Best 60 quotes in «non violence quotes» category

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    In some cases non-violence requires more militancy than violence.

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    Non violence is not a thing that comes easily. You have to learn how to be non-violent

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    Peace is its own reward.

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    Non-violence is not glamorous, and you don't see the effects right away.

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    Actually, even in the stage of delusion (absence of self realization), one should protect the weak and fight a powerful one. But people keep attacking the weaker one.

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    When you practice a life of non-violence you no longer need seek the truth, the truth finds you.

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    Absolute Knowledge (Kevalgnan) can never be attained without the domain of non-violence (ahinsa). Full awareness will not be attained without non-violence (ahinsa).

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    Another site of Leftist struggle [other than Detroit] that has parallels to New Orleans: Palestine. From the central role of displacement to the ways in which culture and community serve as tools of resistance, there are illuminating comparisons to be made between these two otherwise very different places. In the New Orleans Black community, death is commemorated as a public ritual (it's often an occasion for a street party), and the deceased are often also memorialized on t-shirts featuring their photos embellished with designs that celebrate their lives. Worn by most of the deceased's friends and family, these t-shirts remind me of the martyr posters in Palestine, which also feature a photo and design to memorialize the person who has passed on. In Palestine, the poster's subjects are anyone who has been killed by the occupation, whether a sick child who died at a checkpoint or an armed fighter killed in combat. In New Orleans, anyone with family and friends can be memorialized on a t-shift. But a sad truth of life in poor communities is that too many of those celebrate on t-shirts lost their lives to violence. For both New Orleans and Palestine, outsiders often think that people have become so accustomed to death by violence that it has become trivialized by t-shirts and posters. While it's true that these traditions wouldn't manifest in these particular ways if either population had more opportunities for long lives and death from natural causes, it's also far from trivial to find ways to celebrate a life. Outsiders tend to demonize those killed--especially the young men--in both cultures as thugs, killers, or terrorists whose lives shouldn't be memorialized in this way, or at all. But the people carrying on these traditions emphasize that every person is a son or daughter of someone, and every death should be mourned, every life celebrated.

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    Among all the methods non-violence is most successful and I strongly believe that only non-violence can set the true mood of peace and harmony among the nuclear nations. Our experiments with non-violence should be more wide, more engaging and more humble.

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    As per the law of karma, that which is your meat today, this dear beloved animal will make mincemeat of you tomorrow. In another birth.

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    As long as it is assumed that war is always an available option, we will not be forced to imagine any alternative to war.

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    Cultural indoctrination makes stupid people believe there's nothing wrong in Meat Eating. There is. Who eat it, lose "It".

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    Brilliant people and dull people get drawn into violence and destruction because they are led to it by a desire to “make history” or “advance their career.” They want to solve great problems, but they have lost patience with nonviolent ways of solving problems. They want instant results. So they take a bloody shortcut.

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    Compassion means removal of suffering – suffering of the self and the others.

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    Don Alejandro cut in with advice I have never forgotten. "It is only when a man knows reason is not on his side that he uses his fists.

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    Gandhi Topi' is no longer an attire of the pacifist.

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    From now on there can be no more wars of faith. The only way to overcome our enemy is by loving him.

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    Do your thing, without harming anything.

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    He who thinks that the working class can be assured, prosperity and freedom by organizing economic life on a militaristic basis is wrong. No less erroneous is it to strive for a dictatorship for the purpose of crushing the enemy and establishing the working class in a privileged position in the state and society while reducing the rest of the population to the position of pariahs as a means of ultimately establishing socialist equality for all. But most objectionable of all would be to attempt to build a regime of humanity upon the basis of brutality, seeing that without the former no true Socialist commonwealth can exist. For this commonwealth must represent the realization of the slogan of the French Revolution, which was “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

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    ...if we do not know how to defend ourselves, our women and our places of worship by force of suffering, i.e., nonviolence, we must, if we are men, be at least able to defend all these by fighting." (MLK) "...If given a choice between violent resistance and passive acceptance, King and Gandhi both accepted violence..." " violence, it [non-violent resistance] was aggressive, but it was spiritually, bot physically, so." "...At the same time the mind and the emotions are active, actively trying to persuade the opponent to change his ways and convince him that he is mistaken and to lift him to a higher level of existence.

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    If we have a higher degree of Non-violence within us, a lion will forget its violent intent towards us.

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    Let everyone evolve fast and understand humanity. Let the heart of stones be converted into heart of love.

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    I strongly believe that non-violence should be taught at school levels as an important subject. Specially experiments with non-violence should be taught with due importance. I urge the United Nations to play its role to spread the value of non-violence in the school levels across the world.

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    Ja Mandeviljens QUANTUM SATIS står bogført som din Rigdoms Rad Men Prest, din CONTO CARITATIS er Bogens hvide Jomfrublad.

