Best 48 quotes in «linux quotes» category

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    All operating systems sucks, but Linux just sucks less

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    A lot of other people wanted a free production UNIX with lots of bells and whistles and wanted to convert MINIX into that. I was dragged along in the maelstrom for a while, but when Linux came along, I was actually relieved that I could go back to professoring.

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    A multithreaded file system is only a performance hack.

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    A lot of that momentum comes from the fact that Linux is free.

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    You can pipe anything to anything else, and usually it'll do something. With most of the standard Linux tools, it'll even do what you expect.

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    Anyone can build a fast CPU. The trick is to build a fast system.

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    Big Linux deployments have reached the point where it's become a real problem for administrators that they don't have nice tools to manage their servers and desktops.

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    Before the commercial ventures, Linux tended to be rather hard to set up, because most of the developers were motivated mainly by their own interests.

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    I don't expect to go hungry if I decide to leave the University. Resume: Linux looks pretty good in many places.

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    I can find lots of examples where a game won't make you rich, but I can't find a reasonable case where a Linux port doesn't have at least a small, positive return on investment.

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    Cosmoe works on any of the standard filesystems available for Linux.

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    I don't actually follow other operating systems much. I don't compete - I just worry about making Linux better than itself, not others.

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    I'd rather use Windows and Internet Explorer in Hell than I'd use Linux and Mozilla Firefox in Heaven!

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    I made very sure that I did not get involved with any of the commercial Linux companies, exactly so that I would be neutral and not ever seen as "working for the competition".

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    I'm not worried about the kernel itself or the basic system. All the commercialization is about the distributions and the applications. As such, it only brings value-added things to Linux, and it doesn't take anything away from the Linux scene.

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    If Microsoft ever does applications for Linux it means I've won.

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    In many ways, I am very happy about the whole Linux commercial market because the commercial market is doing all these things that I have absolutely zero interest in doing myself.

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    I get the biggest enjoyment from the random and unexpected places. Linux on cellphones or refrigerators, just because it's so not what I envisioned it. Or on supercomputers.

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    I think Linux is a great thing, in the big picture. It's a great hacker's tool, and it has a lot of potential to become something more.

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    I think Linux is a great thing, because Linux is an alternative to Windows, and because, of all the operating systems that are at all relevant today, Unix is the best of a bad lot.

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    I've been very happy with the commercial Linux CD-ROM vendors linux Red Hat.

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    I started Linux as a desktop operating system. And it's the only area where Linux hasn't completely taken over. That just annoys the hell out of me.

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    I think the open software movement (and Linux in particular) is laudable.

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    Linux is a cancer that attaches itself in an intellectual property sense to everything it touches.

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    I view Linux as something that's not Microsoft - a backlash against Microsoft, no more and no less.

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    Linux has more than satisfied any small initial expectations I had. It's simply incredible how successful Linux has been, and how good a time I've had developing it and leading the project. It does take a lot of my time, but it's time I really enjoy spending, and Linux has continued to be challenging both technically and from a managing standpoint.

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    Linux is only free if your time has no value.

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    Microsoft is not the answer. Microsoft is the question. NO is the answer.

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    Linux has definitely made a lot of sense even in a purely materialistic sense.

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    Linux people do what they do because they hate Microsoft.

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    Linux doesn't have IP roots.

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    Microsoft isn't evil, they just make really crappy operating systems.

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    There's innovation in Linux. There are some really good technical features that I'm proud of. There are capabilities in Linux that aren't in other operating systems.

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    Software is like sex: It's better when it's free.

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    The memory management on the PowerPC can be used to frighten small children.

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    The business model of Linux distribution is broken; it's like the business model of the dotcoms. Running your company on Linux is like running your company on Napster.

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    What we're really after is simply that people acquire a legal license for Windows for each computer they own before they move on to Linux or Sun Solaris or BSD or OS/2 or whatever.

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    There were open source projects and free software before Linux was there. Linux in many ways is one of the more visible and one of the bigger technical projects in this area, and it changed how people looked at it because Linux took both the practical and ideological approach.

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    We're not talking about insignificant amounts of code. It's substantial System V code showing up in Linux.

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    Unix has retarded OS research by 10 years and linux has retarded it by 20.

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    In 1998, I was using the new Linux operating system on my personal computer with a dial up modem that gave me internet and email, facilitating my search for international jobs.

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    While I may not get any money from Linux, I get a huge personal satisfaction from having written something that people really enjoy using, and that people find to be the best alternative for their needs.

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    A lot of the machines that Google is built on—commodity is the polite word for them—they're regular PCs and so they're not always the most reliable.

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    Installing kali linux but don't know about hacking is like getting married but have no idea what is sex.

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    Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, is an expert of understatement in his leadership of Linux development community. When eager programmers would ask him, ‘”What part of Linux should I work on?’ his answer would usually be, ‘”Let me know when you find out’ (p.286).

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    Sladkey recalls the first time he found and sent a bug to Linus: "My first contribution was in porting some program, probably one of my smaller personal projects. I discovered a bug. Since Linux came with source, my first inclination as a hacker was to take a look under the hood and see if I could fix the problem. I found that although I had never done any kernel work, that I was able to navigate around the code pretty easily and provide a small patch to correct the problem. "With my heart beating and my palms sweating, I composed the most professional message I could muster and sent it off to [email protected] describing the bug and including my proposed fix. Minutes later he replied something like, 'Yup, that's a bug. Nice investigation. Thanks. Fixed,' and I was hooked.

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    Paul Buchheit: Then you have what we do with PCs, and that's technically pretty challenging—to take this big network of machines that are unreliable and build a big, reliable storage system out of it.

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    There were in fact bugs," he recalls, "But the essential difference was in the obviousness of bugs, the repeatability of bugs, and potential for fixing bugs oneself. In this environment, bugs were only temporary delays on a steady road towards excellence and stability.