Best 67 quotes in «foresight quotes» category

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    Foresight is not about predicting the future, it's about minimizing surprise.

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    Foresight turns out to be a critical adaptive strategy for times of great stress.

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    Forethought spares afterthought.

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    Foresight is an imperfect thing - all prevision in economics is imperfect.

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    Hindsight. It's like foresight without a future.

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    If knowledge and foresight are too penetrating and deep, unify them with ease and sincerity.

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    In action be primitive; in foresight, a strategist.

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    Hindsight is good, foresight is better; but second sight is best of all.

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    Hope- the recognition, by true foresight, of better things to be reached here after.

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    I have a European Fanclub that's based in Holland, and I had to have that President of the Fanclub to get me a number of recordings that I hadn't had the foresight to collect myself.

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    It is seldom in life that one knows that a coming event is to be of crucial importance.

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    It would have marked a want of foresight in the convention, which our own experience would have rendered inexcusable.

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    Power dements even more than it corrupts, lowering the guard of foresight and raising the haste of action.

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    Let us not have puny thoughts. Let us think on a greater scale. Let us not have those of the future decry our smallness of concept and lack of foresight.

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    Seeking revenge: what a lack of foresight.

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    The inevitable effect of a biographer's hindsight is to belittle the subject's foresight.

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    Foresight of phenomenon and power over them depend on knowledge of their sequences, and not upon any notion we may have formed respecting their origin or inmost nature.

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    Look ere thou leap, see ere thou go.

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    All the progress in science can’t be used to build a smell receptor as capable as the one that a true leader possesses—to smell trouble or just something fishy.

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    Don't despair: despair suggests you are in total control and know what is coming. You don't - surrender to events with hope.

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    Haw! Haw! Inconceivable stupidity is just what you're going to get! (Brigadier-General Henry Wilson, on being challenged in 1910 about the likelihood of a European war)

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    How you look at it is pretty much how you'll see it

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    ‎"There’s no such thing as mistakes – only a lack of foresight.

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    Changing the currents of Fate, even by accident, comes at a heavy price.

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    Every invention began as an imagination.

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    Formative commendation to the author as an altar boy: "You're the only one we've got to anticipates what's coming.

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    I am truly happy for people who have depth and can see beyond the present not spiritually now but in terms of process and knowing that anything and everything good must take time. I am truly happy for people who know that you must sow before reaping. I am truly happy for people who know that you must count 1 before 2. I went to an organization today and spent most part of my time there. I watched this organization grow and also recruited for them apart from using the place as set for OMA LIVING SHOW. They were occupying a small space in one of the phase 2 districts in Abuja... Today, they are occupying a big edifice all by themselves and to say I am proud of them is an understatement. I am happy for the team members and staff who did not run away because of SMALL SALARY like most of us will call it. They have been there and growing with the company. They will be called LUCKY for having this job by the same people who carry shoulders up and quote things like; “I KNOW MY WORTH, I can’t work for less than 1 million Naira per second”... They will be called lucky by those who sit and complain about unemployment day in day out while rejecting every job offer on account of the most flimsy and watery reasons... But I will always say it... Nobody is lucky! Some people simply decided to face reality and abide by certain principles. Many authentic beginnings are small... But most don’t know it because they want to make it overnight! But I am happy at the revolution that is happening. This is a good time to embrace process. Start building today.

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    Full moon is falling through the sky. Cranes fly through clouds. Wolves howl. I cannot find rest Because I am powerless To amend a broken world. Sima Zian added, "I love the man who wrote that, I told you before, but there is so much burden in Chan Du. Duty, assuming all tasks, can betray arrogance. The idea we can know what must be done, and do it properly. We cannot know the future, my friend. It claims so much to imagine we can. And the world is not broken any more than it always, always is.

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    Humans are often credited with having real foresight, in distinction to the rest of biology which does not. For example, Dawkins compares the 'blind watchmaker' of natural selection with the real human one. 'A true watchmaker has foresight: he designs his cogs and springs, and plans their interconnections, with a future purpose in his mind's eye. Natural selection . . . has no purpose in mind'. I think this distinction is wrong. There is no denying that the human watchmaker is different from the natural one. We humans, by virtue of having memes, can think about cogs, and wheels, and keeping time, in a way that animals cannot. Memes are the mind tools with which we do it. But what memetics shows us is that the processes underlying the two kinds of design are essentially the same. They are both evolutionary processes that give rise to design through selection, and in the process they produce what looks like foresight.

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    If you do not know you are in danger, you are that danger. You do not know me, but I come in peace; if you think that is strange, then you are the stranger.

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    In a world with amazing amounts of statistics and demographics available, If you don't utilize foresight, statistics, demographics, projections and predictions the competition will.

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    It is a consolation or a misfortune that the wrong kind of people are too often correct in their prognostications of the future; the far-seeing are also the foolish.

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    I can foreseen the fulfillment of my the visions.

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    I have not the foresight to predict everything, Rogue.

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    It’s having no foresight that makes the temporary unbearable.

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    Panic is something that good operations officers plan for.

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    In much of the rest of the world, rich people live in gated communities and drink bottled water. That's increasingly the case in Los Angeles where I come from. So that wealthy people in much of the world are insulated from the consequences of their actions." [Why Societies Collapse, ABC Local, July 17, 2003]

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    Lonzi said the only thing worth loving was what was to come, and since what was to come was unforeseeable---only a cretin or a liar would try to predict the future---the future had to be lived now, in the now, as intensity.

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    No one knows the future, but the present offers clues and hints on its direction.

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    One can talk good and shower down roses, but it's the receiver that has to walk through the thorns, and all its false expectations.

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    It's not unfortunate that people aren't genuine; what's unfortunate is that insincere people try to act sincere and in doing so, mislead and deceive the other. I would rather meet a person who is not amiable and who does not feel any burden to act amiable towards me, than to have the misfortune of knowing people who feel like they need to be gracious and compassionate so they will appear to be good people, whilst possessing none of those qualities within themselves! It's the latter that causes the pain in life. And that's another reason why I don't believe in religion; I have observed that religion tells people that it is highly prized a quality to act kind and compassionate and so on and so forth, but some people just do not have these innate qualities within them! We get deceived, and I'd rather not be deceived! I'd rather be able to see a person for who he/she is and not judge a brute for being a brute, but avoid the brute who carries the burden of acting like a wonderful one!

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    Perhaps he knew, as I did not, that the Earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road.

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    Staying close yet just ahead of those you lead reduces the pressure on everyone.

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    Peter stood back up. 'Well, that was a perfectly useless conversation,' he said with a sigh. Now, there is a wonderful thing in this world called 'foresight.' It is a gift treasured above all others because it allows one to know what the future holds. most people with foresight end up wielding immense power in life, often becoming great rulers or librarians.

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    Pity is unto the bird that takes refuge and stands on the tall tree with shallow roots to boast with their sweet melodies for they shall sing a harmonious dirge the day the strong storm will arrive. But the birds that shall build their nest on the tall tree deeply rooted in the soil shall smile and sing hallelujah when they see the storm coming from afar

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    Stubbs may have envisaged the skeleton inside the horse, but most of us do not

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    The British have always been madly overambitious, and from one angle it can seem like bravery, but from another it looks suspiciously like a lack of foresight.

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    She doesn't think it's a good idea to know the future, because you can hardly ever change it, so why suffer twice?

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    The problem with preparing for the worst is that that has the power to attract the worst.

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    The bronze of the door is worthless, alas, to keep me from seeing her who comes by the walks of myrtles to search me out drunk with hatred and crazed by fate.