Best 103 quotes in «rock quotes» category

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    A bird, unable to fly, is still a bird; but a human unable to love is an inexpensive stone: like a piece of uric acid stone

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    571Par koncertu apmeklētājiem man sazin kāpēc bija ilūzija, ka tad, ja cilvēks interesējas par labu mūziku, viņam galvā var būt tikai pozitīvas domas, kas vieno. Tāpat jebkurš mūziķis vai mākslinieks man joprojām šķita ļoti izglītots un intelektuāls.

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    A culture which doesn't believe in region and religion is like a rock music, noise for old generation & nirvana for the young ones.

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    American women rock on both fields: bed and on the green grass.

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    Any local music scene at any point in time can be referred to as derivative of more well-known acts. The line separating influence from imitation is a blurry one. Very few artists are completely original; even great artists build upon what has occurred before, and add their personality and talent to create their own original expression.

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    A pet rock is a serious commitment and too much responsibility for a ten year old to handle on his own

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    A smile is all I need to rock the world.

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    Build my fear of what's out there And cannot breathe the open air Whisper things into my brain Assuring me that I'm insane They think our heads are in their hands But violent use brings violent plans Keep him tied, it makes him well He's getting better, can't you tell?

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    I believe in the power of origins, a belief that, as Ecclesiastes put it, 'that wich is done is that wich shall be done: and there is no new thing under de sun'; that we claim as originality and discovery are nothing but the airs and delusios of our innocence, ignorance, and arrogance: that whatever is said was said better - more powerfully, beautifully, and purely, long ago

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    A diamond is just a rock that refused to break under heat and pressure.

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    Again Sam’s genitals became rock, and this astonished him as much as anything. Through Franz, he was becoming the stone Earth; the final border separating him from the planet was disappearing. And this transformation to rock was fuelled by desire, the most ephemeral thing on Earth.

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    Apathy is the overrated protection of that rock you are hiding under.

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    A rock that perseveres under heat and pressure soon becomes a diamond.

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    Ar tām idejām ir tā... Zini, kad viss sāk pastiprināti darboties? Kad esi ar alkoholu vai citām vielām noārdījis auru un tev lido iekšā visvisādi sūdi un arī labie. /Dambis/

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    Being comfortable in your own skin is the spirit of rock-and-roll and, really, the spirit of cool.

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    Being like a rock wall" is when a master of martial arts suddenly becomes like a rock wall, inaccessible to anything at all, immovable.

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    Born for the blue skies, We'll survive the rain. Born for the sunrise, We'll survive the pain.

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    Bowie talks in great, voluble torrents, darting from one topic to the next, parenthesizing and then parenthesizing the parentheses, as if he has too many ideas for one conversation.

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    Come with me to the mountains. Every rock there tells a story.

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    —Dice que hay una piedra dentro de usted. Una piedra blanca y dura. Grande como el puño de un niño. No sabe de dónde ha venido. —¿Una piedra? —dijo Satsuki. —En la piedra hay algo escrito, pero está en japonés y no puede leerlo. Hay trazados unos pequeños caracteres en tinta negra. Es algo muy antiguo, usted debe de llevar muchos años viviendo con ello en su interior. Debe deshacerse de esa piedra. Si no lo hace, esa piedra permanecerá, ella sola, incluso después de que usted haya muerto y hayan incinerado su cuerpo. (Tailandia)

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    Do it again and again. Consistency makes the rain drops to create holes in the rock. Whatever is difficult can be done easily with regular attendance, attention and action.

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    Don’t beat yourself up, son. I’m sure there is a culture on this spinning ball of dirt where you can be pretty. If not, do rock ‘n roll, or practice words. That shit’s pretty as well.

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    Don’t want no more rock,” Orc repeated. The bleeding stopped almost immediately. “Does it hurt?” Lana asked. “I mean the rock. I know the hole hurts.” “No. It don’t hurt.” Orc slammed his fist against his opposite arm, hard enough that any human arm would have been shattered. “I barely feel it. Even Drake’s whip, when we was fighting, I barely felt it.” Suddenly he was weeping. Tears rolled from human eyes onto cheeks of flesh and pebbles. “I don’t feel nothing except…” He pointed a thick stone finger at the flesh of his face. “Yeah,” Lana said. Her irritation was gone. Her burden was smaller, maybe, than Orc’s.

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    Every known thing used to be unknown And every rock could become a stone Someday nature will have to atone When soul sees dead flesh leaving the bone

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    Fear of living on Natives getting restless now Mutiny in the air Got some death to do Mirror stares back hard Kill, it's such a friendly word Seems the only way For reaching out again.

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    Gray. The overcast skies had the colour of deadened stones, and seemed closer than usually, as though they were phlegmatically observing my every movement with their apathetic emptily blue-less eyes; each tiny drop of hazy rain drifting around resembled transparent molten steel, the pavement looked like it was about to burst into disconsolate tears, even the air itself was gray, so ultimate and ubiquitous that colour was everywhere around me. Gray...

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    Halfway through the set, the lead singer, who goes by Cloud, knife in hand, begins to stab at the cutout of Copal Brandt with a lion's passion. Out of nowhere blood is produced and Cloud proceeds to rub it all over his own face and body, then on his own bandmates. Afterwards he roars into the microphone, 'Do you know why we're doing this, McAllen? We're doing this FOR NO PARTICULAR REASON!!!!!!!!!

