Best 130 quotes of Channing Tatum on MyQuotes

Channing Tatum

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    Channing Tatum

    Actually I have a tradition that I always steal my last costume on the last day of filming.

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    Channing Tatum

    A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints' was the first real actor-actor part I did, and I hope I to do more. Action movies are fun, but I'd be happy not to do them if there are better roles.

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    Channing Tatum

    All of my films I've made have had an element of physicality and action but I really enjoy the drama of it because it's where I feel I'm really doing something.

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    Channing Tatum

    American audiences love period pieces. America doesn't have a lot of old things. It's a new country so I think we're a little bit fascinated by that.

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    Channing Tatum

    Any teen gets into a little trouble here and there. It's not hard to find trouble when you're looking for it as a kid.

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    Channing Tatum

    As actors you're always afraid to go too far but Lasse Hallstrom wants you to go too far. He wants you to do it wrong, to be over-the-top, and that's so freeing to be able to think 'Now I can try and be bad'. There's no pressure on you and you don't feel you can make a mistake.

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    Channing Tatum

    As much as you can love someone, is as much as you can hate someone. It goes in equal and opposite directions. Like if you love someone so much and they hurt you so bad, then that is as equal as to how much you can have rage for them.

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    Channing Tatum

    Audiences and critics they don't like seeing what happens in real life. Why do you think comedies make all the money at the box office? People want to go and laugh. I can understand that.

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    Channing Tatum

    A well arranged scrapbook, filled with choice selections, is a most excellent companion for anyone who has the least literary taste.

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    Channing Tatum

    But I'm not a tough guy or a street fighter for real. I'm just an actor.

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    Channing Tatum

    But I stuttered as a kid. I went to classes to help it, and it just went away around fourth grade, when I became more aware of how others spoke, I think. But also, growing up in the South, a mumble is a way of speaking.

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    Channing Tatum

    Comedy doesn't come easy for me. I've only done 2 movies that are really comedy-style films and I have to work at them. And they're just as scary in a way. I hate labeling all these things; comedy, love stories, dark drama, whatever.

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    Channing Tatum

    Daniel Day-Lewis and Sean Penn to me are the two best actors of all time. I'm just glad to have the pleasure to be in an era that they're acting while I'm acting. They're probably the best actors in my mind.

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    Channing Tatum

    Emmerich knows how to do "big", but the trick is in making it (movies) both big and fun.

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    Channing Tatum

    Everyone always talks about the speed of New York, and I still walk slow around New York, and everyone is walking faster than me all the time, and I notice it every time we go out.

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    Channing Tatum

    Everyone's a nerd inside. I don't care how cool you are.

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    Channing Tatum

    For a time, it would work well. then it worked less and my pain was more. I would go through wild bouts of depression, horrible comedowns. I understand why kids kill themselves. I absolutely do. You feel terrible. You feel soul-less. "I'll never do it to my child".

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    Channing Tatum

    For me, it's always filmmaker and then character and then story. They're all equally important but if you don't have a great filmmaker, you will not have a great film unless you just get lucky.

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    Channing Tatum

    Getting hurt and narrowly escaping death is sort of a thing for me.

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    Channing Tatum

    Girls were always my biggest distraction in school.

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    Channing Tatum

    I auditioned for a Pepsi commercial, and I got it, and that was incredibly fun. So I thought, Well, maybe I should try this acting thing.

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    Channing Tatum

    I believe in love. I believe in good stories. I play really hard on the weekends because I like to have those stories. My wife and I go off and do craziness all the time. We're just like, 'What can we go get into this weekend?' Then we have other ones where we just sit and do nothing and then we have work that we do. It's all memories.

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    Channing Tatum

    I can sit underneath the shed with all my family, my cousins, and everything, and just be like, "Yeah, this is what it's about - just sitting with people you love and hanging out.

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    Channing Tatum

    I can't do the same movies all my life. I'm conscious of that. But it's a trade-off. 'Dear John' allowed me to do movies I've wanted to do. You learn to balance it out. I'm still learning. Only now am I getting to do the kinds of movies that I have wanted to do. So it's a steady climb. You don't jump into a Soderbergh film.

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    Channing Tatum

    I consider myself a decent athlete but when I started to train martial arts like Kung Fu, I realised it had nothing to do with how athletic you are. It's all mental. It's what you know, how you use it and your mental toughness and composure. It's incredible.

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    Channing Tatum

    I did kung fu from when I was nine to 13. You have to be really careful but you want to be able to make it look eventually as though it's just a part of you. So, you train over and over and over again.

