Best 4184 quotes in «books quotes» category

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    Conflict is much the same, injustice and inequality is nothing new to our generation only the contest has changed because not only that everyone has opinion but they also have an opportunity to voice it and that is a bit dangerous.

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    Conozco a personas que “leen” muchísimo, libro tras libro y línea a línea, y a las que, sin embargo, no calificaría de “buenos lectores”. Es cierto que estas personas poseen una gran cantidad de “conocimientos”, pero su cerebro no sabe organizar y registrar el material adquirido. Les falta el arte de separar, en un libro, lo que es de valor para ellos y lo que es inútil, de conservar para siempre en la memoria lo que interesa de verdad y desechar lo que no les reporta ventaja alguna.

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    Consider with thyself; as the rain is more than the drops, and as the fire is greater than the smoke; but the drops and the smoke remain behind: so the quantity which is past did more exceed.

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    Copy your fathers, your ancestors, See, their words endure in books, Open, read them, copy their knowledge, He who is taught becomes skilled. Don’t be evil, kindness is good..

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    Cool. Now get out, both of you. We have dinner in a little while, and I want to finish my book.” Kade’s smile was fleeting. “I never did like to leave a story unfinished.

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    Could thou not make those that have been made, and be now, and that are for to come, at once; that thou might shew thy judgement the sooner?

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    Could a writer understand how her book had saved someone long ago, when the world was a fragile, scary place and the people she loved weren't in it anymore? Could a writer understand that her book had mattered more than anything?

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    Cosa farei senza libri? Ne ho la casa piena, eppure non mi bastano mai. Vorrei avere una giornata di trentasei ore per poter leggere a mio piacere. Tengo libri di tutte le dimensioni: da tasca, da borsa, da valigia, da taschino, da scaffale, da tavolo. E ne porto sempre uno con me. Non si sa mai: se trovo un momento di tempo, se mi fanno aspettare in un ufficio, che sia alla posta o dal medico, tiro fuori il mio libro e leggo. Quando ho il naso su una pagina non sento la fatica dell'attesa. E, come dice Ortega y Gasset, in un libro mi "impaeso", a tal punto che mi è difficile spaesarmi. Esco dai libri con le pupille dilatate. Lo considero il piacere più grande, più sicuro, più profondo della mia vita.

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    Cosa c’è di meglio, in realtà, che starsene la sera accanto al fuoco con un bel libro in mano, mentre il vento sbatte contro le persiane e arde il lume della lampada?

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    Could it be that while you are waiting for God to come down and help you, God is also waiting for you to get up? Maybe your breakthrough never happen when your situation changes but when you make a determination within yourself without excuses or blaming anybody and not waiting for anyone and stop praying that your situation change but let God change you. Let your prayer be God change me, God work in me, spring out the rivers of living water within me and I bet you, this is where the breakthrough begins. ☺just a thought and something to ponder on....

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    Courtney!’ he shouted, but didn’t know if she could hear him. Where was she? ‘Courtney!’ There. He forced his way over to her and pulled the sickos from her back. She was bleeding from small cuts all over her, and her right arm was red from shoulder to fingertips, but she was still battling with her knife. DogNut took hold of her and started to drag her away, ignoring the sickos that grabbed at him from all sides. All his energy was ebbing away. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep this up. ‘Come on, Courtney,’ he said. ‘Don’t give up. You and me, girl. You and me.’ ‘You and me, Dog,’ said Courtney. ‘Love you, girl...’ ‘Love you, too...

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    Create a world in front of your readers where they can taste, smell, touch, hear, see, and move. Or else they are likely going to move on to another book.

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    Creating a world within the imagination one day at a time through words and colors.

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    Creative writing is your ability to develop your inner tension, your libido, your supply of energy and electric charge, turning the charge into an image or thought, and wording the thought, thus contributing all the activity of your mind to the immortal culture of humankind and subsequently to your own immortality.

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    Criticism demands infinitely more culture than artistic creation.

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    Crusoe and Friday. Ishmael and Ahab. Daisy and Gatsby. Pip and Estella. Me. Me. Me. I am not alone. I am surrounded by words that tell me who I am, why I feel what I feel. Or maybe they just help me while away the hours as the rain pounds down on the porch roof, taking me away from the gloom and on to somewhere sunny, somewhere else.

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    Cultura e un cimitir de cărți și de alte obiecte dispărute pentru vecie.

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    Current "literature" [is] well-written books in which disgusting people do disgusting things to other disgusting people for no apparent reason and with no apparent resolution.

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    Customer: This book has a couple of tears to some of the pages. Me: Yes, unfortunately some of the older books haven’t had as much love as they should have done from previous owners. Customer: So, will you lower the price? It says here it’s £20. Me: I’m sorry but we take into account the condition of the books when we price them; if that book was in a better condition, it would be worth a lot more than £20. Customer: Well, you can’t have taken this tear here into account *points to page* or this one here *points to another page* because my son did those two minutes ago. Me: So, the book is now more damaged than it was before, because of your son? Customer: Yes. Exactly. So will you lower the price?

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    Customer: Forgotten my glasses, could you read the beginning of this book to me to see if I like it?

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    CUSTOMER: If I were to, say... meet the love of my life in this bookshop, what section do you think they would be standing in?

