Best 93 quotes in «someday quotes» category

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    This was real life, not a book. And in real life, people met, nothing happened, and you went home.

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    When you say “SOMEDAY I’ll Live my dreams,” that is the eighth day of the week; it never comes. Start working for your dreams TODAY.

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    When something means nothing to you, you can do everything you want; but someday, somehow you may have to pay for it.

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    I am one of billions. I am stardust gathered fleetingly into form. I will be ungathered. The stardust will go on to be other things someday and I will be free.

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    All right, I am often brash, rude and brutally direct. Someday I'm going to die and I don't have time to toe-dance around the periphery of hatred.

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    Anyone whose goal is 'something higher' must expect someday to suffer vertigo.

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    At the end of the day, somebody someday is going to say something about you. At least you can look back and say you lived the way you wanted to.

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    Be sure that someday you'll praise and thank God for your unanswered prayers that once you had wept for them.

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    Dates in Calendar are Closer Than They Appear! Time is what keeps everything from happening at once. Keep a diary, and someday it'll keep you.

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    You can never heal completely. The scars will always stay behind, just to remind how cruel the time was once to you. But someday, you will learn to see beauty in the world that gave you these scars. And your eyes will shine with no lies in it. That day, you become beautiful. With baring all the scars, Which you always tried to hide from everyone.

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    All that I can say about Owen Hart, is that I hope that I can be, as good a man as him, so that I can see him again, someday.

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    Americans are optimists. They hope they'll be wealthy someday - and they're positive they can get one more brushful of paint out of an empty can.

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    As expected, you get his machine. Someday, even the "call of nature" will be answered by a machine.

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    But every day I go to work I'm making a bet that the universe is simple, symmetric, and aesthetically pleasing — a universe that we humans, with our limited perspective, will someday understand.

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    Don't we all die someday and someday comes all too soon? What will you do with your own wild, glorious chance at this thing we call life.

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    Eddie Murphy is just so off-the-cuff and can make anything funny. You hope that someday you'll acquire that skill, but maybe you're born with that.

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    I don't need love or a man to complete me,and someday, you'll find that true for yourself. Suitors will come and go, but you will remain.

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    I'd like to go to New Society Village someday and find out exactly how far I can walk before people stop talking like me.

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    I'd love to build a company that will continue to make movies well beyond me someday. And I'd like to help start something great, even investing in it myself.

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    I grew up recognizing that there was nobody to give me any advice and that you do your best and if it's not good enough, someday you will come to terms with that.

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    I hope someday when I date my fan, she loves me as a person and not as a famous Greyson Chance

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    I have a yearning someday to do one of these huge juggernauts.

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    I hope someday we can stamp out illiteracy in America. Of course you'll have to kill alot of my relatives to do it.

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    I am fortunate in that I am motivated to do what I do by just a really goofy desire to do it. Maybe I have demons that are hidden away someplace, and I'll discover mine someday.

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    I knew we were going to marry someday, but I was absolutely surprised when he actually proposed. And surprised he had bought a ring. I ran around the yard screaming.

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    I'll cover you in flowers someday, Julie-girl.

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    I love you. Remember. And someday, I will find you again.

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    I'm a tough person. I wasn't afraid of other kids because I understood that someday they'd wash my car.

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    I mean, part of me would love to be a fat tenured professor of theater someday.

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    I'm going to start water skiing soon as I can separate it from being dragged by a boat.

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    I think about that all of the time and I have this fantasy that I am going to work at a museum someday! I would love to do something like that!

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    It is my great hope someday, to see science and decision makers rediscover what the ancients have always known. Namely that our highest currency is respect.

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    I used the pen name because I knew I wanted to write better novels under my own name someday.

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    I want to someday be in the same position as John Elway, Joe Montana and Steve Young.

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    I was writing for live television. And I said to myself, someday, soon as I can, I have got to do a situation comedy.

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    I wouldn't mind doing a soundtrack someday.

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    I would like to have a family someday, and I can't wait to be a stay-at-home mom.

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    Joe Walsh is a great guy and and an unbelievable talent, Id like to work with him again someday.

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    I would love to make a real jazz album someday because I never have. But that's something I'm not in a rush to do.

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    Light will someday split you open

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    Maybe when you're alone or no one's looking, you dare to think, "Maybe someday I could get to work with somebody like Quentin Tarantino." For me, it happened. And it didn't just happen once, it's happened twice.

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    My own ambition, my deepest and truest ambition, is to find within myself someday, somehow, the ability to do likewise, to do NOTHING - and find it enough.

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    Penguins mate for life. Which doesn't really surprise me, because they all look exactly alike. It's not like they're gonna meet a better-looking penguin someday.

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    Our actual lives, including our values, our social relations, our self-conceptions, and many of our concepts, are pervasively shaped both by the knowledge and by the fact that we will someday die - that we are subject to extreme temporal scarcity. There is no reason to think that, if we were immortal, the same things would continue to matter to us. We have little or no idea what, if anything, would matter to immortal beings, or even how such beings would think of themselves.

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    Someday I'll wish upon a star.

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    Perhaps someday everyone will have neurosis.

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    Quelque rigueur qui loge en votre coeur, Amour s'en peut un jour rendre vainqueur. That little harshness which resides in your heart, Love will vanquish someday.

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    Someday perhaps change will occur when times are ready for it instead of always when it is too late. Someday change will be accepted as life itself.

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    Someday, the Chicago Cubs are going to be in the World Series...

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    Some days are diamonds, some days are rocks. Some doors are opened, some roads are blocked. Sundowns are golden, then fade away. And if I never do nothing, I'll get you back someday.