Best 103 quotes in «distrust quotes» category

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    ... I distrust manifest knowledge.

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    I distrust all multiculturalism, liberal or conservative. The Balkans amply demonstrate the perils of Balkanization.

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    I distrust all dead and mechanical formulas for expressing anything connected with human affairs and human personalities. Putting human affairs in exact formulas shows in itself a lack of the sense of humor and therefore a lack of wisdom.

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    If you can get over this initial distrust that people have of strangers, you can do remarkable things.

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    I don't know and probably never will know enough about the true nature of the universe to tell anyone else what to believe, and I've come to distrust the words of those who have presumed to do so.

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    I learned to distrust writers who talked about how they squeezed the blood onto the typewriter. They just don't want you to know how much fun they have - you'll resent it.

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    I move on feeling and have learned to distrust those who don't.

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    Many men provoke others to overreach them by excessive suspicion; their extraordinary distrust in some sort justifies the deceit.

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    It is weakness which breeds fear, and fear breeds distrust.

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    Inheritance Tax; - it is, broadly speaking; a voluntary levy paid by those who distrust their heirs more than they dislike the Inland Revenue

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    It is distrust of God to be troubled about what is to come; impatience against God to be troubled with what is present; and anger at God to be troubled for what is past.

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    Love is a good place to situate our distrust of fake women.

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    O father Abram, what these Christians are, Whose own hard dealing teaches them suspect The thoughts of others!

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    Mutual ignorance breeds mutual distrust.

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    Nations do not distrust each other because they are armed. They are armed because they distrust each other.

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    Nothing is so capable of overturning a good intention as to show a distrust of it; to be suspected for an enemy, is often sufficient to make a person become one.

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    Persistent distrust is the flame of deceit. Be as good as your word or be singed by the heat.

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    Once suspicion is aroused, every thing feeds it.

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    Parents can make us distrust ourselves. To them, we seem always to be works-in-progress.

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    Republics exist only on the tenure of being constantly agitated.... There is no republican road to safety but in constant distrust.

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    Seek simplicity, then distrust.

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    The most mistrustful are often the greatest dupes.

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    The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanation of complex facts... Seek simplicity and distrust it.

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    The day must come when trust will be as natural to your nature as distrust now seems to be.

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    Seek simplicity but distrust it.

    • distrust quotes
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    Such reproductions may not interest the reader; but after all, this is my autobiography, not his; he is under no obligation to read further in it; he was under none to begin. A modest or inhibited autobiography is written without entertainment to the writer and read with distrust by the reader.

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    The best use one can make of his mind is to distrust it.

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    The distrust of wit is the beginning of tyranny.

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    Among today's adept practitioners, the lie has long since lost its honest function of misrepresenting reality. Nobody believes anybody, everyone is in the know. Lies are told only to convey to someone that one has no need either of him or his good opinion. The lie, once a liberal means of communication, has today become one of the techniques of insolence enabling each individual to spread around him the glacial atmosphere in whose shelter he can thrive.

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    The one to distrust is the person who never makes a mistake, never commits a blunder, never fails in what he tries to do. Either he is a phony, or he stays with the safe, the tried and the trivial.

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    The subject of contemporary art should include a political dimension, the distrust contemporary art has towards the existing order. One manifestation of this distrust is the mechanical dichotomization between art's form and its political content; the other is the institutionalizing tendency of anti-institutionalization. We almost never resist ourselves - the part of ourselves that has been institutionalized. We have occupied the word "resistance" and have become its owner, while "resistance" has become our servant. Thus, we own "resistance" and occupy it as a position of power.

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    You feel yourself working to show something. I've learned to distrust that feeling.

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    There can be no doubt that distrust of words is less harmful than unwarranted trust in them.

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    There's been a growing dissatisfaction and distrust with the conventional publishing industry, in that you tend to have a lot of formerly reputable imprints now owned by big conglomerates.

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    Tolerance is a proof of distrust in one's own ideals.

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    A lie can only make a temporary sense. The truth is permanent and lasts forever.

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    Cultivate the art of renunciation.

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    Any halfway clever devil would decorate the highway to Hell as beautiful as possible.

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    „Człowiek podejrzliwy z natury wystawiony jest na nieszczęście. Podejrzliwość jest jak kwas, trawi naczynie, w którym się znajduje, pożera tego, kto ją żywi: dniem i nocą strzec się całego rodzaju ludzkiego, nieustannie głowić się nad tym, jak uniknąć intryg i udaremnić spiski, jakiego użyć fortelu, żeby z daleka dostrzec zastawioną na niego sieć – to wszystko są korzenie wszelkiej szkody. To one nie dają człowiekowi żyć.

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    I find it difficult to trust my eyes. Things are never what they seem.

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    Even the richest of brands are robbed by poor character.

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    Idolized my innocence, Stole it from me in the end
 Now I’m wide awaken and still paying for the poison they sold me.

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    Da used to say that lies were easy, but trust was hard. Trust is like faith: it can turn people into believers, but every time it's lost, trust becomes harder and harder to win back.

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    Distrust is like a vicious fire that keeps going and going, even put out, it will reignite itself, devouring the good with the bad, and still feeding on empty.

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    If the things cross its limits, raises the issues that lead to conflict and end on distrust and doubt. The wise people do not adopt such a position to make way for that. It is the practice of the fools and the duffers.

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    If they do not even respect their own, they respect no one.

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    Inefficiency is to be our safeguard against despotism.

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    In a small town where everyone knows everyone it is almost impossible to believe that one of your acquaintance could murder anyone. For that reason, if the signs are not pretty strong in a particular direction, it must be some dark stranger, some wanderer from the outside world where such things happen.

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    I have learned to be suspicious of memory--my own, anyone's--but to accord it considerable respect. Whether accurate or not, it can subvert a life.

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    In the era of public distrust of the police, it is common sense not to be a police officer.