Best 2876 quotes in «design quotes» category

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    - It doesn't do anything obvious. But it might be able to do something in here. - Then she touched her hand to her heart. - Beautiful things sometimes do.

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    It is a funny paradox of design: utility breeds beauty. There is elegance in efficiency, a visual pleasure in things that just barely work.

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    I think that men have no right to profess themselves architects hastily, without having climbed from the steps of these studies and thus, nursed by knowledge of many arts and sciences, having reached the heights of the holy ground of architecture.

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    It is not, of course, only the Japanese who find flat sterile surfaces attractive and kirei. Foreign observers, too, are seduced by the crisp borders, sharp corners, neat railings, and machine-polished textures that define the new Japanese landscape, because, consciously or unconsciously, most of us see such things as embodying the very essence of modernism. In short, foreigners very often fall in love with kirei even more than the Japanese do; for one thing, they can have no idea of the mysterious beauty of the old jungle, rice paddies, wood, and stone that was paved over. Smooth industrial finish everywhere, with detailed attention to each cement block and metal joint: it looks ‘modern’; ergo, Japan is supremely modern.

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    It is the nature of intuition to spark and guide creativity, and it's an essential ingredient for anything "new" to happen in the world at all.

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    It's as if many of the middle class have discovered aspiration isn't about having a home that is large, showy and full of bling and are instead focusing on the private, unpretentious, and sustainable.

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    It's easy to dismiss design - to relegate it to mere ornament, the prettifying of places and objects to disguise their banality. But that is a serious misunderstanding of what design is and why it matters - especially now.

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    It has all the right ingredients: rich contents, friendly, personal language, subtle humor, the right references, and a plethora of pointers to resources.

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    It must be remembered that the forty hour work week until age sixty five was designed by governments and corporations and not the medical profession.

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    It may be necessary to change our brand, catch phrases, strategy, design, etc. once in awhile. It may give us competitive advantages. But a change that demands the change of the SOUL of who we're doesn't deserve to be entertained.

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    It's natural to think that living things must be the handiwork of a designer. But it was also natural to think that the sun went around the earth. Overcoming naive impressions to figure out how things really work is one of humanity's highest callings. [Can You Believe in God and Evolution? Time Magazine, August 7, 2005]

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    It's not all that important that you be able to originate brilliant ideas... The more important talent is to be able to recognize good ideas from other people.

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    I truly believe Ai is the key to unlocking the full potential of human focused digital, so it is important that we understand what Artificial Intelligence is, in order to understand what it is going to mean for design. Because now that it is here, we have a solid foundation to start creating more intelligent, invisible experiences that make us more human by design. We are at the precipice of one of the most significant discoveries of development since we learnt how to light a fire.

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    I used to believe that design was information architecture, and also that this architecture was built in the brain of an information recipient. Recently I've come to think that, although the materials of that architecture's construction are indeed the information brought from the outside by the sensory organs, at the same time some very important building blocks are also the recollected experiences, the memories, awakened by these external stimuli. People imagine the world and interpret it when outside stimuli awaken the mountain of their internally stored memories.

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    Man was designed in a way in which he must eat in order to give him a solid reason to go to work everyday. This helps to keep him out of trouble. God is wise.

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    Mathematical design is the future. Landscape Mathematics is the revolution!

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    Mathematics is my first language.

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    It's from Scandinavia!" This, we learned, was the name of a region, a cold and forsaken place where people stayed indoors and plotted the death of knobs.

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    It's excellence in leadership when everyone wants to manufacture a black shoe and you manufacture a designer black shoe with gold medal on top. Do something new; do something better!

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    Margherita stared at the mask. It was painted bright yellow and marked with little copper-colored circles to suggest florets. White petals streaked with gold radiated out in all directions. Long golden eyelashes fringed the eye slits, and the mouth was painted as a big happy smile. 'La sua bella,' she whispered, her lisp more pronounced than ever.

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    Modern architecture has the potential to send you to an early grave.

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    Most improved things can be improved.

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    Museums, whatever their content, are logical design arenas. Their renewed vitality reflects a spreading curatorial perception that a museum is a designed situation more than it is a warehouse open to the public. This in turn has made it possible for a great many people, including children, to perceive museum-going as something to do, rather than something that is done to you.

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    It's not Art. And Art is not Design.

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    My job is simple; empower people with design and technology and lead them to be happier citizens of the world.

