Best 1307 quotes in «addiction quotes» category

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    Trust yourself. You’ve survived a lot, and you’ll survive whatever is coming.

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    Trying their wings once more in hopeless flight: Blind moths against the wires of window screens. Anything. Anything for a fix of light. X. J. Kennedy, "Street Moths," The Lords of Misrule

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    Turning an experience about to observe it, results in a lessening of the experience directly proportional to the amount of observation. To think about it is, to some degree, to stop the pleasure, to stop the experience, to step outside it.

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    Two choices; one: tough it oot, back in the room, two: phone that cunt Forrester and go tae Muirhoose, get fucked aboot and ripped oaf wi some crap gear. Nae contest. In twenty minutes it wis: — Muirhoose pal? tae the driver oan the 32 bus and quiveringly stickin ma forty-five pence intae the the box. Any port in a storm, and it’s raging in here behind ma face.

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    Ultimately, we are much more addicted than the junkie because we are responsible for not only our own demise, but the breakdown of the entire natural world. There is no other appropriate response to a situation this grave, this utterly overwhelming, than powerlessness. It has taken countless generations to arrive in this predicament; a solution cannot arise overnight. It will take work. It will take time.

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    Under the influence, I am easily influenced. I try to keep my pants on, but some things are easier said than done.

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    Understanding what the narcissist finds threatening, entertaining and complimentary can be extremely helpful when deciding how best to “repackage” yourself- if this is what you want to do.

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    Unless your sober life is more meaningful than your drunk life, you’re going to relapse. YOU create the life that matters.

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    Uraibu ni mbaya unapoathiri maisha ya mtu.

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    Update your version of me because I’m not the same person I was before. If you don’t get that, you don’t get me.

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    Using excuses for the predicament you're in and minimizing your situation, whether it is drug or alcohol use, is a sure sign of an addict.

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    Verslaving heeft volgens mij altijd te maken met het herstellen van een evenwicht tussen gevoel en verstand. Iemand die veel drinkt benevelt zijn geest en dat benevelen is noodzakelijk om een controle over het lichaam te verliezen. Je houdt dat lichaam alleen maar rechtop, voedt, wast en kleedt het naar behoren, als je nadenkt. Je kunt ook te veel nadenken over het lichaam en het daardoor belemmeren in het ondergaan van plezier, van genot.

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    Very often, what seems to be bad for you is meant to be good for you. Wisdom allows you to stand back and wait for time to do its job. Please try to be more sophisticated in how you view the trials and tribulations of life. Very often things do happen for a reason.

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    Vassily cleared his throat, probably impatient with Gabriel's bookshelf manners. 'You'll have to excuse me,' Gabriel said, putting back the booklet, 'I have a severe addiction to ink.' 'Don't we all?' Vassily nodded. 'Thank God we have other addictions to assuage it a little.

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    Volumes could be written on the problem of [drug] addiction. Millions of barbiturates are swallowed every night to help the nation sleep. Millions of tranquilizers keep us calm during the day. Millions of pep pills wake us up in the morning. The Bible warns that these flights from reality bring no lasting satisfaction.

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    We all do strange things to keep ourselves from dying. And when it comes down to it, love, no one knows which of those things might lead us back to life.

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    We are all addicted to something whether we admit it or not.

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    We all have those things that help us carry on through life. It is important that these things upon which we depend for daily strength are healthy for our character rather than harmful. We must ask ourselves whether the comforts we reach for each day are vices or virtues? Do they feed the best parts of us or do they rob us of them? Even when we are at our most fatigued and are tempted to reach for self-destructive things, we must try to seek out and take solace in those things that will lead to our eventual renewal; rather than those things that will only serve to bring us lower.

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    We are hardwired for glory because we are hardwired for God.

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    We are a society of excuses, shame and blame; we avoid accountability and often project our responsibility when involving domestic violence.

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    Wear whatever mask you must wear to deal with a situation, but beware that when the masks come off you may not recognize the real you underneath.

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    We are not consumers. For most of humanity’s existence, we were makers, not consumers: we made our clothes, shelter, and education, we hunted and gathered our food. We are not addicts. “I propose that most addictions come from our surrendering our real powers, that is, our powers of creativity.” We are not passive couch potatoes either. “It is not the essence of humans to be passive. We are players. We are actors on many stages…. We are curious, we are yearning to wonder, we are longing to be amazed… to be excited, to be enthusiastic, to be expressive. In short to be alive.” We are also not cogs in a machine. To be so would be to give up our personal freedoms so as to not upset The Machine, whatever that machine is. Creativity keeps us creating the life we wish to live and advancing humanity’s purpose as well.

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    We, as a society, have arbitrarily differentiated between acceptable and unacceptable drug addictions.

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    We become conditioned by repeating patterns that become routine. Those routines become habits and habits eventually may become addictions. The challenge, is to strive hard and change so that you can unlearn and learn while taking risks and making choices that do not allow you to become stuck or become an addict of your own habits.

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    We cannot incarcerate ourselves out of addiction. Addiction is a medical crisis that—when it comes to nonviolent offenders—warrants medical interventions, not incarceration. Decades later, data unequivocally illustrates that this war has been a massive failure. It has not only failed to reduce violent crime, but arrest rates—throughout its tenure—have continuously ascended even when crime rates have descended.

