Best 302 quotes in «flaws quotes» category

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    Rather than ask yourself if you are correct, it is far more realistic to think about how you are mistaken. Most humans have not been designed to be right very often.

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    Self-love is not the process of ignoring your flaws. Self-love is expanding your awareness to include your flaws and your strengths.

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    Self-love is not the process of ignoring things, paying attention to fewer flaws or forcing yourself to look away from the parts of you that you perceive as ugly or unwanted. Self-love is the process of expanding your awareness, of seeing those flaws and imperfections alongside the incredible potential of the universe flowing within you, alongside the eternal truth of life flowing within your veins in each second, alongside the flickers of creativity and opportunity present within each moment of your existence. Like this, the imperfections persist, but only as lovable quirks, like a bad doorknob on the front door of a cottage in paradise, like a few thorns on a beautiful rose, like a cloud in a sunset. Like this, what was once unwanted becomes essential, memorable, humbling.

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    She asked him for nothing. She just accepted him with all his confusion and flaws. So, he took her pain and replaced it with love.

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    She was maddening and stubborn and tormented and deeply flawed, but so was he; and maybe the important thing wasn’t finding someone without flaws, but just someone whose flaws complemented your own.

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    Some people think family's about DNA, but it ain't. It's about the folks who want you, who stick with you no matter what. They know your secrets and flaws, and you know theirs, and you love each other anyway.

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    That is usually the rule when you are taken advantage of. You can be the most powerful witch in the land, but you will always have a weakness, and that will always make you believe you have no power when someone exploits it. There is no greater strength than the ability to understand and accept your own flaws.

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    Stop judging and minding other people's business. Focus on shaping your life to align with your true destiny. There is always some flaws that need to be fixed in our various lives.

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    That's why we make enemies of our friends as soon as they start to drift, he thought, cos that way they get stuck with all our flaws, unlike when they're shared. Maybe brief friendships are best. If you pul out in time, the vices are all theirs.

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    Relationships fail when people take their own insecurities and project them as their partner's flaws.

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    The Azath will not be touched, for it is new, a child. Her eyes, soft brown, slowly regarded those of her companions. “The Queen of Darkness spoke thus of Light when it was first born: ‘It is new, and what is new is innocent, and what is innocent is precious. Observe this child of wonder, and know respect.’ ” Orfantal scowled. “Thus did Light survive, and so was Darkness destroyed, the purity vanquished—and now you would have us flawed as our Queen was flawed. Light became corrupted and destroyed our world, Korlat, or have you forgotten?” Korlat’s smile was a sad one. Cherish such flaws, dear brother, for our Queen’s was hope, and so is mine.

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    The flaws and human, declare each other; otherwise, only angels exist, without that.

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    The fatal conceit of most spies is to believe they are loved, in a relationship between equals, and not merely manipulated.

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    The prospect of happiness has a way of clouding up a person’s vision. When you are in love, the kind of love that comes way too fast and way too strong, the flaws of that person you love seem to disappear. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to me.

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    There are no refunds and no exchanges with love. It comes with flaws and imperfections. It’s raw, unfiltered, and sometimes it isn’t easy. But I’ve found the best things in this life are the ones I’ve had to work hardest for.

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    There were just enough flaws to make her perfect.

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    These reasonings will furnish us with an adequate definition of a true critic: that he is a discoverer and collector of writers’ faults. Which may be farther put beyond dispute by the following demonstration: that whoever will examine the writings in all kinds, wherewith this ancient sect has honoured the world, shall immediately find, from the whole thread and tenor of them, that the ideas of the authors have been altogether conversant and taken up with the faults and blemishes, and oversights, and mistakes of other writers; and let the subject treated on be whatever it will, their imaginations are so entirely possessed and replete with the defects of other pens, that the very quintessence of what is bad does of necessity distil into their own, by which means the whole appears to be nothing else but an abstract of the criticisms themselves have made.

