Best 260 quotes in «loser quotes» category
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Whites were the winners, blacks were the losers, we wrote the history books, and they didn't feature.
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Where's the pleasure in bein' the winner if the loser ain't alive to know they've lost?
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When you're a winner you're always happy, but if you're happy as a loser you'll always be a loser.
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Winners and losers aren't born, they are the products of how they think
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Winners are those people who make a habit of doing the things losers are uncomfortable doing.
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Winners do what losers don't want to do.
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Winners will be losers if they don't support the losers.
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Winners aren't popular, losers often are.
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Winners develop the habit of doing the thing losers don't like to do.
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Winners see the gain; losers see the pain.
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Without losers, where would the winners be?
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Winners lose more often than losers lose.
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Winners make commitments, losers make excuses.
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Winners take imperfect action while losers are still perfecting the plan.
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You cannot lose your real treasure.
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Women who say it's not O.K. are [interpreted as] wet blankets or sore losers.
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You have a winner and a loser and that doesn't bother me, I am man enough to accept that.
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Winners take responsibility, losers blame others.
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You know they're not going to lose 162 consecutive games.
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You make your own luck, Gig. You know what makes a good loser? Practice.
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You shouldn't say mean things to people before they kill you. It's being a sore loser.
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You're still young. Being a true loser takes years of inaptitude
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Around fourth grade something similar happens with eyes. The baby eyes don't drop out, nor are there eye fairies around to leave quarters under pillows, but new eyes do arrive nevertheless. Big-kid eyes replace little-kid eyes. Little-kid eyes are scoopers. They just scoop up everything they see and swallow it whole, no questions asked. Big-kid eyes are picky. They notice things that little-kid eyes never bothered with: the way a teacher blows her nose, the way a kid dresses or pronounces a word.
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Attitude distinguishes between a winner and a loser.
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Be careful you don’t give up on what is yet to give you victory. Many people quit when they were yet to win. Successful people never quit and I believe no quitter had ever been successful too.
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Both winners and losers shed tears; the former shed tears of joy, and the latter, tears of sorrow.
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Every single person is a fool, insane, a failure, or a bad person to at least ten people.
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I just keep losing. I mean, some people just...are supposed to lose? For balance in the universe? I mean, like, are there just some people on earth who...are supposed to be here just to make it easier for the winners?
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Your spiritual sense will make you either a winner or a loser.
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Chico was a small-time hustler and big-time loser who liked to bet the ponies and hit women. He was more successful at the latter.
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Don't try to impress a loser because If one is not happy about the things happening in their life, one cannot be happy about the things happening in someone else's life.
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Every winner is inclined to think he will be triumphant forever. Every loser tends to fear that he is going to be beaten forever. But both are wrong for the same reason: Everything changes except the face of god.
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Excuses and complaints are signs of a dreamless life
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I don’t mind losing in this game of love, if it means You will be the winner.
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If you don't have a goal, you will score zero even if you run with the fastest speed.
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I may a loser in many ways but not a quitter in any way.
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In the war of egos, the winner is the bigger loser
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It doesn't matter if you win or lose; what matters is if you learn from it or not.
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It is wonderful, awesome and merrywise to see satan lose the battle to us in fear and panic and shame! Our victory is in Christ Jesus!
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It's not that he was going nowhere, it's that he'd already arrived.
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Losers have goals. Winners have systems.
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Losers doesn't require a miracle to Win. They just keep on fighting.
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Loss invites reflection and reformulating and a change of strategies. Loss hurts and bleeds and aches. Loss is always ready to call out your name in the night. Loss follows you home and taunts you at the breakfast table, follows you to work in the morning. You have to make accommodations and broker deals to soften the rabbit punches that loss brings to your daily life. You have to take the word "loser" and add it to your resume and walk around with it on your name tag as it hand-feeds you your own shit in dosages too large for even great beasts to swallow. The word "loser" follows you, bird-dogs you, sniffs you out of whatever fields you hide in because you have to face things clearly and you cannot turn away from what is true.
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Nothing closes doors as quickly as constant bad humor, reclamation, whining. Nobody wants to associate themselves with losers.
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Remember, we are all part of a great story that is really about God, not us. He is the number one character (read: winner), and we are all secondary (read: losers).
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Sooo, I'm tired of people thinking I'm a freak. I know you can't relate to that but -" "Get over it already, will ya?" Candace stood. "You're not Smellody anymore. You're pretty. You can get hot guys now. Tanned ones with good vision. Not geeky hose jousters." She shut the window. "Don't you ever want to use your lips as something other than veneer protectors?" Melody felt a familiar pinch behind her eyes. Her throat dried. Her eyes burned. And then they came. Like salty little paratroopers, tears descended en masse. She hated Candace thought she had never made out with a boy. But how could she convince a seventeen-year-old with more dates than a fruitcake that Randy the Starbucks cashier (aka Scarbucks, because of his acne scars) was a great kisser? She couldn't.
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Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
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So when they win, it's their hard work And when they lose, it's their bad luck
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The blame game is already a lost game, so don't attempt dressing up to play it!
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The difference between an achiever and a loser is, An achiever never gives up, never settles and lastly never forgets.