazil is one of the biggest Latin American countries, the biggest, no doubt, and, more importantly, it is a country with immense development potential.

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    Brazil is where I have to be, where I have my roots.

    • brazil quotes
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    Brazil goes into every World Cup expecting to win - so when it is in Brazil it is expected even more. You can't understand what the World Cup means to our country.

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    Brazil has its own fashion identity. Many very talented Brazilian designers show every season at Sao Paulo and Rio fashion weeks.

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    Brazil is not what you see but what you feel. Once you spend time here - a week, two weeks - you get in the vibe. It's really intoxicating.

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    Brazil - they're so good it's like they are running round the pitch playing with themselves.

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    Curves are the essence of my work because they are the essence of Brazil, pure and simple.

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    [Donna] Brazil warned the campaign that [Hillary] Clinton might face a question over lead poisoning during a CNN primary debate, showing her partisan ties.

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    Everybody is in trouble, including the up-and-coming economic miracles of China, Brazil or India.

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    Do you know what would keep me in Brazil, no matter what happened? Sex!

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    Even though Brazil has been up and down and had some difficulties, it's still a very big country, and a very important country. It's got the fourth largest domestic market in the world.

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    He's got great credentials by winning the World Cup, but he did it with Brazil - my granny could probably have managed Brazil to World Cup success.

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    Every time I've gone to Brazil I've gotten sick upon return. You know, it's just a different situation there. And I take every precaution - eating cooked foods and staying away from tap water, brushing my teeth with bottled water - and yet I still manage to get sick. So I'm just going to stay on point, bring my probiotics.