Best 126 quotes in «gas quotes» category

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    My memories of my time in high altitude astronomy indicate that there were no oxygen concentration monitors or alarms in the areas that liquid nitrogen was in use at the high altitude astronomical facilities where I had worked.

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    Murphy hakupenda kupoteza muda. Alinyanyuka na kumimina risasi, Mungu akamsaidia akadondosha wawili huku wengine wakipotea kwa kuruka vibaya na kukwepa. Kwa kasi Murphy alikimbia huku ameinama mpaka katika milango mikubwa ya nje, ambayo sasa ilikuwa wazi. Hapo akasita. Chochote kingeweza kumpata kwa nje kama hangekuwa mwangalifu. Bunduki yake ilishakwisha risasi. Aliitupa na kuchungulia nje akaona adui mmoja akikatisha kwenda nyuma ambako ndiko mashambulizi yalikokuwa yakisikika sasa. Murphy hakumtaka huyo. Aligeukia ndani kuona kama kulikuwa na bunduki aichukue lakini hata kisu hakikuwepo. Akiwa bado anashangaa, ghafla alitokea adui – kwa ndani – na kurusha risasi, bahati nzuri akamkosa Murphy. Murphy, kama mbayuwayu, aliruka na kusafiri hewani hapohapo akadondoka nyuma ya tangi la gesi karibu na milango ya nje. Alipoona vile, adui alidhani Murphy alidondoka mbali. Alibung’aa asijue la kufanya. Wasiwasi ulipomzidi alishindwa kuvumilia. Alishika bunduki kwa nguvu na kupiga kelele, "Yuko hukuuu!" Halafu akajificha ili Murphy asimwone. Lakini Murphy alikuwa akimwona.

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    My memories of high altitude astronomy indicate that up to four liquid nitrogen flasks were left venting gas into a small indoor workshop and office area where workers were permanently stationed.

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    My memories of my time in high altitude astronomy indicate that there were no oxygen concentration monitors or alarms in the areas that liquid nitrogen was in use inside of the high altitude astronomical facilities where I had worked.

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    New Rule: Stop talking about "the gas prices under Obama." As if he's the guy out there changing the numbers on the sign with that long pole. And while they're at the gas station, Republicans who still think human activity doesn't affect air quality should poke their heads in the men's room.

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    New Rule: America has every right ot bitch about gas prices suddenly shooting up. How could we have known? Oh, wait, there was that teensy, tiny thing about being warned constantly over the last forty years but still creating more urban sprawl, failing to build public transport, buying gas-guzzlers, and voting for oil company shills. So, New Rule: Shut the fuck up about gas prices.

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    The toxicity of medical and industrial gas to the human depends on where it is used. A gas that is regarded as safe in a well ventilated environment at sea level may be a toxic gas in an indoor environment at high altitude.

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    Nitrogen gas has killed and maimed many people.

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    Selamat datang di blog Cv Jaya service kompor gas modena Specialis service kompor gas modena panggilan yang langsung di kerjakan di tempat spareparet asli dan bergaransi. Kami telah membuka jasa service kompor gas modena panggilan,Layan yang kami berikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan para costumer yang menginginkan akan pelayanan service kompor gas modena yng langsung di kerjakan di lokasi temapat tinggal para cosutumer. Jasa service kami meliputi,service kompor gas modena freestanding cooker ada oven 4 tungku,5 tungku dan service kompor gas modena built in hob atau kompor tanam, 2 tungku,3 tungku,4 tungku,5 tungku. Kami siap melayani dan mengatasi masalah yang terjadi pada kompor gas modena anda, di tangani langsung oleh teknisi yang ahli dan berpengalaman serta bertanggung jawab. Informasi lebih jelas hubungi langsung via Sms / Tlpn / WhatsApp 0822 1941 3196 Telkomsel 0819 3299 6467 Xl 0813 1350 8254 WhatsApp Atas nama : Maman Kantor : Jakarta pusat,Kemayoran,Jln.Utan Panjang No 31 Hari libur atau minggu kami tetap melayani service kompor gas modena Masalah yang sering kami tangani seperti : Api kecil / merah Api susah dinyalakan atau di tekan tombol di lepas mati lagi Kompor mati total Pemantiknya mati Ada yang bocor atau bau gas Kompor bekas meledak Tungku api nyala sebagian Body kompor nyetrum atau konslet Kompor di masuki tikus Peredam panas ancur Api oven susah di nyalakana / api oven mati total Kompor sudah lama tidak di pakai Dll... Jangkawan service kami sampai : Bogor , Depok , Cibubur , Bekasi , Dki Jakarta , Tangerang ( Se-Jabodetabek ) Daerah service rutin kami : Jakarta Timur : Matraman,Cipinang,Pulo gadung,Jatinegara,Duren sawit, Pondok bambu,Pondok kelapa,Cakung,Taman mini,Pondok gede,Pondok rangon,Cipayung,Condet,Kramat jati,Halim,Cawang,Ciracas,Cijantung. Jakarta Pusat : Kemayoran,Salemba,Cempaka putih,Roksi,Gunung sahari,Mangga dua,Tanah abang,Menteng. Jakarta Utara : Kelapa gading,Sunter,Priuk,Ancol,Cilincing,Pik,Muara karang,Pluit. Jakarta Barat : Meruya,Joglo,Kebon jeruk,Cengkareng,Duri kepa,Tanjung duren,Kosambi,Cipondoh,Jelambar,Puri indah,Grogol. Jakarta Selatan : Pondok indah,Cinere,Cilandak,Lebak bulus,Tanjung barat,Jagakarsa,Lenteng agung,Pejaten,Kali bata,Tebet,Pancoran,Semanggi,Blok M,Kemang,Mampang,Permata hijau,Kebayoran,Simpruk,Cipulir. Tanggerang : BSD,Lipo karawaci,Dading serpong,Alam sutra,Grha bintaro,Cileduk,Pondok cabe,Pamulang,Ciputat. Depok : Margonda,Sawangan,Cibinong,Cilodong,Cimanggis,Cibubur,. BEkasi : Tambun,Pekayon,Galaksi,Kemang pratama,Cibitung,Harapan indah. SERVICE KOMPOR GAS MODENA