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    We can see that there are many ways in which we actively contribute to our own experience of mental unrest and suffering. Although, in general, mental and emotional afflictions themselves can come naturally, often it is our own reinforcement of those negative emotions that makes them so much worse. For instance when we have anger or hatred towards a person, there is less likelihood of its developing to a very intense degree if we leave it unattended. However, if we think about the projected injustices done to us, the ways in which we have been unfairly treated, and we keep on thinking about them over and over, then that feeds the hatred. It makes the hatred very powerful and intense. Of course, the same can apply to when we have an attachment towards a particular person; we can feed that by thinking about how beautiful he or she is, and as we keep thinking about the projected qualities that we see in the person, the attachment becomes more and more intense. But this shows how through constant familiarity and thinking, we ourselves can make our emotions more intense and powerful.

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    We don't really see much of London; we're too busy watching Londoners. And that's when I get it. All these people. We aren't broken. We're just alive.

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    We don’t choose to become addicts but we do let addition choose us.

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    We're all princes and princesses, at 5, 50, or 100! It's never too late, we're never too old to rock the world and contribute! Reaching for intimacy in all relationships? Delicious.

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    We have a genuine and devastating epidemic of opiate abuse in this country, and it is of critical importance that this problem be addressed. But we must do so in a way that doesn’t cut off an effective (and often the only) treatment for the chronically ill, many of whom are able to function in this world at all only because of the small respite that responsible opiate use provides.

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    Well, I totally understand why people take huge drugs. Like heroin, or cocaine. I can understand why you would want to be literally out of your own head, because being in your own head is unbearable. In fact, the reason I haven't taken drugs like that is because I know that it would be so good to be out of my own head that I wouldn't be able to stop

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    We have to be diligent in seeking after God, emotionally attached and consciously aware of Him at all times. The desire for God's presence must become greater than our strongest craving.

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    We love the things that destroy us, because in that destruction we truly feel alive.

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    We wouldn't have much need of a war if people stopped using drugs. It's like taking up a fight against the use of headache remedies; it will never work until the condition causing people's headache pain is healed.

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    What if there were health food stores on every corner in the hood, instead of liquor stores!?

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    What American would not want truthful and complete information about every product sold in the United States so that we can be more capable of making wise decisions concerning our lives and the lives of our loved ones? These are our friends and our family members suffering from so many forms of cancer, several diseases of the heart, emphysema, poor circulation, blindness, strokes, various skin disorders, bad breath, asthma, poverty, clogged arteries, disfigurement, rotting teeth and gums, birth defects, infertility, sexual dysfunction, high blood pressure, aneurysms, complications during pregnancies, and all too often a slow and painful death. These suffering people are also many of us.

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    What if I'm so broken I can never do something as basic as feed myself? Do you realize how twisted that is? It amazes me sometimes that humans still exist. We're just animals, after all. And how can an animal get so removed from nature that it loses the instinct to keep itself alive?

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    What is it that is so interesting about what's happening everywhere else but where you are?

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    What began as an apparently harmless pastime has ended up as a frightening, overpowering addiction or obsession.

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    What every man should desire is an ugly woman with a beautiful heart, not a beautiful woman with an ugly heart.

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    What is addiction? Only those that have been kept secret; are addictions. Those that are openly visible cannot be called addiction.

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    What makes people tick? Life can be a trap of ennui, but imagery may be a redemptive escape from dullness. The iconic power and exuberance of images generate an inexorable addiction that needs to be gratified without respite. Here and now! ("Give me more images")

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    What they don't tell you when you get sober is that if you manage to stay that way, you will bury your friends. Not everyone gets to have a whole new shiny-but-messy life like I have, and I've never come up with a satisfying explanation for why that is.

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    What you see is what you get. The island is imaginative enough. Creativity don’t need to be wasted on naming things.

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    When addiction steals a loved one, it takes with it a piece of your soul.

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    When nothing else worked, we created a holistic, hand-tailored program that saved Pax's life. At Passages, he and I use what we learned in curing him to help other discover the roots of their addiction or alcoholism and break free.

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    When denial is in play, a person simply refuses to recognize the truth, no matter how apparent.

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    ...when he kneels at other times and prays or meditates or tries to achieve a Big-Picture spiritual understanding of God as he can understand Him, he feels Nothing — not nothing, but Nothing, an edgeless blankness that somehow feels worse than the sort of unconsidered atheism he Came In with.

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    When my pals in high school were starting to drink, it always looked unappealing to me. I would be at a big party and see one of the popular girls or football players completely wasted and puking and acting a fool, and think to myself, There’s nothing cool about that. I never wanted to be that out of control.

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    When she walks in that first Monday, of course I am awake - I am always up these days - I decide to lay it down. “Look”, I say, “I snort Ritalin. That’s what I do. I snort it all day long. I crush up the pills and inhale them like cocaine. I’m up to about forty a day. I can’t stop. I am planning to get help, to check into rehab or something like that, as soon as this book is finished. In the meantime, I can’t stop, and I am not going to.” She looks at me impassively. “I don’t care what you think about it. So you have a choice. I can sit here and do it in front of you, or I can keep running into the bathroom so you don’t have to see. Either way, it’s going to happen, so it’s just about how bad it’s going to make you feel to watch.” She doesn’t seem to know what to say. She stares. I think she is going to cry. I think she wants to give me a hug, maybe, but there is an invisible cage, a delicate netting of glass, an ice sculpture surrounding me that no one can walk through. I’m cold. I’ve frozen into someone who just can’t be touched. I dare you to try.

    • addiction quotes