Best 61 quotes in «hobby quotes» category

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    There's no reason that anything should ever become obsolete, whether it be VHS tapes, celluloid film, print books or even the previous versions of a computer operating system, as long as even just one person still wants them around. After all, one thing leads to another, old inventions are the basis for new ones, inventors and designers and scientists and hobbyists worked hard to create all these things, so don't they deserve some respect, enough not to have their ideas buried in the dust by the latest trends and fads?

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    The secret to being successful in any field is getting very interested in it... I could force myself to be fairly good in a lot of things, but I couldn't excel in anything in which I didn't have an intense interest

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    The work you love doing overlaps with that of a Hobby (routine work done in leisure time). The essence is in untiring consummation of hard Core Work in the guise of a Hobby

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    What one does to kill time is one's true calling.

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    To have a mission is to find the thing that you are fond of doing, a thing that you can do better than others

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    Use your profession to fund your passion.

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    We shouldn't make decisions based on feelings alone but rather should make decisions based on creating a positive difference for the future. If it's a good, logical move, or even if it simply interests you, commit to starting and taking it one step at a time. Get started, because the passion you're looking for may be just a few steps away. Passion FOLLOWS commitment, not the other way around.

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    What are you going to do for fun if you can't devastate planets anymore?" "I'll have to find another hobby, I guess.

    • hobby quotes
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    Work hard. Work dirty. Choose your favourite spade and dig a small, deep hole; located deep in the forest or a desolate area of the desert or tundra. Then bury your cellphone and then find a hobby. Actually, 'hobby' is not a weighty enough word to represent what I am trying to get across. Let's use 'discipline' instead. If you engage in a discipline or do something with your hands, instead of kill time on your phone device, then you have something to show for your time when you're done. Cook, play music, sew, carve, shit - bedazzle! Or, maybe not bedazzle... The arrhythmic is quite simple, instead of playing draw something, fucking draw something! Take the cleverness you apply to words with friends and utilise it to make some kick ass cornbread, corn with friends - try that game. I'm here to tell you that we've been duped on a societal level. My favourite writer, Wendell Berry writes on this topic with great eloquence, he posits that we've been sold a bill of goods claiming that work is bad. That sweating and working especially if soil or saw dust is involved are beneath us. Our population especially the urbanites, has largely forgotten that working at a labour that one loves is actually a privilege.

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    Why do you choose to write about such gruesome subjects? I usually answer this with another question: Why do you assume that I have a choice? Writing is a catch-as-catch-can sort of occupation. All of us seem to come equipped with filters on the floors of our minds, and all the filters have differing sizes and meshes. What catches in my filter may run right through yours. What catches in yours may pass through mine, no sweat. All of us seem to have a built-in obligation to sift through the sludge that gets caught in our respective mind-filters, and what we find there usually develops into some sort of sideline. The accountant may also be a photographer. The astronomer may collect coins. The school-teacher may do gravestone rubbings in charcoal. The sludge caught in the mind's filter, the stuff that refuses to go through, frequently becomes each person's private obsession. In civilized society we have an unspoken agreement to call our obsessions “hobbies.” Sometimes the hobby can become a full-time job. The accountant may discover that he can make enough money to support his family taking pictures; the schoolteacher may become enough of an expert on grave rubbings to go on the lecture circuit. And there are some professions which begin as hobbies and remain hobbies even after the practitioner is able to earn his living by pursuing his hobby; but because “hobby” is such a bumpy, common-sounding little word, we also have an unspoken agreement that we will call our professional hobbies “the arts.” Painting. Sculpture. Composing. Singing. Acting. The playing of a musical instrument. Writing. Enough books have been written on these seven subjects alone to sink a fleet of luxury liners. And the only thing we seem to be able to agree upon about them is this: that those who practice these arts honestly would continue to practice them even if they were not paid for their efforts; even if their efforts were criticized or even reviled; even on pain of imprisonment or death. To me, that seems to be a pretty fair definition of obsessional behavior. It applies to the plain hobbies as well as the fancy ones we call “the arts”; gun collectors sport bumper stickers reading YOU WILL TAKE MY GUN ONLY WHEN YOU PRY MY COLD DEAD FINGERS FROM IT, and in the suburbs of Boston, housewives who discovered political activism during the busing furor often sported similar stickers reading YOU'LL TAKE ME TO PRISON BEFORE YOU TAKE MY CHILDREN OUT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD on the back bumpers of their station wagons. Similarly, if coin collecting were outlawed tomorrow, the astronomer very likely wouldn't turn in his steel pennies and buffalo nickels; he'd wrap them carefully in plastic, sink them to the bottom of his toilet tank, and gloat over them after midnight.

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    ...whenever you find a clearing like this," Beatrix said, leading Christopher to a small, sun-dappled meadow, "it's most likely an ancient field enclosure from the Bronze Age. They knew nothing about fertilizing, so when a patch of land became unproductive, they simply cleared a new area. And the old areas became covered with gorse and bracken and heather. And here-" she showed him the cavity of an oak tree near the clearing- "is where I watched a hobby chick hatch in early summer. Hobbies don't build their own nests, they use ones made by other birds. They're so fast when they fly, they look like sickles cutting through the air." Christopher listened attentively. With the breeze playing lightly in his dark gold hair, and a slight smile on his lips, he was so handsome that it was difficult not to gape at him. "You know all the secrets of this forest, don't you?" he asked gently. "There's so much to learn, I've only scratched the surface. I've filled books with sketches of animals and plants, and I keep finding new ones to study.

