Best 115 quotes in «grades quotes» category

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    In seventh grade, false feelings and false faces are the rule.

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    I really haven't paid attention to Madonna since about like 7th or 8th grade when she used to be popular

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    I only went to the third grade because my father only went to the fourth and I didn't want to pass him.

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    I ran for ninth grade class president. Came in a close second.

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    It is hard for me to speak of themes. I like the reader to do that. Otherwise it feels like writing a 3rd grade essay on someone else's work.

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    I spent most of my seventh grade summer dehydrated, green-tongued, and smelling like a Malaysian whorehouse.

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    I started trying to write when I was in second or third grade.

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    I think generally I'm a pretty good person if I had to grade myself. Or toot my own horn.

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    Is he a sophomore?" Lydia says. "Please tell me he's in our grade." "I don't know," I say. "But weren't you there when he came to the office?" Peyton says. "The secretary didn't get out her bullhorn and announce what grade he's in. She just took him to meet Headmaster Perkins.

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    I spent three of the best years of my life in 10th grade.

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    It would have to be connected with performance art somehow, either in the front of the house or the back. I was myopic about this from fourth grade on

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    I was born in Everett; I went through grade school in Everett, high school in Seattle.

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    I've only been in one fight in my whole life... in 7th grade, yet everyone thinks I'm a maniac.

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    I wanted to get everything right. I was super nerdy and academic. I got so much satisfaction out of getting good grades.

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    I was at a public school until I was in sixth grade when I moved to New York.

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    I was in like nine schools by ninth grade, so I moved a ton of times when I was younger.

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    I was home schooled starting in seventh grade.

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    I was in high school, trying to get out of high school. The only thing slowing me up was grades.

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    I was in seventh grade, and getting a part in Full House was huge. It opened so many doors for me.

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    I was very academically inclined. But my inner life was in such turmoil. I'd go home and my home life was so miserable that it just felt like I was doing everything that I was supposed to do. I did all my chores, made really good grades, and I was excelling at school, but I wasn't happy.

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    I wasn't a great student. Just give me a school with no grades, and I'll be happy.

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    I was obsessed. I wouldn't quit. My grades suffered. I didn't care.

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    I was too worried about the grades and I should have been more worried about learning.

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    I was obsessed with Agatha Christie in sixth grade.

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    I went to a public school through sixth grade, and being good at tests wasn't cool.

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    I went through seventh grade in private school. I went to private school from kindergarten to seventh grade.

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    Leadership is like third grade: it means repeating the significant things.

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    I would not recommend a teen getting into modeling if they're not solid when it comes to their grades and school. That comes first.

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    "Margaret" was just my truth. It was what I knew to be true about sixth grade.

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    Life is like a school; one can learn, one can graduate, one can skip a grade or stay behind.

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    My dad has had a rare form of leukemia since I was in about 7th grade.

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    Niggas on the internet know everything. You could make a freestyle tape in the fourth grade and they'll know about it.

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    My first dunk was actually in sixth grade.

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    My grades in high school were not very good. I was that kind of perfectionist that figured if you can't do it perfectly, why do it at all?

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    My second grade teacher told me I would never graduate high school. That I was going to be a juvenile delinquent.

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    The 9th grade was the best three years of my life. I was benching 85 lbs, drug free!

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    over protective? a butler in a grade- B movie? someones jewish mother? you got it

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    She's in tenth grade,' he said. 'I hear she's been homeschooled till now.' Maybe that explains it,' I said.

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    Sir, I didn't deserve the grade you gave me on this test. Do you know a lower one?

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    The honours system gets to grade people. Graded grains make finer rice.

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    The best I could say about third grade was that it was a more or less continuous state of dread.

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    There hasn't been a day in my life since I started Latin in ninth grade that I haven't benefited by the lives of the ancients.

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    The ninth grade. I went from 5'9 to 6'8.

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    There are no grades of vanity; there are only grades of ability in concealing it.

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    There's no true value placed in learning, if the point of you learning something is to simply know it for a test, to get a grade, to go to the good school.

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    There was a climber named Bridwell On grade I's he did well. But on grade VI, he got into a fix and rappelled to the talus and hid well.

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    We can be more or less conscious when you create grades of focus on a subject that is flowing in our stream of consciousness.

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    To be shapely when you're in the seventh grade is not exactly what everyone's looking for, or they weren't then, as someone was telling me the other day. now, that's like a really great thing to do, to be, but then it wasn't.

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    When I was in sixth grade, I wanted to become a priest.

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    We never graduate from first grade. Over and over, we have to go back to the beginning.

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