Best 4184 quotes in «books quotes» category

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    A $3 Cup of Coffee is Worth a Book.

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    £500.” He hisses furiously at me. “I can’t believe I’ve spent £500 on an entire new wardrobe and a new haircut – one that I didn’t even want my I add!” As he talks, I skip happily, a dreamy smile plastered all over my face. I’ve had, without a shadow of a doubt, the best day ever. “I can.” I answer, my voice rising several decibels, as I lose myself, currently, on cloud nine. “I’ve loved spending your money. It feels awesome!

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    A bestseller is a book written by a rich person of Indian roots staying in Europe for more than a decade..

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    Able writers let us into their minds and show us how they think and by that open our minds to ourselves

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    A book a week I heave a sigh; That Slogan's peremptory cry I will not hear, I will not heed. How can They say that I should need The book They bid me weekly buy? But Slogans change, as days go by; My Psyche listens, fluttering shy, To newer message "Come and Read A book a week." To read! to read! O wings that fly O'er sun-kissed lands, through clouded sky That bear us on where Great ones lead! I too must follow, so I plead For magic wings. I'll read (or try) A book a week!

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    A book can become your best companion in times of crisis. Not only do you learn in the journey of your pages, but rediscover yourself, with your virtues and defects ... often makes you question everything, even life itself. The books are fantastic, as they not only transport you to other places and the awakening of sensations, curiosity, laughter, hilarity, sadness, etc. Other times, it can give you a quiet space in truculent moments, and lead you to a level of peace, acceptance, healthy optimism, that I will never tire of recommending it. Never stop reading, there are no excuses ... there are always some minutes in any place, at any time and a huge universe for all tastes !!!

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    A book has been taken. A book has been taken? You summoned the Watch," Carrot drew himself up proudly, "because someone's taken a book? You think that's worse than murder?" The Librarian gave him the kind of look other people would reserve for people who said things like "What's so bad about genocide?

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    ... a book indeed sometimes debauched me from my work....

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    A book feels like a thing alive in the moment, and also alive on a continuum, from the moment the thoughts about it first percolated in the writer's mind to the moment it sprang off the printing press - a lifeline that continues as someone sits with it and marvels over it, and it continues on, time after time after time.

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    A book is a dream that you hold in your hands." (As quoted on BookRiot, June 18, 2013)

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    A book is a magical thing that lets you travel to far-away places without ever leaving your chair.

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    A book is a magic carpet that flies you off somewhere. A book is a door. You open it. You step through. Do you come back?

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    A book is a place where my reality, escapism, hope, despair, love and death lie.

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    A book about books is like a poem about poetry: Books are knowledge, paid for, all. Readers - horses in a stall. Stallions should always run. Lest they stale become, in turn. Running waters are most clear. In some books, you disappear – lose yourself, and track of time. How I wish that one was mine... Mine, to have, to write, to read... Mine, just like a flying steed. Mine, forever, - to improve. Would I then, of me, approve? I would not, I can't... myself. I'm but dust, swept off a shelf. Fly, can I, just 'til I'm settled, down, beside my flower, petalled.

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    A book can change the world, but a word of hope, a smile, and experienced advice can change a life.

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    A book, for the Sufis, is an instrument as much as it is something to give information....The key is the teacher.

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    A book is a place to lose yourself and then find yourself once more. A book draws you into its world like a charming host. It should not make you regret accepting its invitation.

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    A book is as private and consensual as sex.

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    A book is indeed dead until a reader brings it into life by reading it.

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    A book is much more than a delivery vehicle for its contents.

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    A book is an ocean, Its upon you, Whether you find pearls, Or only take a drop….!!!!

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    A book is like a large cemetery upon whose tombs one can no longer read the effaced names. On the other hand, sometimes one remembers well the name, without knowing if anything of the being, whose name it was, survives in these pages.

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    A book is never a masterpiece: it becomes one.

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    A book is read one page at a time. A shelf is read one book at a time. A library is read one shelf at a time.

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    A book was like a drawer: one opened it and notions flew out.

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    A book lives a new life every time it is read.

