Best 1296 quotes in «bed quotes» category

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    Truly, one gets easier accustomed to a silken bed than to a sack of leaves.

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    Two fairies were sleeping peacefully on his bed. Dinnie was immediately depressed. He knew that he did not have enough money to see a therapist.

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    Unlike furious thin-lipped feminists, I tend not to draw distinctions between men and women, apart from in bed where you really do need to spot the difference.

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    Up late talking to the fans on a website, That's the only thing that send ya man off to bed right

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    Usura slayeth the child in the womb It stayeth the young man's courting It hath brought palsey to bed, lyeth between the young bride and her bridegroom

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    Vittoria slipped off her robe. 'You've never been to bed with a yoga master, have you?

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    Wake up determined. Go to bed satisfied.

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    We are likely to feel better when we go to bed tonight if we have an internal sense that we spent our lives meaningfully today.

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    Wake up with a plan of action, go to bed with satisfaction.

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    Wealth and Content are not always Bed-fellows.

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    We are not afraid to look under the bed, or to wash the sheets; we know that life is messy. We know that somebody has to clean it up, and that only if it is cleaned up can we hope to start over, and get better.

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    We even talked like Hemingway characters, though in travesty, as if to deny our discipleship: That is your bed, and it is a good bed, and you must make it and you must make it well. Or: Today is the day of the meatloaf. The meatloaf is swell. It is swell but when it is gone the not-having meatloaf will be tragic and the meatloaf man will not come anymore.

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    Wearily she went to bed, wearily she arose in four or five hours' time. But with the morning came hope, and a brighter view of things.

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    We could have made it to the Arizona border in a few more hours if we hadn't been distracting each other with stupid little arguments. Don't get me wrong; I liked J.Lo fine. I've made that bed. But I'm not sure there's a person in the world I could be with twenty-four hours a day for three weeks without getting a little snippy. If I ever meet such a person, I'm marrying them.

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    Wedlock is the deep, deep peace of the double bed after the hurly-burly of the chaise lounge.

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    We are sitting on our honeymoon bed in the honeymoon suite. We are in a state of honeymoon, in our honey month. These words are so sweet: honey, moon. This bed is so big, we could live on it. We have been happily marooned -- honey marooned -- on this bed for days.

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    Wedlock: the deep, deep peace of the double bed after the hurly-burly of the chaise longue.It doesn't matter what you do in the bedroom as long as you don't do it in the street and frighten the horses.

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    Well a lot of females complain about getting into the business, like men producers always wanna get (in bed) with them before, but it wasn't like that for me, I was good from start so I had no problems when it came to recording.

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    Well, feel this, why don't you? Feel how it feels to have a bed to sleep in and somebody there not worrying you to death about what you got to do each day to deserve it. Feel how that feels. And if that don't get it, feel how it feels to be a colored woman roaming the roads with anything God made liable to jump on you. Feel that.

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    Well I was an asthmatic child. So that for most of my childhood I was in bed. Bedridden.

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    Well, it so happens that I have had a spinal curvature since I was about thirteen and every once in a while that has given me some trouble, and at that time it began to kick up again. and occasionally I have to get into bed and nurse a severe backache.

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    Well, one gets out of bed and the planets don't always hiss or muck up the day, each day.

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    Well, what? Sophie-" "I hit her on the head with a mirror," Sophie said hopelessly. "One of those silver-backed ones, so it was quite heavy. She went down just like a stone, miss. So I...I tied her to the bed and I came looking for you.

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    Wendy Doniger has spent decades collecting not only myths from ancient texts but stories of all kinds from novels, movies, newspapers about an old mystery: what has or hasn't happened in bed for centuries. Rich in insights about sex, lies, and personal identity, the result is entertaining, enthralling, and, yes, sexy.

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    We pass more women with swollen bellies hurrying towards the godshouse and Arjuro presses a kiss to Tariq's outstretched fingers. 'She's mocking me, runt of our litter,' Arjuro tells him. 'The Oracle is mocking me for choosing a man to share my bed. And her punishment is that I spend the rest of eternity staring between the legs of women.

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    We say the United States is a rich country, but how can we be rich when millions of poor American children go to bed hungry?

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    We should look at the Twitter records of Andrew Fraser. Clearly, the ship was on remote control, because he spent all of his time on Twitter. He used to Twitter in the chamber. He used to Twitter at night. He used to Twitter probably in bed at home, but I am not going to go any further there.

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    Whatever it is that you're passionate about, whatever it is that you absolutely love, and whatever it is that you would get up out of bed every day and do for free, you should try to figure out a way to make money at it and give it a shot.

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    What gnashing is not a comfort, what gnawing of the worm is not a tickling, what torment is not a marriage bed to this damnation, to be secluded eternally, eternally, eternally from the sight of God?

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    What is success? It is being able to go to bed each night with your soul at peace

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    What makes me happy is just curling up in with my mom in her bed and watching a marathon of 'CSI' and 'Grey's Anatomy' episodes with pints of ice cream.

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    What's going on?" I sat down on the bed and finished the last of the scone. "Bad things," she said mischievously. "You'll approve.

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    What were all the world's alarms To mighty Paris when he found Sleep upon a golden bed That first dawn in Helen's arms?

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    Whenever I have free time, I love to just lay in my bed and watch YouTube videos, watch movies. Just basically do nothing.

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    When I come home and I'm tired from filming all day, I expect her to be there and make sure everything is cool for me. You know, like drawing my bath and helping me into bed.

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    When I go to bed, I ask God to give me one more day tomorrow. When I get it, I'm excited and grateful.

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    When I saw her I was in love with her. Everything turned over inside of me. She looked toward the door, saw there was no one, then she sat on the side of the bed and leaned over and kissed me.

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    When I told my wife she was lousy in bed - she went out - she got a second opinion.

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    When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim`s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. Of course, she did. This is the day of the Reaping.

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    When I turned 45, I lay in bed reflecting on all life had taught me. My soul sprang a leak and ideas flowed out. My pen simply caught them and set the words on paper. I typed them up and turned them into a newspaper column of the 45 lessons life taught me. When I hit 50, I added five more lessons and the paper ran the column again.

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    When I was 5 years old I would lie in bed, look at the radio, and I wanted to be on the radio. I don't know why.

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    When I was growing up, I would listen to a different album almost every night. I would do the full album experience before I went to bed and that's how I would discover a lot of music. I would kind of go into another world with my headphones on.

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    When I was playing I felt tired all the time. My recovery period was a lot longer than the other players. They'd be ok after an hour - I'd have to stay in bed till the next session.

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    When I was nine or 10, I had jumped off of a bunk bed and shattered and dislocated my shoulder. That was on the same arm as the cast was on, which I didn't really put together until I was really starting to feel a little uncomfortable in my shoulder area, and then I was like, "Oh, this cast is on that arm. That's what that is about.

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    When i was younger i remember once i went to bed and i was so happy that i laughed myself to sleep.

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    When my life does get frantic and busy, there's always time to fit something in, even if it means getting up 15 minutes earlier. I get out of bed, do a few Asanas and then do a little bit of mediation. I just structure it into the day. It's really, really simple.

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    When our bed is made, it's covered in 40 pillows-like we're stockpiling ammo for the global pillow fight.

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    When push-off comes to shove-off, a man must have a reason to get out of bed in the mornings, something more than the threat of bedsores, at any rate.

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    When things get bad enough, your only resort is to lie in bed and start praying.

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    When you go to bed tonight, ask yourself 'What percentage of my day did I spend creating residual income?' If the answer is ZERO, you're in trouble.