Best 134 quotes in «pirates quotes» category

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    A good pirate fights back," said Jasper, "and a good pirate finds treasure.

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    Alexander Smollett, master; David Livesey, ship's doctor; Abraham Gray, carpenter's mate; John Trelawney, owner; John Hunter and Richard Joyce, owner's servants, landsmen--being all that is left faithful of the ship's company--with stores for ten days at short rations, came ashore this day and flew British colours on the log-house in Treasure Island. Thomas Redruth, owner's servant, landsman, shot by the mutineers; James Hawkins, cabin boy--' And at the same time, I was wondering over poor Jim Hawkins' fate.

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    A heart? Peppone knows where one is to be met with. There is always someone in the black market in need of dying early.

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    And it sucks, because I want to kiss her. It's infuriating how perfect it would be to kiss her right now, perched on a cannon on a pirate ship under the stars. That sounds like something off the pages of an adventure novel. But my life isn't one of those stories. My story is a hurricane, and here with Swift is just the eye.

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    All right boys, let’s sail away! Show those bastards how airship pirates fly a ship!

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    An iron? Was he kidding? God

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    A moving object will continue in a straight line unless something happens to knock it off its course. Some say this is also true of stories. (From Aldebran Boswell's Book of Scientific Knowledge)

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    A wounded animal yet bears teeth

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    Because...” he used to cradle his daughter in his arms every morning and often they would exchange soft nuances “...if you can dream it, if you can see it in your visions at night, if you can feel it in your soul, it’s yours! And it never really belonged to anyone else, in the first place! It was always yours!” Viera returned her scroll to the drawer and closed it, she kissed the compass around her neck and climbed into her bed under the warm quilts, the candle flame crackled and the memories of her father’s arms around her embraced her there in bed and his deep, hoarse voice resounded in her ears; “... and if you chance upon a treasure that is yours and it happens to be in the possession of someone else, it’s not very wrong to take what is yours, to take what you dreamed, what you saw in your visions at night, what you felt visit you in your spirit! Sure, it’s not lawful, but aye aye my little one, listen to me when I tell you that the best things in life are not under the laws of any sort! For which law created love? Which law created courage? The best things, the real things, are the things that are not measured by any man’s laws! Fear is the only thing that any law has ever created! And what kind of pirates would we all be if we were afraid of any of our fears, even a little!

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    Copyright Promotes Creativity by Proscribing the Right to Copy

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    Create a Piracy Free World fora Creative Tomorrow

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    Among Violet's many useful skills was a vast knowledge of different types of knots. The particular knot she was using was called the Devil's Tongue. A group of female Finnish pirates invented it back in the fifteenth century, and named it the Devil's Tongue because it twisted this way and that, in the most complicated and eerie way.

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    A short life and a merry one at that!

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    Avevamo, poi, due formidabili alleati: il rum e il clima. Per quanto riguarda il primo, pur essendo lontani quasi un miglio, potevamo sentirli urlare a squarciagola e cantare fino a notte fonda; per quanto riguarda il secondo, il dottore si giocava la parrucca che, accampati nella palude, e privi com'erano di medicine, nel giro di una settimana la metà di essi si sarebbero ritrovati stesi.

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    Because my division watches immortals like your crew. It’s in the government’s best interest to keep tabs on people who could potentially be assets someday. Which is why I’m here.” He turned to Colton again. “I can use my contacts to locate the group holding the Holy Grail, but the American government can’t be tied to the recovery effort in any way.” “So what are you sayin’?” Colton held his breath. “I’m saying who better to steal it back than a band of pirates?

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    Can you imagine those poor bastards grappling their prey, leaping over the rails, swords in hand, screaming 'Your cats! Give us all your god-damned cats!

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    Don’t laugh at me. Is it proper etiquette for an angel to laugh at someone in a state of Penzance? Penzance? Are you a pirate?

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    Char chuckled. “If I didn’t know better, I might think you wanted my judgment to be impaired. I told you rum was my weakness in confidence.” “In my defense”—he leaned in closer, his voice for her alone—“I am a pirate.

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    Charity followed the pirate. To salvation or to hell, she would soon find out.

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    First rule of a pirate’s mate, keep yer eye on yer destination, not yer doom.

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    He finally had a reason to live, just in time to die.