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    Find the right surroundings, the people who will help you to carry out your mission and realize your gift

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    Writing is my passion, expression and an incessant obsession.

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    You have to write down what you really want to do in this life and then you have to write down what you have to do every day to achieve the goal

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    You need to determine the field of your gift and enter into the realm of experts for that calling

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    All the successful personalities had one common element, they all liked reading books.

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    As a general man I tried watching movies, playing sports, going to picnics and other entertainments but I still got bored, then I tried heroism and now I am hero, and I never get bored.

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    But I don't have any real interest in anything, you know. I don't really care about anything. Not about the sea or the outdoors or nature or anything. I don't really have any hobbies. My mother and grandmother used to sew things.' She picked up one of the embroidered cushions. 'But it doesn't interest me. I do things for a bit and then get bored. Like painting or writing. It interested me for a while but I gave up. I think about swimming but I don't swim,' she said. 'I imagine what it would be like to be in the water, especially the sea. I imagine what it would be like to dip my body into the freezing salt water and how it would feel to be fully submerged and then come up for air but I never do it. I don't go to the beach and I don't get into the water. Sometimes I think I could have been an actor. It's the one profession I've never tried. In one way or another, I have spent my whole life impersonating other people. Acting out fantasies with personalities that I've made up in my head. Brave people that go about the world and do things. But it's not like it's the achievements that matter to me, it's the interest. The interest the people I play take in the world around them. I suppose they love it in a way that I don't. They're fanatics.

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    Writing is my passion and burns in me like a fire. I'm always writing and honing my skills to feed the flames.

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    A heart favours love, a head favours work, a heart and head both favours hobby.

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    Angling is a recreation. It’s supposed to be fun.

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    A painting shouldn't be just a picture, it should be a philosophy.

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    As you grow old, if you don't earn some money or inspiration out of your hobby, you will stop pursuing your hobby.

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    At twenty years old, Michael had vague plans to make changes in his life, but turning blue whilst stood in a walk-in bath in an old people's home wasn't one of them. Usually boys of his age might consider changes along the lines of smoking less grass at home, at college or at work, to be a good idea. Or maybe spending less time on that solitary pursuit common to men of his age across the globe. Enjoyable though he found it, he was going to cut back on the procrastination, but that was going to have to wait.

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    Authenticity distinguishes between a hobby and a calling. A hobby is something you like to do when you can. A calling is something that won’t wait. There is a different sound to one versus the other. Your hobby brings you joy but it is not a priority. Your calling is impolite and disruptive and doesn’t care whether it’s a good time or not.

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    Bila kalian merasakan sangat baik melakukan suatu hal dengan usaha yang minimum, mungkin itu adalah misi hidup yang diberikan Tuhan.

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    Dancing should transcend hobby, it should be a ritual, a meeting point between mortals and immortals.

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    Everyone is tied down in some way. Work, family, medical problems. It's what you make of it. That's why it's so important to surround yourself with the things that make you happy. If you have a bad day at work but get to come home to a woman you love or your favorite hobby, the rest doesn't matter as much.

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    Getting to know experienced people is the best leisure time you can have.

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    Habits are good if you have the habit of the best.

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    If you have a hobby, you be happy.

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    Hmm. Say, did that BMS has a hobby?' The head nurse picked up the chart, turned to the special section created by Pinkus, called 'Hobbies," and said, 'Nope. No hobby.' 'There,' said Pinkus. 'See? No hobby. He didn't have a hobby, do you understand? Do you have a hobby, Roy?' With some alarm I realized that I did not, and said so. 'You should have at least one.

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    How I adored to draw as a child, a teen; all my life before I began to try and shape a career out of it.

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    I don't understand this irony - valuable things like cars, gold, diamond are made up of hard materials but most valuable things like money, contracts and books are made up of soft paper.

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    Hobbies may eventually grow into a major activity that brings money

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    If a muscleman like Hukum can write a poem, anyone can.

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    If you haven’t found who you are just yet, keep exploring you.

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    My 'passion' is my priority.

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    I love portraits. I've always been fascinated by the fact that when you put a frame on something you create limits for it. It makes it look dead. The same works with labels, which is a popular hobby most people have nowadays, labeling.

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    It's one thing if your hobby is to put ships inside a bottle, but a deer in the headlights!... That's a real talent

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    It is the goings-on between bites that excites the traditional angler as much as when the float goes under.

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    Lovers tend to be philosophical, achievers are practical.

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    My Favourite hobby is to sit still and convert oxygen into Carbon Dioxide. Love to Live.

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    Not every artistic person should have to be a photographer, but every photographer should be artistic.

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    No writer is a quiet reader, for their reading will speak of their writing.

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    One must be serious about something, if one wants to have any amusement in life.

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    One needs to pursue some sort of a creative interest in order to keep life from eating us alive.

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    One of the greatest ways to triumph over wanting to eat constantly is to teach yourself how to focus on something else -- something you enjoy doing. In other words, get a hobby!

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    The main purpose of hobby is to promote one’s self-actualization

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    Passion does not translate easily into good income.