Best 55 quotes in «staff quotes» category

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    Bread is the staff of life.

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    Bryant Gumbel is thrilled about his CBS deal and can't wait to start alienating the staff of an entirely new network.

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    Delegate it to the manager. You have this really good staff that will take care of everything for you. You just have to delegate it and trust it.

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    Dave and Tate were dressed with equal heinousness. More black leather, chains, and whips. Either Don’s staff truly had costumes for all possible occasions on hand, or someone at wardrobe had a lot of explaining to do.

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    Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

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    From the spring of 1941, I controlled all prices in the United States. You could lower a price without my permission, but you couldn't raise a price without my permission or that of my staff.

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    If you treat staff as your equal, they'll roll their sleeves up to get the job done.

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    I have moved to a smaller house in Paris, and I don't fancy having so much staff now.

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    I live to inspire girls, volunteers, Girl Scout staff and alumni

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    Faith is the staff that will support you over the rockiest terrain.

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    Hope is a lover's staff; walk hence with that And manage it against despairing thoughts.

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    I have to look at our staff and ask the hard question - Would I hire them again?

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    I'm very direct. I don't have tantrums. I don't yell or shout. I do expect an awful lot from my staff, but no more than I expect of myself.

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    My staff was unanimous in believing that Japan was on the point of collapse and surrender.

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    I've got a great staff and great support system, and I'm going to stick my neck out and do what I always do.

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    Literature is a great staff, but a very sorry crutch.

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    My staff was very excited for Brisvegas. When I arrived, they advised I needed some XXXX.

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    Most Fortune 500 companies began as small start-ups whose entrepreneurial founders slowly developed the infrastructure, hired the staff, sourced manufacturers or built their own factory, and created distribution, sales, and marketing plans.

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    Temporarily in 1934 I became a department head in the German Labor Front and dealt with the improvement of labor conditions in German factories. Then I was in charge of public works on the staff of Hess. I gave up both these activities in 1941.

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    So that every wand or staff of empire is forsooth curved at top.

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    The French flag is the only one to have a staff a thousand feet tall.

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    I think I've got the best staff in television.

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    President Bush said global warming is happening much quicker than he thought, and then his staff pulled him aside and said 'It's just springtime.'

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    That's something that I just can't underestimate the importance of, the staff continuity. I really think that the players feed off the coaches.

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    Your American admiral said that he held me in the highest esteem, and thought that I conducted my defense perfectly. He said through his chief of staff that my conduct was beyond reproach and he had the greatest admiration for me.

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    The station put us on staff at $35 a week... and I mean every week.

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    The staff, stage managers, ushers all behaved as if they respected the actors.

    • staff quotes
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    When I was elected, I was the youngest member of the Tennessee congressional delegation; now, I'm one of the oldest. In fact, I have members of my staff who weren't even born when I took office. That tells me it's time for a new chapter.

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    A good manager instills staff with self-confidence, teaches them to believe in themselves and helps them to realise their brilliance. Do not ever treat your staff with disrespect. It is competent until proven incompetent; not incompetent til proven competent.

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    After years of operating in a top-down manner that emphasizes control and conformance, organizations are rife with obstacles to bottom-up ideas that front-line staff are forced to overcome.

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    You know what really keeps your staff on their toes? A harpoon gun.

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    Astronomy staff that routinely discharged industrial gas into the indoor environment at high altitudes did not wear oxygen deficiency monitors or protective breathing respirators.

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    I considered all these people, current and former staff, to be family. And I was so proud of what we’d done.

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    As a manager in the Ivy League, I discovered that the upper management team were seriously undermining my ability to manage my own staff. It was so bad that I eventually left. I now advise people not to work for the Ivy League.

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    As a manager in professional astronomy, I was keeping daily records on the abnormal behavioral problems in the staff. When the senior management team became aware of the records, they instructed me to destroy them.

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    It is my experience that no real change will occur in the radiation polluting industries until the masses become so sick that there will not be enough healthy workers to staff the corporations.

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    I don’t understand why Universities only offer undergraduate classes during the day when their professional staff should be smart enough to know that a large percentage of their students are non-traditional.

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    Ignore the behavioral problems in the staff or be fired.

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    Industrial liquid gas containers were left open and venting gas into the indoor environment in high altitude astronomy. On reflection, I realized that I routinely observed mental and physical effects that match those of a low oxygen environment in staff that I supervised.

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    Never love anybody who treats you like you're normal...they're just the psychiatric hospital staff

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    I was recently inside a hospital that had gone wireless and it was a forest of microwave antennas! It is sad that the medical profession is in the process of becoming expert on microwave radiation sickness due to willfully inducing it into their own staff!

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    There really needs to be a thorough review of current long term summit staff and past summit employees to characterize the long term health effects and fatalities that Mauna Kea Sickness (MKS) causes.

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    She is a figure of legend and fairy tale, one to be taken seriously, or she might knock you off your feet with a quick whirl of the staff she carries everywhere.

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    Sleep disorders are a known occupational hazard to astronomers and their support staff.

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    The biggest mistake that I made in management was not recognizing workplace poisoning of the staff that I supervised.

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    The USA utility power generation industry subcontracts out their dangerous jobs so that the bad statisitics will not be associated with them. Smart people avoid working for the subcontractors. I have worked directly for a number of subcontractors and overseen subcontractors and their staff were clearly sick, showing behavioral problems and overworked. In some cases they were blatantly breaking OSHA laws. OSHA covers it all up! Unfortunately, the problems can be traced back to OSHA and their wilful lack of enforcement of the law.

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    You know that when ex-military personnel start assassinating their own government's agents that something funky is going on.

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    This fits in with what I saw in staff in astronomical facilities and was reporting to the management team: 10-14% Oxygen: Emotional upset, abnormal fatigue, disturbed respiration.

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    When I worked in high altitude astronomy, the worst sickness that I experienced was not at the 13,796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea Observatory (MKO) in Hawaii, it was at Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) in Arizona at the much lower altitude of 6,875 feet. Due to my very high altitude experiences, I knew that this strange sickness was not primarily caused by altitude sickness and was most likely Sick Building Syndrome (SBS). After reporting various behavioral problems in all of the staff to the management team, my contract was not renewed, I was unable to legally protect the health and safety of the workers that I was responsible for, troubleshooting of this environmental problem stopped and I left in a sickened state for my next position before I could find the root cause.

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    Ataturk sent several Turkish staff officers to Afghanistan, helped them build their own army.