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    Men jag kan inte döda någon’, sa Jonatan, ’det vet du, Orvar!’ […] ’Om alla vore som du’, sa Orvar, ’då skulle ju ondskan få regera i all evinnerlighet!’ Men då sa jag att om alla vore som Jonatan, så skulle det inte finnas någon ondska.

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    Non-violence is a great principle in theory, but its practice often leads to greater violence in future. The principle of offering ‘your other check’ does not work in reality most of the times. Violence can be controlled only with greater violence. It is rightly said in the Bible, ‘He who spares the rod, hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him’.

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    Nonviolence aims at doing no harm to living being. Compassion aims at doing good to all being.

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    Nonviolence is a way of life, where the task is to awaken the underlying goodness of every human being.

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    Non-violence is called that when despite having the full power if someone does something to him, he does not do anything to that person.

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    Nonviolence is kindling light of love into the dark places and budding trust from the threshold of hopelessness.

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    Non-violence is so deeply embedded into the Indian psyche that people avoid fighting even when they should—against injustice and unrighteousness. Indian masses are by nature so non-violent that God himself had to take birth in human form to establish Dharma and do the (dirty) job of killing the unrighteous.

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    Non-violence (Ahimsa) is a very big thing. There is no non-celibacy (sexual pleasures) in Non-violence. There is no possession (parigraha) in Non-violence. There is no falsehood (asatya) in Non-violence. There is no covertness or stealing (chori) in Non-violence.

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    Non-violence is more powerful than violence. Nature eliminates violent animals bit by bit.

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    One will not bleed at all if hit by an arrow shot by someone with a non-violent intent (ahinsak bhaav) but a flower thrown by someone with a violent intent (hinsak bhaav) will make him bleed. Neither the arrow or the flower are not as effective as the violent intent are.

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    In the use of force, one simplifies the situation by assuming that the evil to be overcome is clear-cut, definite, and irreversible. Hence there remains but one thing: to eliminate it. Any dialogue with the sinner, any question of the irreversibility of his act, only means faltering and failure. Failure to eliminate evil is itself a defeat. Anything that even remotely risks such defeat is in itself capitulation to evil. The irreversibility of evil then reaches out to contaminate even the tolerant thought of the hesitant crusader who, momentarily, doubts the total evil of the enemy he is about to eliminate. p. 21

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    The era of revolution by military means produced a greater degree of desperation and frustration. This was brought to an end by the people.

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    Peace is a deeper reality than violence." p. 231

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    Perhaps you couldn't help being angry... but you could certainly stop yourself from repaying one offense with another.

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    Religion (dharma) means to give happiness in any way to any living being. And to hurt any living being in any way is wrong doing (non-religion). This definition of religion is all one needs to understand.

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    The conundrum of the twenty-first (century) is that with the best intentions of color blindness, and laws passed in this spirit, we still carry instincts and reactions inherited from our environments and embedded in our being below the level of conscious decision. There is a color line in our heads, and while we could see its effects we couldn’t name it until now. But john powell is also steeped in a new science of “implicit bias,” which gives us a way, finally, even to address this head on. It reveals a challenge that is human in nature, though it can be supported and hastened by policies to create new experiences, which over time create new instincts and lay chemical and physical pathways. This is a helpfully unromantic way to think about what we mean when we aspire, longingly, to a lasting change of heart. And john powell and others are bringing training methodologies based on the new science to city governments and police forces and schools. What we’re finding now in the last 30 years is that much of the work, in terms of our cognitive and emotional response to the world, happens at the unconscious level.

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    The enlightened ones (Vitraag Lords) tells us to use the weapon of non-violence (ahinsa) against violence (hinsa). Violence cannot be conquered with violence. It can only be conquered with non-violence.

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    The first principal of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating.

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    The greatest violence (hinsa) in this world is that of anger-pride-deceit-greed (kashays – the ones that gives pain to soul).

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    The most awful tyranny is that of the proximate Utopia where the last sins are currently being eliminated and where, tomorrow, there will be no more sins because all the sinners will have been wiped out. p. 22

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    There is nothing more powerful than non-violence (ahinsa) and nothing weaker than violence (hinsa). Who is weak in this world? One who is egoistic. Who is powerful in this world? One who is non-egoistic.

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    The path of nonviolence is the path of respect. It is respect towards every being. It is the path of awakening the consciousness of every being.

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    There is no such thing as a "just" war. It's just war. And it's antithetical to the Gospel.

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    There's plenty of food, other than non-vegetarian, here, on this earth. So, don't hurt, kill and eat animals to increase your girth

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    The world has always been ruled by violent people just as a jungle is ruled by a lion. Non-violent people have always had to submit to the onslaught of the violent people and lose their honour.The rule of non-violence i as utopian as the sheep ruling a jungle over lions.

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    Violence only attacks the body, but it is non-violence that has the power to influence the soul and reshape it towards a peaceful future.