Best 32 quotes in «unforgettable quotes» category

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    - OK, suponhamos que vai à copa - disse ela -, e duas pessoas que quem gosta estão lá, suponhamos que uma das pessoas está a contar uma história divertida, você ri-se um pouco, sente-se incluído, toda a gente tem tanta graça, e volta para a sua secretária com uma espécie de, não sei, brilho, mas depois às quatro ou cinco da tarde o dia transformou-se em apenas mais um, e continua assim, a ansiar pelas cinco da tarde e depois pelo fim de semana e depois pelas duas ou três semanas de férias pagas anuais, dia após dia, e é isso que acontece à sua vida.

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    Há dinheiro, pedaços de papel que podem ser trocados por qualquer coisa: casas, barcos, dentes perfeitos.

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    Nyx was a lot of things, but forgettable wasn't one of them.

    • unforgettable quotes
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    I often think about her. One thing she said stayed with me, a dagger in my heart: "You know for me the most horrible thing of all is knowing that he will forget me." I lacked the presence of mind to tell her that it was impossible; she was simply unforgettable.

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    I took on a year of reading books for a reason. Because words are witness to life: they record what has happened, and they make it all real. Words create the stories that become history and become unforgettable. Even fiction portrays truth: good fiction is truth.

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    To be remembered is a simple thing to do. The fact is, people don’t miss others just because they feel like missing them. It’s when your absence leaves a vacuum that people miss you. Unforgettable is about creating your own space—a space that would be left bare in your absence.

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    Or maybe our paths will diverge someday, taking us in separate directions, making our relationship a brief but beautiful spot in a series of unforgettable encounters. Either way, it will be a journey worth taking. Either way, it will be a love story.

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    She refused at first, saying it would make a mockery of their love. She loved him too much to admit that what she thought of as unforgettable could ever be forgotten. Finally, of course, she did as he asked, but without enthusiasm. The notebooks showed it: they had many empty pages, and the entries were fragmentary.

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    She’s not the kind of girl you can easily forget,” Alex said, before sitting upright again and taking a deep breath. “She’s unforgettable.

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    Someone asked me, "What does it mean to be unforgettable?" and I answered, "Being unforgettable means having an absence that is felt just as much as your presence." An absence that is felt just as strongly as the presence. Today, people strive to become unforgettable and they believe the way to achieve this is by constantly reminding others of their attributes and their existence, lest they are forgotten. Lest anyone forget they are beautiful or talented or powerful. But that is not unforgettable; that is desperation. Absence is an attribute, this is what people do not know! Absence is an attribute just as much as presence is. When people feel your absence just as much, or perhaps even more than, they feel your presence-- this is what it means to be unforgettable.

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    She told me Pokhara is so beautiful that you will experience a myriad unforgettable moments. You will never be able to get enough of Pokhara.

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    Up until now, I still think of that boy. I still hear the words of his dad echoing in my head as I write this, and now, I’m asking myself, “Why did I fail to follow the path the parent was directing his ward?” The answer makes me very ashamed: “I didn’t know the advice could as well be applicable to me.

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    Too late; my awkwardness had already made an unforgettable appearance, so, of course, I couldn’t be let off the hook.

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    You may like me. You may not like me. But, one thing is for damned sure…you will never forget me.

    • unforgettable quotes
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    We all can’t paint like Van Gogh. We might not be the ones who found cure for cancer or invented flying shoes but it doesn’t mean we can’t own a spot in the sands of time.

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    You care, you dare and you share; this is the unforgettable rule of every true believer and achiever.

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    We might not be the ones to change the world. We might not belong to the few that “put a ding in the universe.” We might not be something the whole world would celebrate. But...In the little corners that we live; in the lives that we’ve played a part in, we should be nothing but unforgettable.

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    Only powerfully conceived images have the ability to penetrate the memory, to stay there, in short to become unforgettable.

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    All photographs aspire to the condition of being memorable - that is, unforgettable.

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    First guitars tend to be like first loves: ill-chosen, unsuitable, short-lived and unforgettable.

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    Ah, life's little surprises! They can make any day unforgettable... or make it your last.

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    From the humanistic point of view every human achievement is unforgettable and immortal in its essence, even if it is replaced by a "better" one.

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    I really value unforgettable moments. Things you can tell people about. We have too few of them in our lives, and it is all too seldom that we can create one such moment for a stranger.

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    My own personal favorite Cher song is the unforgettable Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.

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    No elegance is possible without perfume. It is the unseen, unforgettable, ultimate accessory

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    Unforgettable in every way, and forever more, that's how you'll stay.

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    The unimaginable always becomes the unforgettable.

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    Be unforgettable! Love like a flower.

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    Unspoken feelings are unforgettable.

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    Being different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable.

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    Being remembered for something doesn’t always require a huge sacrifice. It doesn’t need a bringing- the-sea-to-the-desert kind of effort. It’s about the little things; finding and excelling at your purpose and welcoming the world into the art you create out of your purpose.

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    Clark observa a actividade nocturna na pista, os aviões que estão parados à vinte anos, o reflexo da sua vela bruxuleante no vidro. Não tem esperança de ver um avião levantar voo novamente no seu tempo de vida, mas será possível que nalgum lugar haja navios a partirem? Se houver cidades com iluminação pública, se existem sinfonias e jornais, que mais pode conter este mundo que agora desperta? Talvez haja navios a içar velas neste preciso momento, a viajar em direcção a ele ou para longe dele, tripulados por marinheiro armados com mapas e conhecimento das estrelas, impulsionados pela necessidade, ou talvez simplesmente pela curiosidade: o que foi feito dos países do outro lado? É, pelo menos, agradável considerar essa possibilidade. Agrada-lhe a ideia de haver navios que se deslocam sobre as águas, em direcção a outro mundo fora do alcance da vista.