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    Currently, the Library of Congress houses eighteen million books. American publishers add another two hundred thousand titles to this stack each year. This means that at the current publishing rate, ten million new books will be added in the next fifty years. Add together the dusty LOC volumes with the shiny new and forthcoming books, and you get a bookshelf-warping total of twenty-eight million books available for an English reader in the next fifty years! But you can read only 2,600 - because you are a wildly ambitious book devourer. ... For every one book that you choose to read, you must ignore ten thousand other books simply because you don't have the time (or money!).

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    Daily reading is a sacred knowledge.

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    Das war ein Vorspiel nur; dort wo man Bücher verbrennt, verbrennt man auch am Ende Menschen." (Almansor)

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    Das einzige, das mir in diesen Jahren Halt gab, waren ein halbes Dutzend Bücher, die ich stahl und mit denen ich immer wieder der Realität entfloh. Ich wurde nicht müde, in ihnen zu lesen, sie mir auch selbst laut vorzulesen, bis mir die Figuren zwischen den Buchdeckeln lieb und vertraut wie Freunde wurden.

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    Das gute Buch macht den Menschen einzigartig und befreit ihm aus der Menge. Es gibt ihm die Möglichkeit zu spüren, wie aus unbekannten Regionen Seeleninhalte, Erinnerungen und Existenzmöglichkeiten in ihm auftauchen und an die Oberfläche steigen, die ihm allein gehören und nur ihm. Die ausschließlich die Frucht seiner Persönlichkeit sind. Das Ergebnis seiner intimsten Schlussfolgerungen. Denn im alltäglichen Leben, in der Vulgarität des Alltags, in der allgemeinen Beschmutzung des Intellekts, der flachen, undifferenzierten Sprache, haben diese Seelenstoffe es schwer, aus jenen inneren Tiefen aufzusteigen und zu Wort zu kommen.

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    Dating someone exclusively for four months in New York is like four years in Anchorage.

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    David had left her,taking his insane jealousy with him.

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    Day, after day, after glorious day, I was falling in love with books.....

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    Dear books, please take me to the places where my feet can't take me.

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    Dear Lord please show me what really matters so that I may be able to determine what is distraction and God's direction in my life.

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    Dear Literary World, Sorry for breaking down your door...I'll pay for that!!! Since I'm here and planning to stay a while, let me tell you some stories!!

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    DEAR DI­ARY You are greater than the Bible And the Con­fer­ence of the Birds And the Up­an­ishads All put to­geth­er You are more se­vere Than the Scrip­tures And Ham­mura­bi’s Code More dan­ger­ous than Luther’s pa­per Nailed to the Cathe­dral door You are sweet­er Than the Song of Songs Might­ier by far Than the Epic of Gil­gamesh And braver Than the Sagas of Ice­land I bow my head in grat­itude To the ones who give their lives To keep the se­cret The dai­ly se­cret Un­der lock and key Dear Di­ary I mean no dis­re­spect But you are more sub­lime Than any Sa­cred Text Some­times just a list Of my events Is holi­er than the Bill of Rights And more in­tense

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    Death has an odd way of just happening, it is never predicted, regardless of what Nostradamus implied, unless it's predicted by the one holding the gun, or doing the killing.

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    ... death does not bring the life of a man to an end; it only opens the door to a higher form of life.

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    Dear Miss Pomeroy, I am saddened by the things I do not know. There are hundreds--thousands--of books in the world and I will never be able to read all of them. I am old. Walter

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    Death does not wait for you to be ready.

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    Death, man must face...

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    Death is not considerate, or fair.

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    Dedicate your life to solitude and mortify your members which are upon the earth.

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    Desejava uma verdadeira livraria tal como um viciado deseja uma dose. Não havia mesmo nada melhor do que aquele maravilhoso cheiro a livros novos, tocar nas capas e folhear um livro, cujas páginas, se calhar, nunca tinham sido folheadas. (...) Há pessoas obececadas e apaixonadas por sapatos. Os sapatos eram bonitos, mas não se podia ficar a noite toda acordade a ler um par, pois não?

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    Der Hunger nach guten Büchern ist weiter verbreitet und hartnäckiger, als Sie glauben, aber in gewisser Weise trotzdem vielfach unbewusst. Die Menschen brauchen Bücher, wissen es aber nicht. Meistens wissen sie gar nicht, dass es die Bücher, die sie brauchen, überhaupt gibt.

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    Desire for books, desire to read.

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    Det er midnatt: bøkene lukket, ryddet bort til det ordløse møte med tankens gjæster, og lampen slukket.

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    Despite the promise of four days of sun and overly sweet wine, Richard was sporting a sour puss. But then that was to be expected - he sold books for a living, after all.

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    Det var en glad Dag før ham, han hadde ikke rikere Glæder end naar han kunde gjøre godt på denne Maate og hævde Lærdommens og Bokens Overlegenhet, det var hans Levebrød og hans Lidenskap. En Lidenskap skal Mennesket ha, somme trodser Ild og Vand for at faa bøie Verber.

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  • By Anonym February 11, 2015 · From Love Thy Neighbor" On journalism and news purists as well as why I pursued print instead of TV journalism/news at the No. 1 journalism school in the country: news reporters are willing to take risks "so that people can base their lives on a foundation of truth not lies. That's why I do it -- to be the one responsible voice in the crowd." Page 105' "Love Thy Neighbor

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    DeYtH Banger is a character, who is famous because of me, who is created by me and who lives by me...

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    Dicen que los pingüinos se aman para toda la vida (...) y yo quiero ser tu pingüino. —Lev

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    Did not the souls also of the righteous ask question of these things in their chambers, saying, "How long shall I hope on this fashion?" when cometh the fruit of the floor of our reward?