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    The truth is, there is good and bad in everybody, in every nation, in every race, and in every religion. To hear someone say that all the people that belong to a certain country, race, or religion are bad — is extremely untruthful and makes the person making the statement lose credibility right away. We are all flawed and even nature is flawed. Nobody is perfect, and no country, race or religion is perfect. Duality and polarity are imprinted in everything in nature — in all humans, and even within ourselves. For example, there are those who are ignorant, and those who are wise.

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    The age that had had the confidence and power to smash these lines through its own capital had apparently balked at tweaking God into compliance. Like the Islamic carpets that contain a deliberate flaw, the avenue was disrupted by the Divine.

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    The most crucial truths are always rejected before they're accepted. " he says gazing out of space."It's one of our greatest human flaws: arrogance. We look up and dare to assume we know, when the universe is unknowable.

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    The nature of a true seeker after beauty is to overlook flaws.

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    The only things flawless about me are my flaws.

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    There is no way to genuinely, powerfully, truly love yourself while crafting a mask of perfection. I know, you know, we all know—it's hard to let your pimples and your flaws be seen. It's hard to stumble and bumble. It's hard to not know the right things to do or say. It's hard to not look like TV. Sometimes, it's really hard for me to be the awkward mess that I am when I'm authentic, instead of having runway authenticity—all natural, but flawless. But every time I allow that to be okay, not just around myself but around others—I affirm something to myself. I affirm, to myself more than anyone else, that I am lovable and acceptable unconditionally. I affirm that it's okay to take on and take in all the flavours and hues of human experience, and not just the ones that are acceptable in this culture, in this time, in this place. And that kind of acceptance, that kind of love—that's the kind of love that creates miracles. That's the kind of love I really need. That's the kind of love that makes approval taste like cardboard.

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    ...they hold all their flaws between their bodies and cradle them with each kiss.

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    They were great men, with huge flaws, and you know what – those flaws almost made them greater.

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    To make robots practical, flaws must be removed. To make robots endearing, flaws must be added.

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    To stay in your limits is your safety and dignity too, it also keeps hiding your flaws.

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    Tragic is the day when our flaws become our virtues and our virtues become our flaws.

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    Trust not yourself; but your defects to know, Make use of ev'ry friend—and ev'ry foe.

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    Unlike the world that points out your flaws to ridicule you, when GOD points out your flaws, it's because He want to walk you out of it.

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    Understand the flaws and you will know the perfection of the Universe.

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    Unlike the world that points out your flaws to ridicule you, when GOD point out your flaws, it's because He want to walk you out of it.

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    We all have flaws, no matter how hard we try to tame sometimes still eludes us. If you give me your flaw, I'll handle it flawlessly, and I mine, you'd do the same. That's when two is better than one, else, we'll have two aggravated untamed flaws.

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    Well, to tell you the truth, I've thought of it often and often before, but he's such devilish good company is Huntingdon, after all - you can't imagine what a jovial good fellow he is when he's not fairly drunk, only just primed or half-seas-over - we all have a bit of a liking for him at the bottom of our hearts, though we can't respect him.' 'But should you wish yourself to be like him?' 'No, I'd rather be like myself, bad as I am.

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    We are all flawed, my dear. Every one of us. And believe me, we've all made mistakes. You've just got to take a good hard look at yourself, change what needs to be changed, and move on, pet.

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    What is a flaw but a human mistake, or an ignorance that sees without options?

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    What spreads the stench of bad conduct? It is the egoism and other ‘flaws’.

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    When it comes to you I can’t help myself I’ve never been this attached to someone’s flaws

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    We all have to face our faults and mistakes, and then choose to overcome them or let them drag us down.

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    When you hide your flaws you only give them the power to dominate your life. Every time that you fake who you are to cover your flaws, they become stronger and visible to your own eye. You become comfortable with working every day to hide them from everyone else's view. And maybe you try to show the world those flaws but they are rejected because you've hidden them for so long that they couldn't possibly be a true part of you. But then, you show them to the world every day, day after day, and they finally start to disappear from view because they really never were a really big deal in the first place. Accept your flaws or you will never truly be able to live with them.

