Best 72 quotes of Glenn Close on MyQuotes

Glenn Close

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    Glenn Close

    Acting, to me, is about the incredible adventure of examining the landscape of human heart and soul. That's basically what we do.

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    Glenn Close

    A huge part of real love is constant forgiveness.

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    Glenn Close

    All great art comes from a sense of outrage.

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    Glenn Close

    All your life you think 60 is ancient, and all of a sudden you find you're 60 and you don't really feel that different. I feel stronger and more engaged. This is the best time of my life.

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    Glenn Close

    And those moments that I find mind busting. Meaning like there's a word that I find in a weird place. I love the process of going to the writer and working that out, because that's just basic communication.

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    Glenn Close

    And when you're with a great crew like we had, it becomes a thrilling, again, collaboration, which is to me one of the great aspects of the process that you go through. I find myself at this point in my career, getting potentially, incredibly bored if I stand around a lot, so that's why I really like the pace of television.

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    Glenn Close

    As an actor, I go where the good writing is. That's the bottom line.

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    Glenn Close

    As far as the difference for me between television and movies, I really thrill to the pace of television. As exhausting as it can be - there was actually one day when we never went to bed.

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    Glenn Close

    Be aware of your inner voice and follow it, even though most of the time it will tell you the most uncomfortable path to choose.

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    Glenn Close

    Because as an actor, I really feel you cannot judge a character. You have to totally commit to that character. And for me to totally commit to the character, I have to find those places where I understand the sequence of behavior.

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    Glenn Close

    Bunny boiler is now part of our language, and I'm proud of that.

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    Glenn Close

    Celebrity is death - celebrity - that's the worst thing that can happen to an actor.

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    Glenn Close

    Good live theater disturbs molecules. You create an energy source around yourself and it alternates between you and the audience. Anybody who sees live theater should come out a little rearranged.

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    Glenn Close

    Good roles are hard to find no matter what age.

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    Glenn Close

    I also have always felt that television has a huge potential for the kinds of audiences that some films would never dream or ever be able to have. So that potential is very exciting to me.

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    Glenn Close

    I am extremely shy. I am not happy in crowds of people.

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    Glenn Close

    I don't have the body or the face for romantic comedies, so I've never been offered those. The challenge is that a lot of people see you only as your last character, so you're constantly competing with whatever your last movie was.

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    Glenn Close

    I don't think the tabloids find me very interesting.

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    Glenn Close

    I get bored talking about myself, but I can talk about the work.

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    Glenn Close

    I grew up with a house full of dogs. My mother was a great nature lover and taught us to have almost a religious sense of respect for the natural world.

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    Glenn Close

    I had a great time on The Shield. From working on it I have a totally different view of law enforcement.

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    Glenn Close

    I have the belief that truly evil people, it's a genetic evil. I only have the experience of exploring the landscape of some of the characters I've played that people have labeled as evil; I don't think they're evil.

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    Glenn Close

    I knew the term Stepford Wife, and I knew what that meant. I never read the book, and I think before I started filming I watched the movie. I thought it was very dated.

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    Glenn Close

    I left the studio at 5:30 in the morning. It's an incredible mind exercise. You have to, obviously, have stamina, but you really feel like you're kind of feeding your mind. It's a challenge of learning lines very fast and then you have to be lose enough to hopefully make good choices in a much shorter amount of time that it takes to film certain scenes.

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    Glenn Close

    I love histories. I love learning. I love books that talk about people who made a real impact on history, because it always has to do with who they were at that time and what their personalities were like and what their strengths and weaknesses were.

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    Glenn Close

    I love Ron Howard, he's a wonderful director, incredibly prepared. But I have to criticize my performance in that movie. It all took place in one day. My character was having a bad day, so she's having a bad day throughout the whole movie. But this was a comedy, and I think I was too serious, too dense. Yes, I think that describes my failure there.

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    Glenn Close

    I love the chemistry that can be created onstage between the actors and the audience. It's molecular even, the energies that can go back and forth. I started in theater and when I first went into movies I felt that my energy was going to blow out the camera.

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    Glenn Close

    I'm fascinated by the First World War because it was supposed to be the war to end all wars, and it was the biggest conflagration that this particular planet had seen. There was a lot of talk about utopia and how it was possible, and then, because of these events that for one reason or another couldn't be stopped, the idea of utopia went out the window.

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    Glenn Close

    I'm not a natural ocean person. I married into a family of swimmers, and I've slowly been drawn into the sea.

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    Glenn Close

    In a recent issue of Parade Magazine when asked for "Advice for a Younger You," Glenn Close responded: "I'd tell myself to listen to my heart. Listen to that little voice that says, 'Mmm, I don't think so.' Because when you override that, you basically override who you are.

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    Glenn Close

    I never wanted to be a man. I feel sorry for them.

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    Glenn Close

    I really think that effective acting has to do literally with the movement of molecules.

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    Glenn Close

    Ismail Merchant was just the most seductive, passionate, outrageous, driven, genius of a man.

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    Glenn Close

    It always amazes me to think that every house on every street is full of so many stories; so many triumphs and tragedies, and all we see are yards and driveways.

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    Glenn Close

    I think Cruella is evil, because she's the devil. But all the other characters, I was able to find a common humanity with them somewhere, knowing where they're most fragile, where they're most vulnerable, knowing some of the things that happened to them that might have formed this kind of behavior.

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    Glenn Close

    I think everybody wants to connect. There is nothing worse than feeling disconnected. And stories that really move people and make people care are the ones where they feel some sort of connection.

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    Glenn Close

    I think every pet lover has an appreciation for nature - I've never met an animal lover who didn't have some kind of connection to the natural world.

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    Glenn Close

    I think having pets helps sensitize people to the natural world.

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    Glenn Close

    I think our family is like a lot of families. We had no vocabulary for mental illness

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    Glenn Close

    I think the diva is kind of a cliche. My definition of a diva is somebody whose talent does not match what they're trying to play, so all this temperament comes out.

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    Glenn Close

    I think there are certain actors that have that kind of energy about them, that taking over a room energy.

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    Glenn Close

    I think there's something thrilling about going into a movie house and seeing everything on such a huge screen. I think we're in a culture now that is confronted with various sizes of screens, the biggest movie houses and then the smallest iPods.

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    Glenn Close

    It is an odd paradox that a society, which can now speak openly and unabashedly about topics that were once unspeakable, still remains largely silent when it comes to mental illness.

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    Glenn Close

    It is very difficult for girls. They're told to look one way, but to act another way.

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    Glenn Close

    It puts you in a kind of a strange situation where everybody is looking at every little thing you do.

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    Glenn Close

    I've always felt that an independent film is a film that almost doesn't get made.

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    Glenn Close

    I've found myself getting more and more cynical about what's happening to the planet - it makes me furious.

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    Glenn Close

    I've often been mistaken for Meryl Streep, although never on Oscar night.

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    Glenn Close

    Just play the moment, that's the fun of it. You just play the moment. It's great writing and very clever writing, I think it's witty. And I have those great clothes. You have a great, witty, intelligent script and you look like a million dollars, because we have a great costumer, and it's a pretty good place to begin.

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    Glenn Close

    My fellow actors inspire me a lot and really good writing inspires me. And then trying to stick to the decision to only do something that I think will challenge me and that I, personally and very subjectively, I think is good not do something because I think it will bring me a lot of money or bring me a lot of awards. I've tried to very, very rigorously be highly subjective about what I do. And that's something that I think I have basically lived by.