Best 134 quotes in «stress relief quotes» category

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    A deep breath is a technique with which we minimize the number of instances where we say what we do not mean … or what we really think.

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    Ask yourself if you’re taking the time to see beyond the surface.

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    A great way to get rid of stress is, every once in a while, do something totally different and unexpected without any prior planning.

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    A peculiarity of the nature of your mind is that, in contrast to your physical constitution (dosha) that is fixed from birth, it can be altered through discrimination and choice.

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    As psychologist Herb Goldberg reminds us in his book The Hazards of Being Male, 'The male has paid a heavy price for his masculine "privilege" and power.... He is out of touch with his emotions and his body. He is playing by the rules of the male game plan and with lemming-like purpose he is destroying himself--emotionally, psychologically, and physically.

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    As we embrace our passions and delve into the mystery of life, we unite with the majestic complexity of nature; and if we follow the signs, this can help us understand who we really are.

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    As you're the employer of your body, the fastest way to start enjoying life starts with figuring how to cut back the hours of stress.

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    A few months ago, at the end of a very stressful period both at work and in her private life, she had sat down and thought about what changes might make her happier. pg15

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    A good way to overcome stress is to help others out of theirs.

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    Anger is the only emotion many men allow themselves to express. Growing up, we are taught to avoid anything that is seen as the least bit feminine. We are taught that men 'do' while women 'feel.' We learn to keep all emotions under wraps, to see them as unmanly. We cannot show we are hurt, afraid, worried, or panicked. The feeling we are allowed to express without being called feminine is anger. When men experience IMS, anger is often the primary emotion.

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    Anxiety is a state of apprehension, uncertainty, and fear resulting from the anticipation of a realistic or fantasized threatening event or situation. Often, men will appear confident and self-assured to others but actually be living with a great deal of worry and fear.

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    A positive attitude may not solve all our problems but that is the only option we have if we want to get out of problems. -Subodh Gupta author "Stress Management a holistic approach -5 steps plan".

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    As you notice your whole being, your entirety, your wise inner nature, there are messages there for you. Quietly give permission for your wholeness, your entirety, to share its deepest wisdom.

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    Authenticity reduces stress and produces faith in oneself and in the potential to grow and learn.

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    Awareness, Acceptance, Alternatives, and Actions are the four habits necessary to become Type Me.

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    Awareness is the first step in rewriting old stories.

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    Dedicate each day to living relaxed and worry-free. Consciously open your heart to the flow of Creation and Creation's energy. By doing so you have the power to create each day, one day at a time.

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    By observing your judging mind, you can avoid automatically buying into these negative judgments...This transforms your experience of stress by taking the terror and panic out of it.

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    Every time you get angry with yourself for where you are in your process of growth, it’s the equivalent of chopping off the head of the rose because it hasn’t bloomed yet. Now you have to go through that part of the process again. Anger will set you back every time and slow down your growth. However, self-compassion and self-encouragement are like water and sunshine; they help the growth process happen faster and easier. It’s up to you how you want to proceed, but if you can break the habit of getting angry with yourself and replace it with some compassion and encouragement, then you will bloom like you have never bloomed before.

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    Evolution has geared the human stress response to last about thirty seconds. It's enough time to facilitate fight or flight. Evolution has not adapted our brains or bodies to handle weeks or months of prolonged stress.

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    Fear melts like ice when we allow love's divine light to shine upon our ignorance.

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    Feeling good about yourself is the best sleeping pill of all.

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    For all the types of pain that can lead to suffering there is a solution. Through opening our hearts with compassion to the pain that life brings, we can truly cure our pain and avoid our suffering. Then we can walk in the valley of love and experience the vast space within our heart.

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    Genuine, authentic relating enlivens the spirit.

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    Here's how it works. Your immune system protects you from all kinds of nasty bugs and helps repair tissue that has been damaged by injury or surgery. When a problem develops somewhere, your body does the equivalent of calling 911. The alarm sounds, and the immune system springs into action. The first responders, the white blood cells, travel to the site of the problem. As weapons, some of the cells released a shower of powerful free radicals (called an oxidative burst) that aids in the destruction of invading microorganisms and damaged tissue.

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    If you end up doing only one thing from this entire book, let it be this: stop being angry with yourself. That alone is enough to radically alter your health, your relationships, your job, and your life. Don’t be angry with yourself for not saying the right thing. Don’t be angry with yourself for forgetting to do something you said you would do. Don’t be angry with yourself for not finishing that project as fast as everyone else at work. Don’t be angry with yourself for finishing school late, for being unemployed, for being single. Don’t be angry with yourself for not saying what you wanted to say or not doing what you wanted to do. Regardless of what choices you have made, let go of the habit of self-anger. It doesn’t serve you. It never has and it never will.

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    I look through the old record collection my dad gave me. Stress relief. I shuffle through the albums feverishly and find what I'm looking for-the Proclaimers. I chuck it on and watch it spin. The ridiculous first notes of "Five Hundred Miles" come on, and I feel like going berserk. Even the Proclaimers are giving me the shits tonight. Their singing's an abomination.