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    When you fall in love, they become flawless but what’s dangerous is sometimes you’re meant to see those flaws.

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    When they want to leave, they accuse you with endless flaws.

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    Where you see scars I see art Where you see flaws I see incredible beauty Where you see failures I see knowledge and growth Everything is perception You see with your eyes I see with my soul It’s how you rock And how I roll.

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    While many people are proud of being self-made, it only explains all the flaws.

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    Whoever imperfect..finds flaws.

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    Woman lost (skin deep) like a damn fine thread in the fire Woman of the world caught up in your black machinations I was a woman who cried alone at night, who gave it all away when she saw the good heart of the man inside Woman caught standing up; her open parts are broken - Someone's armour broke right through, it was you, you For some reason I've been thinking about you, your light Today, you poured out all the tension, the ego underground Hibernating inside my heart. I was so close to it, to the flicker Of love in a lonely street and I turned my head and walked Away from the flame in your arms. As I put away the fun in A house of fight I came across you and a mechanism in My brain shifted chemically, walls caved in like the cadence In your words and I was lost in the darkness. Even now in Middle age I remember when desire was a popular drug And everyone was selling it but I don't live to explore to be Able to illuminate the proof of my existence, live to burn Vicariously though the diamond mouth of sleeping stars. From so much love, pictures of death arrived in black and White photographs and you're perfect, you always were - Illusions have no flaws; they're dangerous beings, smoke. Could I take the moon back and still live with my great Expectations of nostalgia, laughter, tears and suffering - But they are all a part of me not the people of the stars, Long dead videotape, the past has stained the symphony Of my soul (like the wind through the trees) throughout Me finding myself, my two left feet as a female poet The warning was there of the noise of eternity, signs That said, don't anger the sea, you have an ally in her. When men grow cold listen to their stories and bask in The glory of their genuine deaths, their winters, put Them away so you can read them like the newspaper. Once in a while you can go back to where you stood In youth with your afternoon tea, the sun of God in our Eyes - I am that kind of woman who lives in the past

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    Work on making yourself a complete being. Though you were born with the physical traits of one sex, you possess the characteristics of both - including those of plants and animals. You were created as a nearly complete universal being, but with flaws. True perfection can only be achieved when one recognizes that they need to combine their oneness with others and nature. Only then is one considered complete.

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    Writing isn't about creating perfect characters. There's no such thing. It's about creating characters that are real; flawed-- yet beautiful, in that they know they need another person. Needing someone else doesn't make them weak; if they believed all they needed was them self, they would be. A strong heroine isn't afraid to admit that a best friend, or soul mate, is exactly what they need at one moment or another. A strong heroine never stands alone. They stand tall; they believe in who they are. They are perfect in every human flaw, because as humans we are flawed. And in every flaw, I see the perfection of their souls. Writers breath life into simple words and create beings--flaws and all.

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    You are beautiful. Yes, you are beautiful. You are beautiful in all your inimitable ways. You are beautiful in all your charming ways. You are beautiful in all your unique ways. Yes you are beautiful! You are beautiful! You are beautiful in all your inimitable ways. You are beautiful in spite of what they call as your flaws, quirks, and weirdness. You are beautiful in all your unique ways. Don't believe them who say you are not beautiful. They are insecure people who say you are not beautiful! Yes you are beautiful! You are magical because of all your flaws, quirks, and weirdness! Yes you are beautiful in your own unique way. Your imperfections make you unique and beautiful! Yes you are beautiful! You are uniquely beautiful! You are beautiful in your magical way!

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    You are beautiful! You are beautiful in your inimitable way. You are beautiful because of your flaws, quirks, and weirdness; don't hide them! Embrace all your imperfections because it is your imperfections that make you beautiful!