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    Channing Tatum

    I don't ever get the great looking lawyer roles because I've got a thick neck from playing football.

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    Channing Tatum

    I don't know if I've ever written anything that's not a bill! I do write stories but I don't put a stamp on them. I wrote a story for my wife over Christmas and gave it to her as a present because she asked me to, but I don't put a stamp on things and send them to people.

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    Channing Tatum

    I don't know what you're going through life doing if you're not really trying to collect some really great memories.

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    Channing Tatum

    I don't like doing action movies. They're not that interesting... it's fun to do the physical element but the really fun stuff, like running into exploding buildings, they won't let you do. There's too much money riding on you not getting hurt. But yes, there's something exhilarating in just sitting on a beach with somebody having a real conversation. There's something exhilarating about being open and honest.

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    Channing Tatum

    I don't think there's a date minimum or maximum. I don't get the whole 'All right, you've got to wait three days to call after the date.' If I got a number from a girl, I'd call that night. There's no science to it for me. You just do what it is that you feel like doing.

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    Channing Tatum

    I don't want any sports anymore, except fighting which is the only sport I really watch - whether it's boxing or UFC. I don't know why. I think maybe it's an aspiration I didn't get the chance to explore more, but I don't think my father expected anything from me, I think it's more what I put on myself.

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    Channing Tatum

    I don't want to do only movies that I'm in. I definitely want to start to branch out and do TV and stuff that I'm not in and really make a good run at it as a production. I'm probably going to take a break from acting after a little while because I've enjoyed the developmental process so much. It helps you as an actor to learn story and to learn how to really nurture a script and work with a writer so you're not sitting there having to write it yourself and give notes.

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    Channing Tatum

    I do want to take some time and reinvent and get better and maybe get behind the camera a little more. I do want to direct at some point and start failing really early - start shooting videos and then commercials and then hopefully do some narrative.

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    Channing Tatum

    If I can still be successful making films and no-one will ever know me, then that would be great. Because we (actors) just like to do what we do. People who are doing it for fame, I don't know if they ever get really successful.

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    Channing Tatum

    If it wasn't for her literally doing my homework for me, I would not have even graduated high school. Guaranteed . . . My mom always said, 'Luck is nothing but preparation and opportunity.' I think because I've had that history of not really being great in school, I probably try to overcompensate. That's why I try to read so many books. Just so I don't feel . . . uneducated.

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    Channing Tatum

    If my Dad doesn't like you, you will know. My Mom is just too innocent to ever lie. She doesn't even cuss.

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    Channing Tatum

    If you look at any of the greats, from people like Paul Newman and Robert Redford to, you know, Brad Pitt - to get any of the kinds of roles like the ones that they've gotten, or just to be a part of any of the kinds of movies they've made, would be the end-all for me.

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    Channing Tatum

    If you're with someone you don't exactly trust then you have to watch yourself and that's the hardest thing for an actor not to do, and not listen to yourself as you're talking.

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    Channing Tatum

    I grew up in Florida, where if you weren't comfortable dancing, you weren't going to get any girls.

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    Channing Tatum

    I grew up watching 'Braveheart' and 'Gladiator.' Those are my 'Star Wars.' They have values and traits about them that I wish I had.

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    Channing Tatum

    I had people in my life who were insane and negative, but they taught me how not to be, how I didn't want to end up.

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    Channing Tatum

    I have a theory that as nice and sweet as you can be equates to how dangerous you can be.

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    Channing Tatum

    I have the flying dream a lot where I'm jumping off a building and just flying around.

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    Channing Tatum

    I know I will never wear sandals now anywhere. I got in a fight in the back of a grocery store when I was really young, like 14 or something. And I remember my feet were so torn up afterwards because I lost my sandals in the middle of the fight. My toenail was missing. It just sucked.

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    Channing Tatum

    I learned to appreciate repetition. That's why I can dance. It's how I learned to act. I have a high tolerance for repetition.

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    Channing Tatum

    I learned to dance at quinceaƱeras - big [15th] birthday parties for Spanish girls. It was always funny to bring the white guy out [on the floor] and let him look like a fool.

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    Channing Tatum

    I like smaller films better. I don't know why. I think it's the intimacy and there's not this avalanche. It is an avalanche, but it's really myopic. It's really small.

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    Channing Tatum

    I like to be lean. If I get too bulky I can't move well and I like to move. When I'm not training, I get really round and soft.

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    Channing Tatum

    I like vintage stuff. I go through a vintage store and find things that I feel like I fit right into them because of all the years that they've been used.