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    In an age of rampant chronic disease, reconnecting with the Earth's energy beneath our very feet may provide a way back to better health and keeping our bodies in top condition throughout our lives.

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    In life, you’ll have moments of uncertainty when you’re just don’t know what to do or what to choose. You’ll be confused and unsure. Those moments are rare opportunities of possibility. Most of the time, we know what we will decide before it’s even presented to us. We’re so sure of what we want or don’t want that we rarely sit in the openness of possibility. But in the moments when we’re uncertain, in the moments of confusion, anything is possible. Instead of letting that paralyze you, let it inspire you and open you up to a new pathway. It just might be exactly what you need right now.

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    It’s okay if you don’t feel okay. If you feel angry, feel angry. If you feel sad, feel sad. Don’t make yourself wrong for what comes up from within you. If it’s there, it’s there. It won’t just disappear because you don’t want it anymore. It goes away when it’s allowed, when it’s felt, when it’s given permission to pass through. Welcome what you feel, and soon enough it will disappear.

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    It’s time to let go of the idea that you somehow deserve pain or punishment for your past choices. You don’t have to keep reliving them and hurting yourself with it. Torturing yourself doesn’t help you or anyone else. It doesn’t change anything that happened before, and it doesn’t teach you anything in the now. True growth is making better choices in the present because you learned from your past behavior. Redemption is not measured by how much you suffer; it’s measured by how much you’ve grown from who you used to be.

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    Love is at the heart of the world, just as it is at the heart of your life. Your relationships with your lover, your family, your friends, and the world around you define the quality of your emotional wholeness and reflect your relationship with yourself.

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    Majority of people who are easily stressed are the one's who think too much about the problems instead of solutions. Always focus on solutions. - Subodh Gupta, author, "Stress Management A Holistic Approach - 5 Steps Plan

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    Many of us have been burned by love and vowed to keep ourselves safe and not get pulled in again. But, inevitably, we do. Then we vow that this time, it's going to be different. This time, we're not going to make the same mistakes. And things seem wonderful--for a while. But more often than not, the same problems come up over and over.

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    Medical studies have shown that cursing reduces levels of stress and pain. Repressing your anger is not healthy. It's much better to verbalize it, and let off steam. Maybe all that repressed anger is the reason why there are so many serial killers in America.

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    Meditation directly impacts our nervous system by reducing the body's production of stress-related chemicals such as cortisol. It's a great way to recharge our personal battery.

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    Men have a higher death rate than women for nine out of ten leading causes of death: heart disease, cancer, injuries, cerebrovascular disease, chronic lower respiratory disease, diabetes, pneumonia and flu, HIV infection, suicide, and homicide. We all die of something, but if you're a guy, you are more likely to get a serious disease and die from it than are women.

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    Middle age is such a low point for well-being; it's at the bottom of a U-shaped curve that shows greater happiness among the younger and older people.

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    Mindfulness works like a vaccine, boosting natural resilience. You undertake practices that can initially feel odd or counterintuitive. You practise in safe, low-risk ways, stimulating the recovery and growth mechanisms of the human mind and emotions. Meditating builds resilience muscles that are strong enough to kick in during stressful moments in life, when you need them the most.

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    Most of life is an ongoing process of learning. We don’t stop learning once we grow out of childhood and we don’t stop learning once we finish school. Learning is not necessarily a painful process but it can be when we internally punish or abuse ourselves for mistakes. We do this when we forget that: 1. We are always learning. 2. Mistakes are a part of the process of learning. 3. If we knew the right answer, we would use the right answer. 4. Sometimes, the right answer is only revealed by choosing the wrong answer. 5. Maybe then, it wasn’t the wrong answer after all.

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    Nothing is permanent in this world. Everything is changing, so no matter what problem or issue you are having in your life at the moment, it would also change sooner or later but of course you need to take positive action too. -Subodh Gupta author, "Stress Management a Holistic Approach -5 steps Plan".

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    Oh how precious it is… to allow yourself get shuttered in to million fragments, so that you can then rebuild – a better one!

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    Balance is the key to a long and happy life.

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    Because we cannot scrub our inner body we need to learn a few skills to help cleanse our tissues, organs, and mind. This is the art of Ayurveda.

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    Be oblivious to city high-rises, work-related stress and microwave popcorn.

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    Breathing is our participation with the cosmic dance. When our breath is in harmony, cosmos nourishes us in every sense.

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    By simply braking down the task into more manageable pieces much can be accomplished in a year.

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    Chronic pain shatters productive lives. Chronic pain almost always is accompanied by depression, anxiety, frustration, fatigue, isolation, and lowered self-esteem.

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    Do not rent out your brain to stress and fear, they do not pay.

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    Don't let the excess of demand make you loose your command and get you further from what you've planned.