Best 34 quotes in «housewife quotes» category

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    In the back of the fridge I checked out some stewed apples destined to fester. I examined them closely and reckoned they had only a day to go, even by my standards. I spooned the apples into tiny bowls, tossed in some dried fruit and sprinkled them with crumble topping. Delicious, they said that night, scraping the bowls so clean they hardly needed to go in the dishwasher. The fools.

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    I am not ascare to die. I am only ascare that after death I be alone. Maybe because of suicide, I go to the hell? If hell all hot and crowded and noiseful, like Christian minister on TV say, then I not care because it will be just like India. But if hell cold and quiet, with lot of snow and leaf-empty trees, and people who smile with string-thin lips, then I ascare. Because it seems so much like my life in Am'rica.

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    I believe that what woman resents is not so much giving herself in pieces as giving herself purposelessly. What we fear is not so much our energy may be leaking away through small outlets as that it may be going “down the drain.” We do not see the results of our giving as concretely as man does his work. In the job of home-keeping there is no raise from the boss, and seldom praise from others to show us we have hit the mark. Except for the child, woman’s creation is often invisible, especially today.

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    None of this was part of the plan all the girls I'd grown up with had been given. Not a written plan, unless the book about Cinderella counted. The plan was in the water we drank, the air we breathed. It was poured into the pavement on the streets we called home. Marry a nice man, one who was a good provider, and live happily, or at least comfortably, ever after. Safe to say I'd followed the plan. I'd married a banker. Had a baby. But the plan had failed me. It left me alone huddled in a window seat with every emotion I'd refused to let myself feel seeping through my pores until the air in my bedroom was heavy with sadness and angst and confusion. (p. 235)

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    She felt lately as though she had served her purpose, done her job, and been dispensed with, not only by her children, but by her husband as well.

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    When he first said my diagnosis, I couldn't believe it. There must be another PTSD than post-traumatic stress disorder, I thought. I have only heard of war veterans who have served on the front lines and seen the horrors of battle being diagnosed with PTSD. I am a Beverly Hills housewife, not a soldier. I can't have PTSD. Well, I was wrong. Housewives can get PTSD, too, and yours, truly did.

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    Some women marry houses.

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    The house sits on a gentle curving street that ends in a cul-de-sac. The surrounding houses are all equally attractive and well maintained, and relatively similar. People who live here are successful and settled; everyone's a little bit smug.

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    The kitchen is your natural setting as a woman and you should look beautiful, not bedraggled, in it. Whether you go to work or work at home- or both- take advantage of the opportunity the kitchen offers for expressing your wifely qualities in what you wear. Pinafores, organdies, and aprons look wonderful, as do gay cotton wrap-arounds that slip on over your dress while you make breakfast. Too much attention is paid to kitchen equipment and decor; too little to what is worn in this setting. Why look like Cinderella's crotchety stepmother when you can be a lyrical embodiment of all that a home and hearth means!

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    The survey of the time spent in the home by most housewives established that, on average, they worked 75 hours a week, with overtime on Saturdays and Sundays. This did not take into account that a number of women were also doing part or full-time work outside the home.

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    I am not prepared to accept the economics of a housewife.

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    He's a full-fledged housewife from Kansas with all the prejudices.

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    I am a woman, I am a housewife, I am a government official, I've been twice a government secretary, I've been leader of a parliamentary group, I am an economist.

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    When your husband's eyes light up as he comes in at night, you're in sad shape if it's only because he smells dinner cooking.

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    I am the Wizard of Oz of housewives (in that I am both "Great and Terrible" and because I sometimes hide behind the curtains

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    If I didn't do this well, I just wouldn't have anything to do... I can't cook, and I'd be a terrible housewife.

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    I do not refer to myself as a 'housewife' for the reason that I did not marry a house.

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    If you are a housewife, take pride in that.

    • housewife quotes
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    I'm a housewife: I spend far more time on housework than anything else.

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    [Margaret Thatcher] was always talking about what the prudent housewife should do and what the prudent housewife knew.

    • housewife quotes
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    Housewives are dependent creatures who are still children…parasites.

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    Mom was a housewife; Dad was an accountant. They taught me a lot about the value of working hard.

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    My father said, Don't grow up to be a woman, and what he meant by that was, a housewife ... without any interests.

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    I watch every 'Real Housewives' franchise there is.

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    Of course, after I retire I want to be the housewife, really.

    • housewife quotes
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    I'm very obsessed with 'The Real Housewives' franchise. It's a bad obsession.

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    My sister said, You're making it hard for all us housewives in Nebraska.

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    Nothing a housewife does is of value in capitalist terms because it does not take place on the market and therefore does not contribute to the Gross National Product.

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    They came to me with this case of Twitter ignoring case of smeared housewife

    • housewife quotes
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    Some women choose to stay at home and be housewives. If they are happy with it, then it's a wonderful choice. But I know I couldn't do that. I couldn't be a housewife.

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    Call it arrogance or male chauvinism, the male ego just doesn’t allow a woman to participate in key issues in family. Men seldom realize that it’s the housewife who has the most difficult job in the world: waking up early, preparing breakfast, getting the children ready for school, preparing lunch, cleaning up the mess at home and so much more. Even before they can some rest, the doorbell would ring and the children are back from school. Then, the routine again, and by the end of the day, they were tired. Women in the family are the last to sleep and the first to wake up. Sometimes, even during a crisis in the family or when there is a dispute, it’s the lady of the house that stands rock solid to calm things down and face challenges head on.

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    You don't like it when a French housewife gets mad at you. If she gets steam behind her, she is an unstoppable creature.

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    Bread, however, is their chief food. It is cheap; they like it; it comes into the house ready cooked, it is always at hand, and needs no plate and spoon. Spread with a scraping of butter, jam, or margarine, according to the length of purse of the mother, they never, tire of it as long as they are in their ordinary state of health. They receive it into their hands, and can please themselves as to where and how they eat it. It makes the sole article in the menu for two meals in the day. Dinner may consist of anything from the joint on Sunday to boiled rice on Friday. Potatoes will play a great part as a rule, at dinner, but breakfast and tea will be bread.

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    The thing that's fun about the 'Housewives' is talking to your friends about it.