Best 4246 quotes in «family quotes» category

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    Tru, this is your home. You are my blood kin, my second cousin thrice removed. But blood kin's not the most important kin. Do you know what is?" "No, sir." "Love kin. And that comes from the heart. That's why this is your home.

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    Truth or lie... he had always chosen the lie, to spare his little brother any unpleasant truth.

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    Tu casa no es el lugar del que procedes, es donde encuentras luz cuando todo lo demás está oscuro

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    TV families and your own are hard to tell apart, except your isn't interrupted every six minutes by commercials and theirs don't get bogged down into nothingness, a state where nothing happens, no skit, no zany visitors, no outburst on the laugh track, nothing at all but boredom and a lost feeling, especially when you get up in the morning and the moon is still shining and men are making noisy bets on the first tee.

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    Two powerful factors which creates difference between destroying your relationship and deepening it are EGO and Attitude

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    Two people who know they do not understand each other, breeding children whom they do not understand and who will never understand them.

    • family quotes
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    ….two slate-colored gravestones settled at a slant into the lower corner of the field beside the lane. She could not read the names engraved on them, but she knew what they were. Joseph Watson, 1820-1891, and James Watson, son of Joseph and Hannah Watson, 1844-1863. The grave of Hannah Watson lay beside her husband’s and because she had died last, she had no marker, unless the pine tree growing there might count as one. To-morrow two men would drive up and leave a basket of flowers and a flag for Joseph because he had fought in the Civil War, and for James because he had died on his way home from it, but they would not have anything for Hannah because she had only identified her son James one hot summer day on the platform of North Derwich Station, and raised all the food her husband ate for twenty years as he sat in a chair in her kitchen, and done washings for Mrs. Hale to buy monuments for them at the end. But the flowers would die in the boxes; even if Jen found time to go down and set out the pansy plants in the ground, stray cows were sure to eat them off before the summer was over; and the Forrest children would take the flags to play with. Nothing would interfere with the tree.

    • family quotes
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    Two weeks ago, Aaron and Isaac, I learned your mother Laura has breast cancer. My heart feels impaled. These words, so useless and feeble. Laura is only thirty-five years old. Her next birthday will be in only three days. I write this letter to you, my sons, with the hope that one day in the future you will read it and understand what happened to our family. Together, your mother and I have created and nurtured an unbreakable bond that has transformed us into an unlikely team. A Chicano from El Paso, Texas. A Jew from Concord, Massachusetts. I want you to know your mother. She has given me hope when I have felt none; she has offered me kindness when I have been consumed by bitterness. I believe I have taught her how to be tough and savvy and how to achieve what you want around obstacles and naysayers. Our hope is that the therapies we are discussing with her doctors will defeat her cancer. But a great and ominous void has suddenly engulfed us at the beginning of our life as a family. This void suffocates me.

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    Ultimately, the one thing that makes a family is love.

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    ..."una familia es contar los mismos cuentos hasta que un día se vuelven ficción".

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    Uncle Acton spent the whole of his working life in India, for the simple reason that he gave up work very young.

    • family quotes
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    Under her thick pancake makeup, her sin had been pockmarked, but he would stare at her adoringly from his cot at night and imagine her scars were constellations, a secret map to a far-off, happy place.

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    Uncommon anxiety came to us in common hours when other people were doing mundane things like taking out the trash or checking their phones. But there was nothing to be done for this. We couldn’t change who we were or what had happened.

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    Under her thick pancake makeup, her skin had been pockmarked, but he would stare at her adoringly from his cot at night and imagine her scars were constellations, a secret map to a far-off, happy place.

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    Un des problèmes essentiels qui se posent à propos de la femme, c'est la conciliation de son rôle reproducteur et de son travail producteur.

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    Understand something people, we will be hated by many in the name of Christ, ridiculed, mocked, stoned, slaughtered. We will be fined, jailed and killed for our love for Christ. You are supposed to see better with your eyes today, how close this is happening, just prepare your heart and soul to be braver than Peter and not deny Christ in the moment your life might be in jeopardy for Him and what you believe. Apostle Pauls says to live is Christ to die is gain.

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    Un giorno farai per me cose che hai in odio. E' questo che vuol dire essere una famiglia.

    • family quotes
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    Unity Begins at Home within Family is the Strength to Survive and Win the Fight of Life.

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    Unless today is well lived, tomorrow is not important.

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    Unsettling emotions are capable of messing up the most beautiful minds in this world.

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    Until we meet someday.

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    Us. All regrets, left them in the sea, smiling at life as if it was a beautiful dream, because if one thing is certain, clearing the strange foreigh steam. Like the diamond ring that fits in your finger, we are stronger as a steel linker

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    Usiifundishe familia yako anasa. Ifundishe upendo, unyenyekevu na hofu ya Mungu. Ukiifundisha anasa utahatarisha maisha ya mbinguni ya familia yako, na ya kwako pia.

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    Use your mind for your enemies, your heart for your friends, and your soul for your family.

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    Valentine reminds us that to be fully human is to be both a story teller and a story dweller." --- Christina Meldrum, author of Madapple and Amaryllis in Blueberry

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    Value supported family and friends.

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    Van Uoc felt the stab of a sad truth: she and her mother would never be as close as her mother and grandmother had been. Her mother got up, stretched her tidy, graceful frame and headed for the kitchen. Van Uoc wanted to be able to offer her some comfort, but what could she say? Her mother was right. The two of them represented an irreconcilable cultural split. Distance between them was inevitable.

