Best 32 quotes in «obnoxious quotes» category

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    Arrogant, pompous, obnoxious, vain, cruel, verbose, a showoff. I have been called all of these. Of course, I am.

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    If a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant.

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    Fun without sell gets nowhere, but sell without fun tends to become obnoxious.

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    I am obnoxious to each carping tongue who says my hand a needle better fits.

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    I am thankful that my name in obnoxious to no pun.

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    Creativity is no excuse for obnoxious behavior

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    Every obnoxious fan has a wife at home that dominates him.

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    If truth is not undergirded by love, it makes the possessor of that truth obnoxious and the truth repulsive.

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    I'm crass, contemptuous and crude, obstreperous, obnoxious, rambunctiously raw and rude.

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    Hell, right now my only weapons were Obnoxious and Snark, and I intended to use them whenever possible.

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    If you want to produce really horrible, obnoxious kids, say yes to them all the time.

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    Living in New York, you get a lot of confidence; when I go back to Michigan, I realise how obnoxious and demanding and straightforward I am.

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    It's pretty hard to be efficient without being obnoxious.

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    You're an obnoxious canker-blossom. Go ooze somewhere else.

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    Right now, Vee was the only person I could count on. She could be obnoxious,annoying, and lazy, but she never lied to me.

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    When I moved to New York in my 20s, I didn't have an obnoxious ego, but it was huge! I'll thought, "I'll never die and I can do anything.

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    Without true celebration discipline is obnoxious.

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    You know, people are basically shitty. It's when they prove it over and over again that it gets obnoxious.

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    Well my chocolate is so good I could sell it in an obnoxious prism shape.

    • obnoxious quotes
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    Being obnoxious occasionally is not always wrong. It is a kind of outrage, passion and determination to overcome obstacles and fulfill dreams. Be obnoxious with troubles, not with people.

    • obnoxious quotes
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    Bossy means “given to ordering people around, highhanded, domineering, overly authoritative, dictatorial, abrasive.” ...Could it be that girls are called bossy when they’re… well, bossy? Could it be that boys are also called bossy for the same reason?

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    If you are a queen and I am a queen then who will fill the bucket of water?

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    Obnoxiousness had covered up my insecurities.

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    It is because of the Biblical curse on man's search for knowledge, which has so paralyzed his mind during the past ages, and its detrimental effect upon progress, that makes the Bible the most wicked, the most detestable, the most pernicious, and the most obnoxious book ever published. It has been a curse to the human race. It is the duty of every brave and honest man and woman to do everything in his and her power to destroy the influence of this utterly stupid and vicious book, with its infantile concept of life and its nonsense concerning the universe. It is their duty to do everything within their power to stop its demoralizing and paralyzing influence upon the life of man. We will never achieve intellectual liberty until the wickedness of this book has been discarded with the belief in the flatness of the earth.

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    Nothing is as irritating to a shy man as a confident girl.

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    Sadly, atheists are becoming everything they aren't supposed to be: obnoxious, oppressive, loud, pushy, smug, condescending and annoying. Since when did the definition of atheism become "an anti-religious person"? It's one thing to say "I don't believe in God because I see no proof in God. We'll just agree to disagree". It's another thing to make it your sworn duty to put down and berate religious people, to view them as primitive morons, to turn every conversation into a debate and to make it your mission to put forth this vision of a faith-free society fueled only by science and technology. This kind of oppression is against everything atheists stand for. Atheists believe in the freedom of choice, the choice to not be religious if one does not want to be. This does not mean being pushy or rude towards anybody else who has made their own choices to be religious. For some people, religion gives them a purpose, helps them cope with trauma and grief, gives them hope, gives them something to hold onto. So, as long as they aren't pushing their faith on others, why should atheists do the same thing to them?

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    Repeated enough times even the most obvious obnoxious lies become to seem like the truth.

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    Please be my friend.

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    See what I mean? Your confidence is so strong it’s obnoxious.

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    Thank you so much for the rude know-it-all attitude while also having to look at your ridiculously colored hair and obnoxious facial and chest piercings. I am very fortunate to have just been schooled by someone who looks like they graduated from Care Bear Carnage University.

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    sometimes when everything seems at its worst when all conspires and gnaws and the hours, days, weeks years seem wasted – stretched there upon my bed in the dark looking upward at the ceiling i get what many will consider an obnoxious thought: it’s still nice to be Bukowski.

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    That Abbie is such a freaking brat who doesn’t know anything! My William is wasting away in that castle and that stuck up, self-righteous cow doesn’t even care because now she’s just all ooooo, Peter I love you! Well I don’t love Peter and he’s a jerk. Let’s go bust down the door!” She sat back and calmly pushed her hair from her face, “Now would you get me a soda?