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    He is dead, right?" "Graveyard dead," Bran admitted without a hint of remorse. "Oh, forgive us," Rick murmured, crossing himself. "Forgiveness is between him and God," Bran insisted. "It was my job to arrange the meeting." "Man on Fire," Maddy blurted.

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    He is so beautiful," she thought, aching from the sadness that she saw in his eyes. In the late-afternoon sunlight, those eyes were almost green. She took his face in her hands and pulled him to her, claiming the kiss she had so desperately wanted the day before but had forgotten in the heat of the moment. She closed her eyes and felt him respond to her mouth, his tongue seeking hers.

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    He looked up at the stars as the storm closed in and saw them extinguished, one-by-one, until just two remained. They glimmered and shone through gaps in the clouds like two great eyes in the darkness, burning on a demon’s face that chased him across the sea.

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    Eugenie looked great, her short spiky auburn hair edged with conservative blond tips and her face wearing a minimum of makeup. Must be Mr. Natural’s influence. I gave her a hug and turned to meet Quince, who was sitting across from her. Okay, I could see the attraction. He had thick, honey-blond hair pulled back in a ponytail not unlike my own, and a green gemstone stud in one ear. He reached out a grasped my hand, shaking it firmly. “It’s great to meet you. Eugenie talks about you all the time.” “She talks a lot about you too, Quince.” The man had no idea. He smiled and his blue-green eyes were almost enthralling. “Most people call me Rand, but Eugenie likes my real name better than my nickname.” After a half hour of small talk, I wasn’t sure I liked Quince Randolph. He was drop-dead gorgeous, no question about that. But there was something off about him I couldn’t quite pinpoint. He stared too hard when he talked to you, made my eye contact than a normal person. I tried to dig into his head a little but came up blank, which was weird, except I’d done a heavy grounding ritual this morning. “You know, I just noticed something.” Eugenie had a funny look on her face. “You guys have the same hair and eye colo. I’d never realized it till I saw you sitting there across from each other.” “Maybe we’re very distantly related.” Rand smiled. “I doubt it,” I said, frowning. “I don’t have much family. And if we were related, I’d be pissed off that you have better cheekbones.

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    Everybody clapped enthusiastically and Dr. Marx popped up from behind the podium, where he had been hiding all along. He was the hairiest man the pirates had ever seen. Several of the crew were actually worried for a moment that the Seaweed That Walked Like a Man had returned from one of their previous adventures to ambush them. His nose was hairy. His forehead was hairy. Even his hands were hairy. And his beard was a great bushy black number, which looked like he had sellotaped a bunch of cats to the bottom of his face and then frightened them with a loud noise.

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    Fate was a damn bitch, waiting until he had something worth living for before making death an option again.

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    He pointed at the caiques, but Peppone declined the librarian’s offer, saying only, “Do you think the proprietor of the inn where we met will report us?” “The money I left him was more than enough to silence his alarms,” said Danaco. “Gold has an amazing habit of altering memories.

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    He pulled out handcuffs and snapped them around my wrists. "Where's your bag? You didn't bring your staff?" "I have it. It's hidden." Charlie was currently tucked inside the leg of my Harry Potter pajama bottoms, which were beneath my jeans, but that fell under the category of TMI.

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    He’s going to kill me,” Peppone murmured, his jaw drooping, “or at least send out the order to have someone take care of me. Well,” with a sigh, “might as well get rid of this body before the others wake up.” He canted his head and mused to himself. “Maybe I should carve it up first.” “At long last,” Bartleby cried, raising his eyes and wringing his hands, “somebody who has no regard for collective conscience and general morality. Oh, happy, happy morning!” “Take care, Peppone,” Danaco laughed, “if you have so little regard for life and the creatural condition, Bartleby will attach himself to you and never leave you for a moment.

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    He’s violent and unpredictable. He hit you once-hard. Oh, sure he saved your life later but it was in his beat interests. Plus, you have absolutely no common sense where he is concerned, and we won’t even mention the dead thing.

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    I am a Pirate, A Pirate of Bollywood

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    I am Not a Pirate, I merely watch movies and delete them. Never store them on my computer.

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    I came, I saw, I copied, and I left

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    I’d been called a freak, and worse, all through school. Now that I’d finally graduated, I was sick of it. I’d hoped that no one would ever call me names again. Oh well, if wishes were flying monkeys, we’d all be wearing tiny hats.

