Best 6470 quotes in «joy quotes» category

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    Immerse yourself in nature’s symphony and let your senses burst with joy.

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    I'm not a big believer in trying to jam stuff down somebody's throat: 'You're going to do it my way.' I'd rather show by example and live my life and have people say, 'You know what, I want to live like Joel has. He's got peace and joy, and he seems content.'

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    I'm not a runner, and I always dreamed about just throwing on my sneakers and really knocking everyone's socks off with my joy of traversing the world by foot.

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    I'm not complaining about doing 20-hour days. It's a joy to be able to work on yet another film.

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    I'm not denying that depression can be spiritually induced. Guilt from having wronged and hurt others can bring it on. A sense of having failed to live out the will of God can give rise to depression. Certainly the fear of death and what might follow can sap the joy out of life.

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    I'm not very comfortable with watching my performances. I don't particularly find a great joy in it. Everything is the process of making it, of getting it, getting the job, saying yes to the job. Those are the joys. Making it is the greatest joy. And then, you have to show the bloody thing. You have to show and tell, be judged. But I don't listen. I don't pay much attention. I hear the rumblings of greatness or the arrows of discontent and harsh words. Then you go, "Oh God. Why?

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    I'm only... I'm only unhappy when the reviews are bad, but give me a good review and I'm a... I'm just screaming all over the place with joy.

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    I moved from Boston to Los Angeles, and took every opportunity that came along my way, trusting that God had a great plan for my life, giving me the willpower to move forward in a positive direction that gave me a feeling of purpose, joy and artistic freedom to fully express myself.

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    Impeccability of the word can lead you to personal freedom, to huge success and abundance; it can take away all fear and transform it into joy and love.

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    I'm really happy when I'm immersed in the art of it all - immersed in the music, the dance, the visual. Tapping into joy - it saves you.

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    I'm really only happy when I'm on stage. I just feed off the energy of the audience. That's what I'm all about - people and laughter.

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    I'm so personally attached to all the characters I met and photographed over the years ... the anthology is like a photographic reliquary that could potentially preserve their grace, fierce joy, and restlessness.

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    I'm thrilled in a way because musicals should be preserved. It's mostly unique to America, and they give us so much joy.

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    I'm trying to just accept things, accept the beauty of things and the joy and positivity of things as they are in the moment and accept when it's not that way as well. Because, of course, none of it lasts forever. It's all going to change very rapidly. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. It doesn't have to be panic-inducing. It can be just the way life is.

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    I'm trying to stay as calm as possible and focus one day at a time, but when reality sets in, I feel everything: anxiety, excitement, nerves, pressure and joy.

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    I'm very happy because I won a lot. I've won races and lived in a world that just gave me joy, so I remember it very positively.

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    I'm world famous, everywhere I go there are people who love me because of I've been able to bring them some joy from the movies I've made.

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    In activity we must find our joy as well as glory; and labor, like everything else that is good, is its own reward.

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    In actuality, we don't look for smiles in pictures of bliss, but rather, for the happiness in life itself. Painters know this, but this is preciously what they cannot depict. That's why they substitute the joy of seeing for the joy of life.

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    In a family, you take on each other's problems and joys differently, and more intensely. The amplitude - and the undulation of the family - is different from the people you just generally bump into on the street, because you're chained together. And what happens if you break that chain? In almost every family that I know, someone has escaped, set themselves free, tried to run away - whatever what you want to call it. And often, they are made more conspicuous by their absence.

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    In a restaurant one is both observed and unobserved. Joy and sorrow can be displayed and observed "unwittingly," the writer scowling naively and the diners wondering, What the hell is he doing?

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    In all perception of the truth there is a divine ecstasy, an inexpressible delirium of joy, as when a youth embraces his betrothed virgin.

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    In an age when all that was old seems new again, Bernard DeVoto's The Hour couldn't have made a more timely reappearance. This book reminds me of one of the joys of being an adult-cocktail hour!

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    In Asia, red is the colour of joy; red is the colour of festivities and of celebration. In Chinese culture, blue is the colour of mourning.

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    In anything there has to be dark and light. There's a lot of joy in my paintings and a lot of darkness.

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    In a sense, we are better prepared to praise God than the angels are, for angels have never known the joy of redemption.

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    Indeed, the opposite of joy is not sorrow. The opposite of joy is unbelief.

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    In contentment and joy are found the height and perfection of all love towards our neighbor.

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    Incongruity is the mainspring of laughter.

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    In joy and sorrow all are equal, Thus be guardian of all, as of yourself.

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    I need to learn. Joy is at the heart of God's plan for human beings. The reason for this is worth pondering awhile: Joy is at the heart of God himself. We will never understand the significance of joy in human life until we understand its importance to God. I suspect that most of us seriously underestimate God's capacity for joy.

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    I never enjoyed writing a book more; indeed, it is the only one I remember in no sense as a labor but as a joy.

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    In life, we will always encounter difficult people. Don't allow them to frustrate you or steal your joy.

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    In emancipation from the fears that beset the slave of circumstance he will experience a profound joy, and through all the vicissitudes of his outward life he will remain in the depths of his being a happy man.

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    I never wanted to be an actor. My dad was an actor, and he never brought joy home, so I didn't view it as something that I would want to do.

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    In fact, isn't it a joy - there is hardly a greater one - to find a new book, a living book, and to know that it will remain with you while life lasts?

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    In life, there are no shortcuts to joy. Anything that is worth pursuing requires us to suffer just a little bit.

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    In many cases, a bout with sickness stretches your soul, opens your eyes, and introduces you to a world of unimagined grandeur, possibility and joy.

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    In my joy I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out with a cry of pain. How strange, I thought that the same cause should produce such opposite effects.

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    In my family, there was not an abundance of wealth, but there was an abundance of love. So there was always humor, and there was joy and there was comfort and there was this environment just to have a good time.

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    In my food world, there is no fear or guilt, only joy and balance. So no ingredient is ever off-limits. Rather, all of the recipes here follow my Usually-Sometimes-Rarely philosophy. Notice there is no Never.

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    In my life I see no difference between making pots, cooking and growing vegetables. They are all so related. However, there is a need for me to work in clay. It is so gratifying and I get so much joy from it, and it gives me many answers in my life.

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    Inner success is the ongoing experience of love, happiness, fulfillment and well-being - the experience of joy in your everyday life.

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    In my food world, there is no fear or guilt, only joy and balance.

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    In my more lucid moments I know that God is right here, right now; that God is the luminous mystery at the heart of creation and that God is here in the joys and sorrows of the world. And I try to see God in everything and treat all life with reverence.

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    In joy or sorrow, feebleness or might, Peace or commotion, be thou, Father, my delight.

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    Instead of bracing yourself for the perils of the unknown, embrace the joy that is here, in your present moment.

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    In order to thrive as artists we need to be available to the universal flow. When we put a stopper on our capacity for joy by anorectically declining the small gifts of life, we turn aside the larger gifts as well.

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    I noticed the drama majors on campus when I was at Notre Dame. They just seemed to be freer spirits than the rest of us. There was joy in their work; they were the only ones studying something whose work made them happy. I envied that.

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    Instead of dwelling on negative thoughts, cause your mind to dwell on peace and joy.