Best 30 quotes in «brainstorming quotes» category

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    A brainstorm about the difference between rain and brain: a b, although both are juicy like water... but if it rained in the brain would that mean that ocurred a brainwash? and if so what would be the cure for that?? That's rough for sure. But if the rain plays mainly in the land would it land instead of fail to fall?? What's the meaning of it all? i'm a brainiac with some brainy thoughts..

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    E se a minha vida não fôr mais do que um processo de materialização, através do qual eu dou forma a imagens latentes que vivem adormecidas em mim?

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    A small idea with wings will take you higher than a big one with legs.

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    A challenging task seems more difficult when it should be completed urgently. And it’s true! So brain should be under control as we take care of our hands.

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    Create lightning bolt ideas during brainstorms by causing disturbances in your atmosphere.

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    So what's on the menu?" "We soak prunes in whisky and tea, dip them in honey, and stuff them with walnuts. These are mixed with sausage for the stuffing. I usually soak the prunes for several days, but we'll make do." "My God. That sounds fabulous." Elliott nodded, but said nothing. He was staring at her intently. "And..." "And..." What was he waiting for? He started to fiddle with the pencil. Finally she realized he was waiting for her input! He had no idea how to banter back-and-forth or to brainstorm creatively. She broke the awkward silence. "Elliott, are you waiting for my suggestions for dinner?" "Aye. I'm waiting." "I think... we should go with the honey." "I use heather honey in North Berwick. But I'm sure the honey here will be fine." "My favorite is from the Akins Apiary. They have delicious apple honey. It's rare, but I'll see if they have some in the pantry." "Excellent. What... what else do you like about the honey?" Sophia tried not to laugh out loud at Elliott's stilted and awkward attempt at conversation. The give-and-take was clearly not a natural process for him. "Let's use the honey in all our dishes. How about roasted vegetables in a balsamic-honey dressing? With thyme? I think rutabaga and turnips would be a nice side for the turkey." He scratched something on his tablet. "Keep going." "And how about a bitter green salad? Maybe arugula and dandelion greens with a honey vinaigrette That will cut the richness of the bird." Elliott nodded. "I like both of those ideas. This meal will showcase the best of both of us... a traditional Scottish roast bird and various preparations for the vegetables and greens.

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    Great ideas are like expensive wines. They are best enjoyed when shared . . . especially with those who have value for them.

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    Inventions are not solely the making of material things, inventions are also the mental unleashing of ideas by a genuis with a sixth sense.

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    My ideas fuck like rabbits.

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    Solitary walks are great for getting new ideas. It's like you're in a video game and you pick up idea coins on the way.

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    My best ideas come in the shower, where I’m showered with water, but also ideas.

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    No! I had too many variables! Two of those variables were actually the same variable, so I revised the equation and then it all made perfect sense!" Ada was truly excited. "You seem truly excited, Lady Ada," said Anna cautiously.

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    Only great artists have the wisdom to let go of good ideas.

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    Writing is an art, a craft, and a science.

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    The complete recipe for imagination is absolute boredom.

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    The fatal misconception behind brainstorming is that there is a particular script we should all follow in group interactions.... [W]hen the composition of the group is right—enough people with different perspectives running into one another in unpredictable ways—the group dynamic will take care of itself. All these errant discussions add up. In fact, they may even be the most essential part of the creative process. Although such conversations will occasionally be unpleasant—not everyone is always in the mood for small talk or criticism—that doesn’t mean that they can be avoided. The most creative spaces are those which hurl us together. It is the human friction that makes the sparks.

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    There's an old saying that great writing is simple but not easy, and so it is. The search for that one plain but inobvious [SIC] word that will do the work of five, the agony of untangling a complex idea that has become a mess of phrases in the writer's mind, the willingness to keep doing it over and over again until it is right--all of that plus some luck yields prose so clear that it seems a child could have written it.

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    You can feel creative tension when you sense the freedom to be creative, the harmony not via compliance only, but through brainstorming.

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    You have to free your brain to roam to places that are a little impractical, and innovation consultants have come up with some great ways to encourage that. One of my favorites comes from Legrand, who tells people in group brainstorming sessions to try to come up with the WORST possible ideas that they can think of. ... Once you have a list of really, really bad suggestions - and coming up with them does force your brain to work in a different way - you try to flip them over into the positive.

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    Don't confuse being stimulating with being blunt.

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    A person who can create ideas worthy of note is a person who has learned much from others.

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    God spare me sclerosis of the curiosity, for the curiosity which craves to keep us informed about the small things no less than the large is the mainspring, the dynamo, the jet propulsion of all complete living.

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    If you wish to advance into the infinite, explore the finite in all directions.

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    I do a lot of brainstorming with my editors.

    • brainstorming quotes
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    Musical comedies aren't written, they are rewritten.

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    Imagination is the beginning of creation.

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    Inspiration could be called inhaling the memory of an act never experienced.

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    Intelligence is something we are born with. Thinking is a skill that must be learned.

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    Perfect solutions of our difficulties are not to be looked for in an imperfect world.

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    The ultimate solutions to problems are rational; the process of finding them is not.