Best 21 quotes in «earthquake quotes» category

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    An earthquake achieves what the law promises but does not in practice maintain," one of the survivors wrote. "The equality of all men".

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    And when the earth began to rumble and quake, as fear and frantic set in, he ran back inside the house past his wife and children, gathering all the valuables and things he thought of importance, and ran back to his car packing away. After making two trips in and out, he waited in the car for his family to come out, in fear they darted through the darkness and pelting cold rain. When everything calmed down, and the house was intact and safe, he returned putting everything back in its place, had the kids go to bed, told his wife he loves her and turned off the light.

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    As accurate as a blind man pissing during an earthquake.” “Wow...,” I breathed. She frowned at me. “That was a great metaphor,” I said. “Oh please.” “I need to write that down,” I said, ignoring her complaints, fishing for my new mobile to type it out.

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    A planet with no mountains, no storms and no earthquakes will create a planet of weak people!

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    Earthquake means destruction; dictator means destruction! In the case of earthquake, you need a strong building; in the case of dictator, you need an educated rational mind, because an irrational ignorant mind always serves the dictator!

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    As the 'circular' approach to sustainability begins to gather ground, we humans are finding ourselves within the circle, not without.

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    But whenever tragedy strikes, one is left either to die or with a plethora of ifs and buts to ponder over.

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    Earth is saving itself from humans. Have you noticed it's been fighting back with earthquakes?

    • earthquake quotes
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    Eppure a volte per capire era sufficiente saper ascoltare. Si ricordò di quella volta che era riuscito a descrivere le conseguenze che il terremoto dell'Irpinia dell'80 aveva avuto sull'equilibrio di quella comunità grazie a una semplice intervista. Era bastato l'incontro con un uomo che si aggirava su una collina di macerie a Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi e raccoglieva piccole cose intorno a sé, oggetti all'apparenza privi di importanza: un fermaglio, un posacenere, una penna. Cercava con pazienza tra le pietre e le macerie e, appena qualcosa attirava la sua attenzione, si chinava a prenderla con delicatezza, come si fa con le more nei cespugli, e la riponeva in una scatola di scarpe vuota. Marco si avvicinò e gli chiese dov'era la sua casa e in che condizioni fosse. -"È tutta qui. Ci stiamo camminando sopra." rispose l'uomo, senza scomporsi. -"E la sua famiglia?" -"Stiamo camminando sopra anche a quella. Mia moglie è proprio qui sotto" disse indicando la punta delle scarpe. "Qui siamo sopra la cucina. L'avevo lasciata lì ed ero andato a prendere la legna per il cammino quando è arrivata la scossa. I miei due bambini sono più in là. In quel punto, vede? Quando sono uscito stavano giocando nella loro cameretta. Devono essere ancora lì. E ora, se vuole scusarmi..." e andò via, lungo quel cimitero di macerie, cercando frammenti della sua vita perduta.

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    I noticed that volcanoes, earthquakes and floods, though are not good events, they are better than the silence of good people when bad people take the podium. The latter are to an extent uncontrollable, but the former can be stopped.

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    i am an earthquake & dance most heavily upon all my faults.

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    My world's not worth saving without you.

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    It is hard to write it in words that I can read, that re-establishes the fact that has been haunting me for the past one year.

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    It may be expedient to take stock of all the affecting pieces that might shatter in the wake of an emotional earthquake, once red flags come up in a committed relationship and an overarching scene has to be fashioned for a recast life experience. ("Waiting for the pieces to fall into place")

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    My heart beats so hard, I feel like I have an earthquake inside of me. It's weighing me down and my hands shake with the need of safety and comfort.

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    So the earth is shaking Here the word's faking As there's no time for lies. Kiss and dance all nights! In no need of balance Nothing makes sense Get it loose with no excuse. Shake and dance!

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    Not IF...But WHEN

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    Si ritiene che il Colosso di Rodi sia crollato durante un terremoto. Questa non è tutta la verità. Il Colosso di Rodi rovinò per le frasi che i turisti, insieme ai loro nomi, vi incidevano alla base e che, nei secoli, aumentando sempre di numero e di volgarità, ne minarono la resistenza. Il terreno fece soltanto quel poco che restava da fare.

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    There is nothing called 'bad or rough weather'! It is just 'weather'. The cyclone, earthquake, rainfall etc. are normal processes of nature. Ironically, if they occur, we call them 'bad'!

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    The cost of war is like an immeasurable tremor that knows no borders, its shockwaves reverberating across the world resulting in universal suffering.

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    Wanasayansi wanaamini kuwa Yesu atarudi tarehe 29 Julai 2016. Tarehe hiyo kitu kikubwa sana kitatokea katika dunia yetu kitakachosababisha tetemeko kubwa la ardhi, litakalosababishwa na kubadilika kwa ncha za dunia, tendo litakalosababisha mionzi ya gama kutoka kwenye jua ifike duniani na kuua kila kitu kinachoonekana katika uso wa dunia hii. Watakatifu watafufuka na kumlaki Kristo mawinguni, ambaye anakuja kuwachukua wateule na kumweka Shetani kifungoni kwa miaka 1000. Hayo yote, wanasema, yatatokea ndani ya siku 11 kuanzia leo. Yaani, kusini mwa dunia kutakuwa kaskazini mwa dunia, kaskazini mwa dunia kutakuwa kusini mwa dunia. Kitendo hicho kitafanya dunia ikose kinga ya sumaku iitwayo ‘magnetosphere’ ambayo hukinga dunia dhidi ya mionzi ya gama kutoka kwenye jua. Mionzi hiyo hugonga ukuta wa ‘magnetosphere’ kila baada ya dakika 8 kwa mwendokasi wa kilometa milioni 1080 kwa saa; na kusambazwa katika ncha za dunia ambapo aghalabu huchanganyikana na oksijeni na kutengeneza kitu kinaitwa ‘aurora’, au mwanga wa ncha, ambacho ni maajabu mengine ya angani. Mwaka 2012 wanasayansi walisema ncha za dunia zingebadilika lakini hazikubadilika. Je, muda umefika sasa wa kuwaamini wanasayansi? Biblia ni chuo cha Mungu. Soma Biblia kupata maarifa.