Best 40 quotes in «puzzle quotes» category

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    Any new problem is a new puzzle.

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    Creativity is not intelligence, it is the ability to do what you did not know through the use of what you know.

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    As a therapist, I have many avenues in which to learn about DID, but I hear exactly the opposite from clients and others who are struggling to understand their own existence. When I talk to them about the need to let supportive people into their lives, I always get a variation of the same answer. "It is not safe. They won't understand." My goal here is to provide a small piece of that gigantic puzzle of understanding. If this book helps someone with DID start a conversation with a supportive friend or family member, understanding will be increased.

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    Ever since I was young I enjoyed solving puzzles and having the pleasure to see the bigger picture afterwards. But even after all that, I found that life could be the most challenging puzzle we have to face. It's one of those things that even if you have all the pieces and could see the whole picture, it still takes time and patience to solve it. At times, we feel more at ease not knowing the whole picture, not knowing the whole level of difficulty or number of pieces that we're missing, but just building up one piece at a time. The problem with this approach is that the only clues that we have for matching two pieces are the shape and a small glimpse of the image. We so often find comfort in building up the corners and the borders but very rarely do we adventure in the middle of the puzzle. We'd rather work little by little holding on to our safe border and only move towards the center when the pieces are still in touch with our borders or roots. On the other hand, you could be one of those people that just jumps in the middle and builds up on every piece you have in order to get small portions of the truth of the bigger picture every now and then. Not having your borders or corners in place might mean that you don't need to know your limits in order to realize that the puzzle will one day come to an end. Nevertheless, every piece is equally important and it gets handed to you at a time where you have at least some matching piece. That doesn't mean you should only focus on one point or piece and limit your possible connections. Spread out and you will find even more connections. The truth of the puzzle information comes in different shapes and colors but in the end it's all connected. Information might be divided, spread out in different areas, different people, different experiences. What's important to remember is that every piece is meant for you. You might throw it on the side now and use it later, but it will forever remain a part of your bigger picture. Work on your puzzle, with patience and care in moving forward and with a hopeful spirit that it will all work out in the end for your highest good!

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    Every chaos has an order hidden in it. What we see as a chaos, is actually driven by a very disciplined and dedicated order of things. What we need to do is focus on the stuff before us, make our way through this chaos, and that order will sort itself out for us

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    Every problem is a new puzzle to solve

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    Every person I ever knew or had come across always spoke about falling in love with the rain. They dreamt of dancing in it like there is no tomorrow but I never heard someone speaking about falling in love with a wildfire. No, it is not for the weaker ones. The moment you fall in love with the wildfire, it starts burning everything that you have ever built or grown all these years around you. It changes the way you had always imagined and looked at how the love would be, making you end up homeless. It makes you a weakness intertwined with strength, a love intertwined with hatred. It makes you a puzzle that you yourself could never solve.

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    Famine sometimes increases the number of people who are overweight.

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    I am a puzzle and a conundrum and a thunderstorm.

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    I know the strategy, I know the logic, I know the way but everything is on theory, but fuck me without action it's just a one peace which isn't assembled!

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    In every problem, there's a concealed solution...locking itself underneath...unlock,peruse,find and solve.

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    Love ceases to be a Puzzle the Moment you find the Missing Piece.

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    Every problem is a new puzzle.

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    I find so many opportunities to fall, to falter, and fail when I refuse to surrender to change. Change will come into my room and rearrange my tidy world. Then like dominoes, one things changed falls upon another until it feels like the world is collapsing around me. But when I yield, when I surrender to the necessary change, I can stand back and look at the beautiful picture created by what seemed to be my world falling apart.

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    If the pieces do not fit into your puzzle... Try a different picture

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    In one Family to have two bad cops or one bad and one good cop are the world bad idea. Ever thought, in one family the people must show their child or children the rules to give them answers and the other to be left as a puzzle - So the question is can you Solve it?

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    Intellectual growth is when you surpass the barrier of puerility, puzzling people with your dazzling creativity.