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    Van was feeding Christian as we walked in the door. I shielded my hands in front of my face to prevent from seeing her bare breast. "God damn woman, put that tit away!" "I'm feeding my daughter. You want another taste?" I started gagging immediately just thinking about how bad that shit tasted. "Hell no! I would rather eat dog shit.

    • family quotes
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    Very few people get a chance to quantify how much their father loves them. But I did. The job should have taken forty-five minutes, but Dad spent three and a half hours on it. My father loves me 366 percent more than he loves anything else. Good to know.

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    Vielleicht war das Bild, das die eigene Familie von einem hatte, zu sehr mit ihren Hoffnungen und Ängsten vermischt, als dass sie einen jemals wirklich als die Person sehen konnten, die man war.

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    Violence can read like poetry. You just have to describe the act as if you’re in love with the way your characters bleed.

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    Voilà bien la famille : même celui qui n'a pas sa place dans le monde, qui n'est ni célèbre ni riche, à qui il n'est venu ni enfants ni idées, et dont le public ne lira le nom que dans sa notice nécrologique, celui-là, en famille, a pourtant sa place attitrée. En famille, on est quelqu'un. Vous n'imaginez pas comme Caroline imite bien Chaplin, ni comme Rudi est irritable. Et quel sens de l'humour, dans toute la famille ! Ce qui, partout ailleurs, n'aurait rien d'humoristique déclenche ici des rires retentissants, on ne saurait dire pourquoi ; c'est drôle, voilà tout, n'est-ce pas l'essentiel en matière d'humour ? Et puis, tous ceux qui ne sont pas de la famille sont bien plus ridicules qu'ils ne s'en doutent. Dieu les a voués à la caricature ; si vous êtes seul au monde, sans attaches, vous pouvez être sûr d'être le summum du ridicule pour les diverses familles qui vous observent. Il est vrai que ces qualités, comme tout, peuvent être vues sous leur angle négatif : la famille a l'esprit plus petit qu'une petite ville. Plus elle est chaleureuse, plus elle se montre dure pour tout ce qui n'est est pas elle, et elle est toujours plus cruelle qu'un être confronté seul à la souffrance du monde. En cantonnant la gloire dans son cercle restreint, où elle est faceil à atteindre (« gloire de la famille »), elle endort l'ambition. Et parce que tous les événements familiaux suscitent une tristesse plus profonde ou une joie plus éclatante qu'ils ne le méritent réellement, parce qu'en famille ce qui n'a rien d'humoristique devient de l'humour, et des peines insignifiantes à l'échelle collective, un malheur personnel, elle est le berceau de toute l'ineptie qui imprègne notre vie publique. Il y aurait encore long à en dire et on l'a dit parfois, mais jamais en des jours comme celui-ci.

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    Waiting for a book to be published is like having a baby. It would be nine months before we heard the patter of tiny pages trotting through the letter box, and the bookcase shuffled it's shelves in boredom and I was a martyr to morning sickness.

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    Was there anything quite so painful, so fraught with the possibilities of hurt, as gift giving within a family?

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    War is catastrophe. It breaks families in irretrievable pieces. But those who are gone are not necessarily lost.

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    We all think when we’re young that we want excitement and highs and passion. To hell with ordinary.” I smiled and she chuckled. “But when we find ourselves in these adult bodies,” she said. “When we wise up a little, or get slapped in the face by life, we realize we just want all things to be equal.” She put the heels of her hands together near her heart like the Yoga prayer position. “And we want to understand them better.

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    We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies.

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    We all have someone in our lives that has disappointed us a time or two, someone that no matter what they do you still try to love them through it" I just stare down at our joint hands. "The boys' dad, our son Benjamin he…" she squeezes my hand "he loves the boys in his own way" I look up into her face, but she's looking past me at Ry and Jase. "It was hard to watch those two grow up without either of their parents around for them and we tried to make up for it. To be what they needed, but every time we taught them new things or helped them with their homework or even attended their sporting events; every single time I saw the boys faces fall in disappointment. I felt that I felt disappointed towards my Benjamin." I tighten my grip on her hand, knowing it must not be easy to admit out loud. "We all have a weak spot; their dad was ours. Until he wasn't until he couldn't be anymore.

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    We all have this perfect little image of who we want to be, but it is unnecessary. Throw the image away. You're already you just be the best version of yourself.

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    We always emerge from the death of a loved one like a phoenix arising from its funeral pyre.

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    we always knew that good times came with termination contracts even if we weren't quite ready to sign it.

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    We are all CONNECTED and I genuinely believe we should never stop absorbing knowledge from those around us. Observe: Gain from another’s experience. We all have something unique to share, so go out and engage the world with compassion, patience and generosity.

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    We are all alone! But our bonds with our friends and family keep us strong!

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    We are all lost, so lost, vulnerable and insecure. We are separated from love at birth, we are separated from God, from each other. All we want, all we yearn for is to connect.

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    We are aware that blaming and arguing can never help us and only create a wider gap between us; that only understanding, trust, and love can help us change and grow

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    We are brothers and sisters. We are a sacred family.

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    We are brothers and sisters. We are one sacred family.

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    We are created for the sake of love. When we experience love in family life, it is heavenly, but it is still only an image of the greater glory we hope to behold in heaven.

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    We are earthbound creatures, Maggie had thought. No matter how tempting the sky. No matter how beautiful the stars. No matter how deep the dream of flight. We are creatures of the earth. Born with legs, not wings, legs that root us to the earth, and hands that allow us to build our homes, hands that bind us to our loved ones within those homes. The glamour, the adrenaline rush, the true adventure, is here, within these homes. The wars, the detente, the coups, the peace treaties, the celebrations, the mournings, the hunger, the sating, all here.

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    We are inter-dependence and co-dependence upon one another.