Best 1416 quotes in «realizing quotes» category

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    She doesn’t think she’s worthy to live. But she doesn’t realize, she is life.

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    She did not want to be that woman - the one of whom they spoke. She had never planned to be that woman. Somehow, it had happened, however...somehow, she had lost her way and, without realizing it, she had chosen this staid, boring life instead of a different, more adventurous one.

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    She didn't know how much she'd been hoping that he still loved her, until she felt how much it hurt to realize he didn't.

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    She'd realize Steve was her soul mate and that she would never love anyone as much as she loved him.

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    She has always been a bystander in family destruction, never realizing she herself possessed the capacity to inflict it.

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    She has been hanging on to the hope of him for so long that she doesn't realize there isn't anything left to hope for.

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    Since having the babies, I realize that 90 percent of losing weight is my diet.

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    Since the whole village was poor, we didnt realize our own poverty. I was happy.

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    Society takes upon itself the right to inflict appalling punishment on the individual, but it also has the supreme vice of shallowness, and fails to realize what it has done. When the man's punishment is over, it leaves him to himself; that is to say, it abandons him at the very moment when its highest duty towards him begins.

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    So I got into growing grapes, not realizing that there was a heck of a lot more to it than meets the eye.

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    Some do not understand that we must die, But those who do realize this settle their quarrels.

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    Somehow, you realize you can kind of do anything in music. You don't have to be good at a certain thing; you can just do whatever you want.

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    Some movies run off the rails. This one is like the train crash in The Fugitive. I watched it in mounting gloom, realizing I was witnessing something historic, a film that for decades to come will be the punch line of jokes about bad movies.

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    Some men spend their whole life furnishing for themselves the things proper to life without realizing that at our birth each of us was poured a mortal brew to drink.

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    Sin is like a cancer that destroys step by step, sometimes so slowly we don't realize what's happening to us.

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    Smile sometimes when things aren't going well, and maybe realize when they aren't going well, they are.

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    So every year when Christmas comes, I realize a new, the best gift life can offer is having friends like you.

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    Some of us have great runways already built for us. If you have one, take off. But if you don't have one, realize it is your responsibility to grab a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow after you.

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    So I've been pushed farther and farther out into the mountains, but at the same time realizing that that experience is really nice and I'm glad I'm getting pushed out there farther.

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    So I said to myself, "There but for the grace of God go I," only to realize I was looking in a mirror and had seriously overestimated the grace of God.

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    Some relationships aren't true relationships. And it's usually when the other person does something really terrible that you realize it. And that's when it's time to move on.

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    Some of my favorite music is incredibly repetitive, or on the surface has an element of repetition. But once you go beneath the surface, you realize in the repetition is constant variation.

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    Sometimes I go to a test screening and look at the audience in line, and I start to go, "Okay, I bet this is going to work, and this isn't going to work." It's weird, but just going and facing the music and putting it out before a crowd, even before it starts playing, that exercise of putting it up on a screen for people makes you realize things even before it starts rolling. It's really weird. I've heard other people say that, too.

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    Some of my stuff, I realize is just rage.

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    Sometimes, it is an external force that makes you realize your real potential.

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    Sometimes I wish I hadn't said something foolish. It is then that I realize the power of mime.

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    Sometimes people who get wealthy when they are very, very young, it's a curse to them. They don't realize it.

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    Sometimes to realize you were well, someone must come along and hurt you.

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    Sometimes we don’t realize how destructive our creations are until it’s too late. And sometimes those creations we make turn on us and seek only to kill us even though we loved and succored them. (Apollo)

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    Sometimes if you don't physically attempt something, you don't realize how sick to your stomach or how hard it is.

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    Sometimes when you find something you didn't really realize you were looking for, you just don't know how to react.

    • realizing quotes
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    Sometimes you don't realize you've crossed a line until you're on the other side and can't go back.

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    Sometimes you forget how much you love someone, until you realize their smile is like a spotlight shined on your heart.

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    Sometimes you can't realize you're in a bad mood until another person enters your orbit.

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    Sometimes, you don't realize what you have until you wake up and go 'Damn.'

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    Sometimes, you just have to realize, I'm not doing stuff that is really mainstream stuff, and to try and put it out in a mainstream way is almost psychotic.

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    Sometimes you think you know things, know things very deeply, only to realize you don't know a damn thing.

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    So she searches for light, only to realize it's in her, like an ember equipped to ignite.

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    So to conduct one's life as to realize oneself-this seems to me the highest attainment possible to a human being. It is the task of one and all of us, but most of us bungle it.

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    Sometimes we don't even realize what we really care about, because we get so distracted by the symbols.

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    Space is certainly something more complicated than the average person would probably realize. Space is not just an empty background in which things happen.

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    Start working on whatever you hesitate Because there is an ending to every beginning. When you make it to the end, You will realize the hesitation was a waste of time.

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    sometimes we do not realize how much we have to be grateful for until it is threatened.

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    Special-interest publications should realize that if they are attracting enough advertising and readers to make a profit, the interest is not so special.

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    Stay open and curious, and realize that the best is yet to come.

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    Stress is when you wake up screaming and realize you haven't fallen asleep yet

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    Studying the model and realizing it is sometimes very slow in coming for the artist.

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    Success is deciding from the start what end result you want and creating the circumstances to realize that result.

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    Suddenly I realize that everyone in the whole world is, at the end of a day, staring at a dusky horizon, owner of a day that no one else will ever know.

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    Suddenly Ka realized he was in love with İpek. And realizing that this love would determine the rest of his life, he was filled with dread.