Best 45 quotes in «tire quotes» category

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    A blaze first pleases and then tires the sight.

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    All human organs eventually tire, only the tongue doesn't.

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    Amer savoir, celui qu'on tire du voyage! Bitter is the knowledge gained in travelling.

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    A small waist makes you tire easily.

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    Don't tire yourself more than need be, even at the price of founding a culture on the fatigue of your bones.

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    Audiences are my best friends. You never tire of talking with your best friends.

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    Amid thy desert-walks the lapwing flies, And tires their echoes with unvaried cries.

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    Do you not tire of eternity? Do you not wish to end your suffering?" "By leaping into the Void? Not really.

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    I am not a veteran environmentalist. I don't live in a house made of recycled tires, I've never handcuffed myself to a tree, and I don't grow my own organic rutabaga.

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    For if God does not for a moment tire of giving us good things, how can we tire of thanking Him for these good things?

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    I'd definitely pose nude again. No qualms. I actually had my breasts done again. Just updated, like new tires.

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    Go to it. Be bold. Be true. Be kind. Rotate your tires. Don't drink so much. There aren't going to be enough liver transplants to go around.

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    I love what I do, so it's not tiring. If I worked at a computer or drove a truck, I'd be dead in a week.

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    I am very defective in all duties... In prayer I wander and am formal... I soon tire; devotion languishes; and I do not walk with God.

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    I'm certainly not tired - work doesn't tire people, it's getting bored that's tiring.

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    It's so tiring. Even though I've worn heels and performed the choreography for four years now, I'm still not used to it. When will I be used to it? In 10 years? In 20 years?

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    If I wanted you to get a job, I would ask you to get a job. I'm also not stupid. I'm not going to overwork myself. If I have to chase the money, then I can't do this no more. That's not what I signed up for. I didn't sign up to tire myself out.

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    It is bad enough to reinvent the wheel. What really hurts is when they reinvent the flat tire.

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    I used to eat a whole chicken every day, for lunch. I did that for four years. But it got tiring - go to the store, buy it, eat it. It’s a mess.

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    I will never tire of recommending the custom, practiced by the best architects, of preparing not only drawings and sketches, but also models of wood or any other material. These... enable us to examine... the work as a whole... and, before continuing any further, to estimate the likely trouble and expense.

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    I will never get tired of looking at works by Pablo Picasso. I will never get tired of looking at work by Francis Bacon or Henry Moore or Francisco Goya. You cannot tire of the work these people have made because you can look it over and over again - the same thing - and always see something different.

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    I went to jail at 16 for stealing tires off Cadillacs. When I got out I said, Never again.

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    The Lord never tires of forgiving. It is we who tire of asking for forgiveness.

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    O youth whose hope is high, Who dost to Truth aspire, Whether thou live or die, O look not back nor tire.

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    The fable says that the tortoise won in the end, which is consoling, but the hare shows a good deal of speed and few signs of tiring.

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    Something doesn't look right," Vee said. "Is the tire supposed to look like that?" I banged my head against the nearest tree trunk. "So we've got a flat," Vee said. "What now?

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    Tomorrow sees undone, what happens not to-day; Still forward press, nor never tire! The possible, with steadfast trust, Resolve should be by the forelock grasp. Then she will ne'er let go her clasp, And labors on, because she must.

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    The building of the architecture of a novel - the craft of it - is something I never tire of.

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    This planet has rejuvenated itself over and over again. Its species are just witnesses. [Earth] is going to reclaim itself once it tires of us. And all that will be left are the bones.

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    The tires were scorching hot, in fact I burned my fingers on one.

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    They tire of quiet, that have known the storm

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    Verbs. All of them tiring.

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    When your dreams tire, they go underground and out of kindness that's where they stay.

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    When someone's got your rear tires off the ground, you don't have much traction.

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    When the deepest part of you becomes engaged in what you are doing, when your activities and actions become gratifying and purposeful, when what you do serves both yourself and others, when you do not tire within but seek the sweet satisfaction of your life and your work, you are doing what you were meant to be doing.

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    Why didn't I buy a new phone earlier? Why don't I always walk around with a spare phone? It should be the law, like having a spare tire.

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    When I was young I had so many inferiority complexes. I had an inferiority complex because I didn’t go to university. I had an inferiority complex because I didn’t train. Then it gets tiring. And you do get bored of it.

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    When you tire of living, change itself seems evil, does it not? for then any change at all disturbs the deathlike peace of the life-weary.

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    You conquered the landscape with the soles of shoes, not the tires.

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    Because when you love someone very much, it's difficult to learn to share her with someone else.

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    You may tire of reality but you never tire of dreams.

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    Now I don’t know how many people like to drive a Beetle at that kind of speed (on purpose) but I know I’d rather go down Brickmaker’s Kloof on a bicycle with no brakes! Driving any car at that speed in anything other than an expensive German luxury car on a long, straight autobahn is enough of a risk (let alone the risk of hitting anything) – but if you try that with a Beetle and add a light crosswind, factor in some rubber peeling off your tire, and you’ll more than likely find yourself dancing alone in a dark corner without any music.

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    You are what your creators and experiences have made you, like every other being in this universe. Accept that and be done; I tire of your whining.

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    The reason for the peculiar name could be found in the whimsical sense of humor of the early colonists who arrived on Deanna several decades in the past and found very little at all there to laugh at. Obsidian Crows might seem funny at first, unless you just happened to ride over one with your Jeepo five miles out of town and didn’t have a spare tire. Although there was a reasonable expectation of hitting one of these diminutive brutes on the roads, this did not happen nearly as often as you might think.

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    Take care of your car in the garage, and the car will take care of you on the road.