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    A Book “Now” - said a good book unto me - “Open my pages and you shall see Jewels of wisdom and treasures fine, Gold and silver in every line, And you may claim them if you but will Open my pages and take your fill. “Open my pages and run them o’er, Take what you choose of my golden store. Be you greedy, I shall not care - All that you seize I shall gladly spare; There is never a lock on my treasure doors, Come - here are my jewels, make them yours! “I am just a book on your mantel shelf, But I can be part of your living self; If only you’ll travel my pages through, Then I will travel the world with you. As two wines blended make better wine, Blend your mind with these truths of mine. “I’ll make you fitter to talk with men, I’ll touch with silver the lines you pen, I’ll lead you nearer the truth you seek, I’ll strengthen you when your faith grows weak - This place on your shelf is a prison cell, Let me come into your mind to dwell!

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    A book that one has not read yet is always more exciting than a book one has memorized.

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    A book without words is a mind without thought.

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    Academic masochism reflects a metaphysical prejudice that the truth should be a hard-won treasure, that what is read or learnt easily must therefore be flighty and inconsequential. The truth should be like a mount to be scaled, it is dangerous, obscure and demanding. Under the light of the library reading room, the academics' motto reads: the more a text makes me suffer, the truer it must be.

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    Accept criticism. If you do not offer your work for criticism and accept that criticism, meaning give it serious thought and attention, then you will never improve.

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    A Call For The Overthrow Of The World Government!

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    Accidentally moving someone’s bookmark is like realizing you gave bad directions and not telling them.

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    A classic book is a book which generations of men, driven by various reasons, read with that same initial fervor and that same mysterious loyalty.

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    Act correctly. Incorrect action cannot be justified by incorrect action. An incorrect action taken to cover an incorrect action is doubly incorrect.

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    A country whose citizens do not read is already late because "reading" is just the first step to wisdom acquisition. Application of the learnt knowledge is the gateway to personal transformation. If you don't read, you have not yet begun anything!

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    A couple of customers interrupted [...] who wanted to know if we had some YA book about ants and aliens I'd never heard of.

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    Adam on the other hand begins to choke on Jen’s stolen chip. It is Jason who saves him from further embarrassment by thumping him on the back...hard. The chip comes back up, only to fly out of Adam’s mouth and stick to the back of some poor girl’s greasy hair. I don’t know what is worse. Adam’s face when he realises that Grace is indeed standing next to him or Adam’s face when he realises that Grace is indeed standing next to him and is beyond revolted by the outcome of the entire situation. Jason and Jen are failing miserably at keeping a straight face in their amusement. The look they shoot Adam screams: “I’m sorry mate but you’re on your own.

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    Adieu, mon cher vieux. Relis et rebûche ton conte. Laisse-le reposer et reprends-le, les livres ne se font pas comme les enfants, mais comme les pyramides, avec un dessin prémédité, et en apportant des grands blocs l´un par-dessus l´autre, à force de reins, de temps et de sueur, et ça ne sert à rien! et ça reste dans le désert! mais en le dominant prodigieusement. Les chacals pissent au bas et les bourgeois montent dessus, etc.; continue la comparaison.

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    A fortress built long ago, Walls made timeless by historic glory. The small girl in the boat slows, To listen to its story.

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    A friendship with the Lord will sustain you in difficult times.

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    After all, a town without a bookshop was a town without a heart.

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    After each of his books, the writer, for a while, feels once again that he can now die happy.

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    After everything I'd lived through, I was not going to be reduced to a one-sentence definition.

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    After all, what makes any event important, unless by its observation we become better and wiser, and learn 'to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before God'? To those who are possessed of this spirit there is scarcely any book of incident so trifling that does not afford some profit, while to others the experience of ages seems of no use; and even to pour out to them the treasures of wisdom is throwing the jewels of instruction away.

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    After seven days of fasten so it was, that the thoughts of my heart were very grievous unto me- and my soul recovered the spirit of understanding.

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    After ten standard months I was done, acknowledging the ancient aphorism to the effect that no book or poem is ever finished, merely abandoned.

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    After the end of the world, there is a world. Life doesn’t stop. It changes. And it changes me.

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    After this, Boy became very curious about the mansion where the clothes and the food came from. He made me describe everything. Then he asked Good Thing 'Are there books in this mansion, too?' 'And pictures and jewels,' Good Thing said through me. 'What does Master wish me to fetch? There is a golden harp, a musical box like a bird, a—' 'Just books,' said Boy. 'I need to learn. I'm still so ignorant.

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    After you have done your work—challenging as it may have been to complete—and released it in the marketplace, be not concerned with sales, reviews, critical acclaim, or anything else of the like... After you've written and published a book, you're now an AUTHOR. And that great honor can NEVER be taken away from you, no matter what. ("My Book Place," 2018)