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    My love for paper floral design grew with each custom project and I’m now officially on a mission to embellished people’s lives, spaces and fabulous events!

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    My philosophy is best summed up by the phrase 'plain, simple, and useful.' Such things may not win many design prizes, but neither do they go out of fashion.

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    Nature's design is fully economical. Human design follows this model when it minimizes information and maximizes understanding.

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    Nature should be idealised not copied.

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    …no industrial designer worth his salt, or our attention, has been trained to work exclusively on any particular product, unless by accident. What he has been trained to do is practice a process called design, a process that includes esthetic choices but does not consist only of them.

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    Modernism isn't a design ethos any more, it's an economy of scale, and a marketing tool to sell the ordinary as something special, the sexless as erotic. A technological device without a specific, personalized identity has a subtext: it asserts the value of instrumentality. Its design is a reflection of its role... The anonymity of these objects is part of what they are: interchangeable commodities whose uniqueness in so far as they possess any is created by what is done with them. Function is an identity. And that identity is something we are encouraged to incorporate into our perception of self, that anonymity is proposed as something to emulate. Whimsy and uniqueness are indulgences.

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    Nothing important should ever be more than two clicks away.

    • design quotes
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    Non è un caso, infatti, che la grafica globalizzata tenda spesso a somigliarsi un po' tutta. Non si tratta di mera influenza culturale, ma di modo di procedere. Tutti i designer compiono gli stessi movimenti, maneggiano pixel: un po' più a destra; ruotato; di nuovo a destra; abbassato; poi sopra; e taglia; e incolla. Così all'infinito. Il design dovrebbe essere un modo di ragionare, di impostare problemi, di raccontare storie, non può ridursi a maneggiare box o spostare pixel.

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    One of the talents of the [late] great Steve Jobs is that he [knew] how to design Medusa-like products. While every Macintosh model has had flaws (some more than others), most of them have has a sexiness and a design sensibility that has turned many consumers into instant converts. Macintosh owners upgrade far more often than most computer users for precisely this reason.” (p.98)

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    Optimal design delivers information in ways that are useful, beautiful and improve the experience of all involved: audience, client and designer.

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    Optimistic design isn't a particular look, it is a movement of residential anarchy. It goes much deeper than using bright colors - it's an attitude displaying self-empowerment, nurturing a more upbeat approach to living. It is about doing things differently, to kick against what is currently on-trend. The only guiding principle is that there is no guiding principle. It is a crusade where a new breed of self-curating, design-smart amateurs who blog about their rebellious design have led the way. They have coined the world 'undecorate.

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    Other clues to how things work come from their visible structure - in particular from affordances, constraints, and mappings. Consider a pair of scissors: if you have never seen or used them before, you can see that the number of possible actions is limited. The holes are clearly there to put something into, and the only logical things that will fit are fingers. The holes are affordances: they allow the fingers to be inserted. The sizes of the holes provide constraints to limit the possible fingers: the big hole suggests several fingers, the small hole only one. The mapping between holes and fingers - the set of possible operations - is suggested and constrained by the holes.

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    Our critics make us strong! Our fears make us bold! Our haters make us wise! Our foes make us active! Our obstacles make us passionate! Our losses make us wealthy! Our disappointments make us appointed! Our unseen treasures give us a known peace! Whatever is designed against us will work for us!

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    My boyfriend likes to fuck my brains out on our kitchen island. Which tile would you recommend for that?

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    Only great artists have the wisdom to let go of good ideas.

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    Penguin Classic, with the orange bands at the top and bottom; and the Gill Sans thirty-sixpoint title, all caps, centered and medium weight, in black on the white band in the middle. One of the designer Tschichold's prouder moments, when he finally woke the hell up and joined the twentieth century.

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    Parks, plazas, gardens, and rooftops are culture-producing places, not merely place for retreat. Sidewalks and bridges become ends in themselves instead of just a means of getting from one place to another.

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    People relate to people, and if your brand feels like people, they’ll relate to you, too.

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    Plans are design to fail.

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    Our head is designed to broaden our capability of analyzing facts, events and draw the right conclusions

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    Principles that drive equilibrium in nature's design also power human design.

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    Products shouldn’t just work well, they must unfold well.

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    Real artists ship.

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    People change, and so do their aspirations, and so should brands.

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    Research conquers doubt. It aligns everyone around the incontestable. Research is the key to clarity—in startups, enterprises, and life itself.