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    I fear it is the end for us,’ wailed Marx as the bears inched closer. ‘Is this the way you saw yourself going. Pirate Captain: ‘In fact,’ said the Captain grumpily, ‘it’s pretty much the exact situation I usually try to cheer myself up with when I’m in a bit of a fix. “At least you’re not about to be eaten by bears and/or fall into a replica volcano,” I tell myself. So now I’ve got to come up with an even worse scenario, which is a nuisance.

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    If someone drowned at sea a couple of hundred years ago they’d either start to decompose immediately or they’d get eaten by fish or other scavengers. The bones would eventually sink down to the seabed and either be slowly buried by marine silt or broken down further over the years, but the flesh would one way or another eventually become water, which would evaporate into clouds and then rain down upon the earth once again to become plants and flowers. The flowers in your garden could once have been famous pirates such as Blackbeard or Calico Jack.

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    If England had not used the services of privateers and pirates during its long struggle with Spain, there is some likelihood that people today in North America would be speaking Spanish rather than English.

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    If the pirate with a scarf had been more poetically minded he’d have thought that her eyes were like a thousand emeralds, glittering in a far-off pirate treasure chest. But he wasn’t, so he just thought that she had really really green eyes, a bit like seaweed.

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    He shrugged. "It is usually not a pleasant emotion I find myself filled with." "And now? Do you feel it now?" "Oui. It is pleasant. I have no name for it. Can you name yours?" "Oui." I bit my lip. I was hesitant to speak it, as I had always been soundly rebuked for it before. "Love." He took a long breath and studied the horizon. I cringed inwardly. "You are sure?" he asked. "Oui." "You have felt this before?" "Oui, and it has gone unanswered...every time." His eyes were filled with trepidation when they found mine. "Not this time.

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    I haven't don anything wrong." At least, not for a few hours

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    Imagination is a deadly weapon, it pays to keep it sharp.

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    Imagine the stories if we succeed.

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    If you could see your whole life laid out before you, there’d be no reason to live it, right?

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    I’m also Sturmhond, commander of the Volkvony, scourge of the True Sea.’ 'Scourge?’ 'Well, I’m vexing at the very least.

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    I lifted a brow. “You’re not going to try to blow up our ship, are you?

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    In his time the Pirate Captain had made a number of dramatic entrances of his own – not always intentional it had to be said, as quite often they were the result of him accidentally setting himself on fire – but even he had to admit that Cutlass Liz’s dramatic entrance set an extremely high dramatic-entrance standard.

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    In medieval times, contrary to popular belief, most knights were bandits, mercenaries, lawless brigands, skinners, highwaymen, and thieves. The supposed chivalry of Charlemagne and Roland had as much to do with the majority of medieval knights as the historical Jesus with the temporal riches and hypocrisy of the Catholic Church, or any church for that matter. Generally accompanied by their immoral entourage or servants, priests, and whores, they went from tourney to tourney like a touring rock and roll band, sports team, or gang of South Sea pirates. Court to court, skirmish to skirmish, rape to rape. Fighting as the noble's substitution for work.

  • By Anonym my own perilous position, and above all, in the remarkable game that I saw Silver now engaged upon-keeping the mutineers together with one hand, and grasping, with the other, after every means, possible and impossible, to make his peace and save his miserable life.

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    In un angolo remoto, cupamente illuminato dai bagliori della fiamma, vidi un gran mucchio di monete e quadrilateri costruiti con lingotti d'oro. Era quello il tesoro di Flint che eravamo venuti a cercare da così lontano, e che diciassette uomini della Hispaniola avevano già pagato con la vita. Quante vite era costato accumularlo, quanto sangue e quante sofferenze, quante ottime navi colate a picco, quanti uomini valorosi avevano fatto per causa sua la passerella bendati, quanti colpi di cannone erano stati sparati, e quante cose vergognose, e menzogne, e crudeltà erano state commesse - ebbene, questo nessuno forse potrà mai dirlo. Eppure vi erano tre persone su quell'isola - Silver, il vecchio Morgan e Ben Gunn - che avevano ciascuno preso parte a quei crimini e che, come tutti, avevano sperato invano di prendere parte alla ricompensa.