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    No, no. Not a genius. This is like what reading is like for you. You look at the squiggles and loops, and the puzzle opens until suddenly nothing means something, something more than the sum of the parts, right? I see one hunk of metal and then another, and the puzzle opens. They turn in my mind and just make sense. Together they all mean something.

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    Probably I share a lot of stuff I haven't count them exactly but probably you understand the few. Why??? Let me guess that you don't understand horror you take it like horror nothing else, I can tell you horror isn't really a horror. It's a lesson, but can you find it in this puzzle?? Or riddle?

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    Puzzles’ are bound to arise for everyone, but how does the puzzle get solved, that much science if people get to know, it is more than enough.

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    Remember what I give it's a part of the puzzle. What I give is a part of the lise, what I give is a lesson!

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    Maybe I'm not so different from everyone else after all. It's like somebody gave me a puzzle, but I don't have the box with the picture on it. So I don't know what the final thing is supposed to look like. I'm not even sure if I have all the pieces.

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    Of course. Treasure hunts make much better stories when there’s treasure at the end.

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    Our purpose in mortality collectively, is to pioneer godliness; with each of our unique personalities and perspectives, we are searching out the pieces of the divine puzzle. Possibly before this life is over, but certainly after, there will be a great collaboration, and we will all bring our pieces of the puzzle together that we have found. Each piece on its own is quite an odd spectacle, but together they are beautiful and amazing—the whole mystery of mortality and eternal life. ‘What pieces are you holding? What good have you found? Bring it together and we will all rejoice.

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    People lose their powers (siddhi) by nagging; therefore know ‘as it is’. Know all these relations as being worldly (laukik, of the non-Self), and do not believe them to be beyond-worldly relations (alaukik, of the Self). Discover that something whereby you experience peace amidst the puzzle. This discovery is indeed within you.

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    Someone. Everyone. Anyone. No-one. One. One can't be everyone, but there isn't more than one everyone, at the same time. And at the same time no-one can't be someone, but anyone can be one, and also anyone can be a no-one. To sum up - everyone is someone, and any-one becomes a no-one if you divide the one part long enough by every part of every-one, so in conclusion, I have no idea what I’m talking about, basically.

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    Sometimes the hardest pieces of a puzzle to assemble, are the ones missing from the box.

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    The world is the puzzle, itself. The one who solves this ‘puzzle’ attains the degree of Parmatma [the Absolute Supreme Self].

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    Tanpamu, rasanya ada yang kurang. Seolah-olah kau adalah potongan puzzle yang paling penting dalam hidupku. -Nakagawa Toshi

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    The life could be unique, incrediable, awesome, irreplaceable and gorgeous. Without "Easy-Peasy", by putting all people to solve puzzles for example. Somebody asks you a question like "Who is Janne WillDrog?" you answer like that "Never had a future, never went to library, never had a chance to be part of the White House. The White Costumed guy knows the answer!" - The find answer you must solve the riddle and to assemble the puzzle!

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    The piece of you that loves a part of me tries its best to hold onto the rest, but my heart is a thousand-piece puzzle of a faraway galaxy, deep purple, colors blending together and impossible to place.

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    There are certain truths that occurs to us, which we cannot convey in words, but requires a personal experience to grasp more vividly.

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    We both know... that soon everything is going to end... ... This chat will be in the past... but what to do on that riddle or puzzle or mystery...????

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    Who hides a ring? Who sets up this whole cockamamie production with puzzle pieces and treasure hunts and who knows what else over a ring?

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    We fall in love and let our minds fall apart.. We let ourselves fall, and keep falling.. Our minds are caught by one another, mixed up in a random puzzle, piece by piece put together into a different reality.

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    When the servants break the cups and saucers, a ‘puzzle’ arises within. Who really breaks the cups and saucers? Who runs this world? One does not know that and inbetween, the ‘guest’ (of this world) does worries.

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    When you make weirdness into a puzzle to be solved, you make LOST

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    Why have all the pieces joined together to create such a cruel fate?

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    Willow Mosby, when I look at you, all of the broken pieces fit back together.

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    Winston Breen was solving a puzzle, but then Winston Breen was always solving a puzzle.