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    I believe that with all things in life, there is a constant need to let go of the idea of "trying hard", there's a heaviness in trying hard to get something, have something or be something. As long as people comply with the idea of "trying hard" they will constantly remain in a place of heaviness. The opposite of this is the state of allowing, of setting out the intentions of what you wish, putting in the required action and not self-sabotaging yourself by "trying hard" or expecting results to unfold in a particular way. Anything that's worth something to you in life such as love, abundance, freedom, peace is in a continuous state of flow. A state of lightness is the only way to allow yourself to go with the flow of things. Heaviness only makes you become a rocky solid object at the bottom of the stream. You can see the flow of things in the life of others who embody the lightness, but you yourself become unmovable in your state of heaviness, as if blocking the flow from reaching you. Will you let yourself move with the flow of abundance or sink at the bottom with the heaviness of your scarcity mindset?

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    I don't know how music works, I'm just glad that it does.

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    I don't want a daughter named after a stone," she had said, choosing instead to name her Miri after the flower that conquered rock and climbed to face the sun.

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    I mean, you want the truth as you wanna hear it? I can't do that. You couldn't afford me.

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    If you give up on a big dream too early, you have probably stepped on gold and mistook it for a rock.

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    Inhosin aamuja Garyn kanssa. Väistämätön ero oli aina nurkan takana, ja vaikka sillä ei tuntunut olevan hänelle mitään merkitystä, minut valtasi aina katkera pettymys ja itseinho. Olin lakannut toivomasta ja unelmoimasta. Gary ei kuulunut minun maailmaani. Hän oli laulaja valtavan suosion saavuttaneessa rock-bändissä eikä missään nimessä aikonut asettua aloilleen puhelinkaupan myyjän kanssa. Tunteiden myllerryksessä minun oli aina vaikea keksiä sanottavaa. Gary ei sitä tosin näyttänyt kaipaavankaan. Hän oli täysin uppoutunut seuraamaan tapahtumia kadulla.

    • rock quotes
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    Integrity is a high rock above which the stormy ocean of worldly troubles cannot rise.

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    I pulled the sheet off their faces. Their faces were black with coal dust and didn't look like anything was wrong with them except they were dirty. The both of them had smiles on their faces. I thought maybe one of them had told a joke just before they died and, pain and all, they both laughed and ended up with a smile. Probably not true but but it made me feel good to think about it like that, and when the Sister came in I asked her if I could clean their faces and she said, "no, certainly not!" but I said, "ah, c'mon, it's me brother n' father, I want to," and she looked at me and looked at me, and at last she said, "of course, of course, I'll get some soap and water." When the nun came back she helped me. Not doing it, but more like showing me how, and taking to me, saying things like "this is a very handsome man" and "you must have been proud of your brother" when I told her how Charlie Dave would fight for me, and "you're lucky you have another brother"; of course I was, but he was younger and might change, but she talked to me and made it all seem normal, the two of us standing over a dead face and cleaning the grit away. The only other thing I remember a nun ever saying to me was, "Mairead, you get to your seat, this minute!

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    I stand on the corner of the block slinging amethyst rocks. Drinkin 40’s of mother earth’s private nectar stock. Dodgin cops. ’Cause Five-O be the 666 and I need a fix of that purple rain. The type of shit that drives membranes insane. Oh yeah, I’m in the fast lane. Snorting candy yams. That free my body and soul and send me like Shazaam! Never question who I am. God knows. And I know God, personally. In fact, he lets me call him me. I be one with rain and stars and things, with dancing feet and watermelon wings. I bring the sunshine and the moon. And wind blows my tune.

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    I hold Sandstorm in higher esteem than I do almost any other Clan cat. She has traveled far from the days when she and Dustpaw tormented Rusty the kittypet. I hope Firestar appreciates her journey as much as she deserves.

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    In the late 80s though, during the new Glam Rock, leather trousers came back with a vengeance. In a way they replaced Spandex, which had slipped slowly out of fashion due to bands like Saxon never being out of the stuff. These new leather trousers began to develop accessories such as tassels, sequins, and laces up the sides. This all looked quite nice for a while, but in the end they were just another easy target for Kurt Cobain and his subversive cardigans.

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    I soaked my soul in Rock and Roll

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    It's me. I chose this. I chose all of this — this rock has been waiting for me my entire life. I’ve been moving towards it my whole life.

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    I wish I were a rock,' he said, and he became a rock.

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    It’s not a bad lesson to learn in the bleaker months: how you view a storm is a question of perspective; provided you find the right rock to watch it from, it could be the most incredible thing you’ll ever witness.

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    Lo programó. Luego, puso el repeat. I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard / Handful of complaints but I can’t help the fact that everyone can see these scars. Siguió disparando.

    • rock quotes
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    Most great accomplishments do not look promising in the beginning. If you give up on a big dream too early, you have probably stepped on gold and mistook it for a rock.

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    Musicians have always had a better understanding of love than the rest of us. Over the years they have told us that love: is like a rock, is here to stay, is all you need, will find a way, will keep us together, will tear us apart, sucks.

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    Now that rock is turning 50, it's become classical itself. It's interesting to see that development.

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    I was feeling like a rock in a stream with the water passing by me, not fully engaging in life with this heavy burden hanging over me.

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    Mellow is the man who knows what he's been missing

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    Most of all, we remain focused on our Rock that never moves.

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    Music is the fastest motivator in the world.