Best 712 quotes in «nostalgia quotes» category

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    A vacation is like love - anticipated with pleasure, experienced with discomfort, and remembered with nostalgia.

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    By the eighties, a lot of radio stations had started playing "Sixties" music. They called it "Classic Rock," because they knew we'd be upset if they came right out and called it what it is, namely "middle-aged-person nostalgia music.

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    Being Lutheran, Mother believed that self-pity is a deadly sin and so is nostalgia, and she had no time for either

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    Children who were very truly pious in a Catholic childhood are apt to retain a nostalgia for the absolute.

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    Hour of nostalgia, hour of happiness, hour of solitude.

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    For us, the best time is always yesterday.

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    I cannot think of a thing that was better in those good old days.

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    I am endeavoring to steer gymnastics out of a dead end that satisfies only a handful of short-sighted individuals with nostalgia for an era gone by.

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    I don't like nostalgia unless it's mine.

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    For me as a solo artist, I never want to be a nostalgia act.

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    If anybody else says it's like old times, I'll jump out the window.

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    If you've traveled independently through Tibet, Brandon Wilson's Yak Butter Blues will bring back memories...this lively memoir is sure to provide a yak-scented whiff of nostalgia.

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    I felt no passion, no jealousy, no nostalgia. I was hollow, clear-headed, clean, and as emotionless as an aluminum pot.

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    I feel like my songs are very relevant and very meaningful, but I literally have to get rid of the nostalgia for shows because I would just be mess on-stage otherwise.

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    If you've been massive and it's all slid away, you tend to get written off. It's quite difficult to overcome that, which is why I've got this problem with nostalgia.

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    I joke that a person of color would never make a movie like “Midnight in Paris.” Nostalgia isn’t so enticing.

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    I have complicated feelings about nostalgia. I think that sometimes it can be dangerous. It can airbrush the truth, or fictionalize the truth, which leads to the worst kind of sentimentality. But I'm also a sentimental person who feels quite a bit of nostalgia.

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    I get emotional when young people get nostalgic about my work. That's why it's called nostalgia. Sometimes I even cry.

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    I looked around at what my colleagues were doing, and asked myself, 'What relationship has it with what's going on?' I found there was a great distortion of contemporary life. Photographers were interested only in certain things. A visually interesting place, people who were either very rich or very poor, and nostalgia.

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    I'm terribly nostalgic, but I'm with the Elizabethans who thought nostalgia was a disease. It's a dangerous place to be because you can get caught up in it.

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    I noticed in the late 1990s that my friends and I were already nostalgic for the 1980s, and by the turn of the century, VH1's 'I Love the '80s' gave all of us an accelerated nostalgia for our generation.

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    I'm not the sort to wallow in nostalgia about the good old days.

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    In the sunset of dissolution, everything is illuminated by the aura of nostalgia, even the guillotine.

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    I remember when I used to be really into nostalgia.

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    It becomes increasingly easy, as you get older, to drown in nostalgia.

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    I know what it's like to be in one place and dream of another. I also know what it's like to feel that nostalgia is a fairly useless thing because it is stasis.

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    I remember those days with Bergman with great nostalgia. We were aware that the films were going to be quite important, and the work felt meaningful.

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    It is a nostalgic time right now, and photographs actively promote nostalgia. Photography is an elegiac art, a twilight art. Most subjects photographed are, just by virtue of being photographed, touched with pathos. ... All photographs are memento mori. To take photograph is to participate in another person's mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time's relentless melt

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    It is the nature of a man as he grows older, a small bridge intime, toprotest againstchange, particularlychangefor the better.

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    It's curious the way we get nostalgic for some hoped-for thing that never happened, as if something that never happened were in the past.

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    It's never safe to be nostalgic about something until you're absolutely certain there's no chance of its coming back

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    I went through a phase where I thought nostalgia was a bad thing.

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    I've become convinced that nostalgia is a fundamentally unhealthy modality. When you see it, it's usually attached to something else that's really, seriously bad. I don't traffic in nostalgia. We're becoming a global culture.

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    Nostalgia: A device that removes the ruts and potholes from memory lane.

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    Maybe I over-do the 'not-80s' thing. It should be a part of my life that I've got some sort of pride in, but I've got this huge chip on my shoulder about '80s nostalgia - and it annoys fans sometimes.

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    Nostalgia is a product of dissatisfaction and rage. It´s a settling of grievances between the present and the past.

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    Nostalgia is not what it used to be.

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    Nostalgia is the bane of rock 'n' roll. He had the courage to let it all hang out. ... He was a considerable talent.

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    Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days.

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    Nostalgia is masochism and masochism is something masochists love to share.

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    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

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    Nostalgia paints a smile on the stony face of the past.

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    Nostalgia is when you want things to stay the same. I know so many people staying in the same place.

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    Nostalgia wouldn't begin to capture your sense of loss, ... The Way We Really Are Coming to Terms With America's Changing Families.

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    Oh! The good times when we were so unhappy.

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    People have this obsession. They want you to be like you were in 1969. They want you to, because otherwise their youth goes with you. It's very selfish, but it's understandable.

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    Remember this... develop a sense of nostalgia for something, or you'll never figure out what's important.

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    Remembrance of things past.

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    I was very surprised how many people were earnestly reminiscing about the '80s. It's such a stupid thing to do, like, to be honestly invested in nostalgia. It never even occurred to me to do that.

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    Outgrowing things we love is never a pleasant process.