Best 209 quotes in «anniversary quotes» category

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    So I think you have to marry for the right reasons, and marry the right person.

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    That we arrived at fifty years together is due as much to luck as to love, and a talent for knowing, when we stumble, where to fall, and how to get up again.

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    So while an incredible amount of progress has been made, on this fifth anniversary, I wanted to come here and tell the people of this city directly: My administration is going to stand with you - and fight alongside you - until the job is done. Until New Orleans is all the way back, all the way.

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    That there's no more important decision in life than who you marry.

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    The best way to get husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they are too old to do it.

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    The 25th anniversary of the decision ... is a call to people of good will to reflect. Now is the time for recommitment to the building of a culture of absolute respect for life.

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    The bonds of matrimony are like any other bonds - they mature slowly.

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    The concept of two people living together for 25 years without a serious dispute suggests a lack of spirit only to be admired in sheep.

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    The chances of a reunion now are less likely. I was thinking of having a 40th anniversary of the band, but now they are really another band, so it's all a bit weird.

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    The day before the anniversary of D-Day, we lost a man who was equaled by few and surpassed by none as a leader in the cause of freedom: Ronald Reagan.

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    The goal of our life should not be to find joy in marriage, but to bring more love and truth into the world.

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    Still very active And rarely seen apart You're teenage geriatrics Modern and young at heart

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    The heart of marriage is memories.

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    The greatest pleasures of love are inseparable from its greatest pains: Love has the face of a goddess, but the talons of a lion.

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    The London games mark the 24th anniversary of my winning two golds and setting the world record in the heptathlon. Someone is going to want it; records are made to be broken - it's only a matter of time. I hope mine will outlive me.

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    The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident, and the most wonderful of all things in life.

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    The most wonderful of all things in life, I believe, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a glowing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase.

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    Then I saw you through myself and found we were identical.

    • anniversary quotes
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    The punctuation of anniversaries is terrible, like the closing of doors, one after another between you and what you want to hold on to.

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    There is no feeling more comforting and consoling than knowing you are right next to the one you love.

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    The miracle is this: the more we share the more we have.

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    There is no greater reason for children to honour parents than for parents to honour children except, that while the children are young, the parents are stronger than children.

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    The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time.

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    The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret.

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    The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they're right if you love to be with them all the time.

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    Then there was a man who said, 'I never knew what real happiness was until I got married; by then it was too late'

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    The secret to having a good marriage is to understand that marriage must be total, it must be permanent, and it must be equal.

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    The sum which two married people owe to one another defies calculation. It is an infinite debt, which can only be discharged through all eternity.

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    This year, as we celebrate the 230th anniversary of America's independence, please remember the symbols that are sacred to this country. Fly Old Glory high and show your respect and admiration for this great nation and the values we hold dear.

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    This is a very insulting tribute But take it in good heart Congratulations Mom and Dad You've reached Silver together...apart Lots of love etc

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    Three things I want in a relationship: Eyes that won't cry, lips that won't lie, and love that won't die.

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    Two such as you with such a master speed, cannot be parted nor be swept away, from one another once you are agreed, that life is only life forevermore, together wing to wing and oar to oar.

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    The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happy married life.

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    To have you in my life is wondrous Yet all good things, allegedly, come to an end, Piffle, says I, for you, undoubtedly, Will forever be my lover and best friend.

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    To mark the 0-year anniversary of 9/, I wanted to launch an FDNY shirt that pays tribute to the brave first responders who, like my father, risk their lives in the line of duty on a regular basis. All of the proceeds raised from the sale of the T-shirt benefit the New York Police & Fire Widows' & Children's Benefit Fund.

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    To me, fair friend, you never can be old, For as you were when first your eye I ey'd, Such seems your beauty still.

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    Two minds with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one.

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    Two human loves make one divine.

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    Two persons who have chosen each other out of all the species with a design to be each other's mutual comfort and entertainment have, in that action, bound themselves to be good-humored, affable, discreet, forgiving, patient, and joyful, with respect to each other's frailties and perfections, to the end of their lives.

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    Unto us all our days are love's anniversaries, each one In turn hath ripened something of our happiness.

    • anniversary quotes
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    We can't forget what happened on May 4th, 1970, when four students gave up their lives because they had the American constitutional right of peaceful protest. They gave up their lives. And to sing that song in that spot on that anniversary was very emotional for us.

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    Wedded love is founded on esteem.

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    We had a relationship that lasted 44 years. Herbert and I lived together 10 years before we were married. He always gave me a little heart for whatever anniversary.

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    We invest less in our friendships and expect more of friends than any other relationship. We spend days working out where to book for a romantic dinner, weeks wondering how to celebrate a partner or parent's birthday, and seconds forgetting a friend's important anniversary.

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    Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age - as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.

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    We come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.

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    What is there in the vale of lifeHalf so delightful as a wife;When friendship, love and peace combineTo stamp the marriage-bond divine?

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    What ought to be done to the man who invented the celebrating of anniversaries? Mere killing would be too light.

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    When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms, the whole world just fades away. The only thing I hear is the beating of your heart.

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    We can reveal that John's 85 That's a well known fact Telling Kathy's age would be a breach Of the Official Secrets Act