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    Snow cleaning of the world's largest telescope mirrors was an impressive sight. The optics technicians would climb into a huge telescopic boom lift and spray immense clouds of cold carbon dioxide snow and gas onto the ten meter diameter mirrors high above the floor indoors. It would cause some of the accumulated dirt to magically fall off, leaving it less dirty.

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    The top easily preventable health problems that I see in western societies are: 1. Eating chemically grown food. 2. Exposure to electronically generated harmonic energy from wind and solar power systems. 3. Exposure to harmonic energy from switched mode power supplies (SMPS) that come with modern electronic products. 4. Exposure to wireless radio frequency radiation (RF). 5. Light deficiency from an indoor lifestyle and Low-E double glazed windows. 6. Sound deficiency from heavily insulated homes that are devoid of natural sounds and are extremely quiet. 7. Pollen deficiency from living in man-made cities that are devoid of natural levels of pollen. 8. Natural radiation deficiency from living in homes that block natural levels of environmental radiation. 9. Open drain sickness that occurs when drain traps dry out and faulty vent valves that allow sewer gas to fill the home. 10. Drinking the wrong type of water.

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    Poor performing employees are the expected outcome in workers that are routinely exposed to industrial gas, chemicals, heavy metals, company supplied drugs, high altitudes, mal-acclimatization, Faraday cages, abnormal levels of radiation, industrial LASER’s, dirty electricity, social isolation, extreme night shifts, long daily commutes, and so on.

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    Potassium Cyanide si hatari inapokuwa nje. Ni hatari inapojichanganya na asidi za tumboni ambapo hubadilika na kuwa gesi ya 'hydrogen cyanide'. Gesi ya 'hydrogen cyanide' ni miongoni mwa sumu hatari zaidi ulimwenguni. Mtu akimeza kidonge cha 'cyanide' atapata madhara makubwa. Kichwa chake kitamuuma hapohapo na atachanganyikiwa akili. Ngozi yake itakuwa nyekundu, kwa sababu damu yake itakuwa nyekundu zaidi – kutokana na kuzidi kwa oksijeni katika damu. Mwili hautakuwa na uwezo tena wa kuchukua oksijeni kutoka katika damu ili uitumie, kwa hiyo damu itazidi kuwa na oksijeni zaidi. Atapumua kwa shida. Mapafu yake yatafanya kazi vizuri lakini mwili wake hautakuwa na uwezo wa kutumia oksijeni yoyote – hivyo atadhani ana matatizo katika mfumo wake wa kupumua. Atazimia. Yaani, oksijeni haitafika kwenye ubongo. Atapata kifafa na atatapika nyongo. Ubongo wake utashindwa kufanya kazi na atakuwa mahututi ndani ya sekunde kumi! Baada ya hapo moyo wake utasimama kufanya kazi, na atafariki dunia.

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    Software Development is an ideal gas: it occupies all the volume it can.

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    Starting the morning without prayer is like starting a car without gas.

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    The wild gas, the fixed air is plainly broke loose: but we ought to suspend our judgments until the first effervescence is a little subsided, till the liquor is cleared, and until we see something deeper than the agitation of the troubled and frothy surface. [Alluding to Joseph Priestley's Observations on Air]

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    This was a normal town once, and we were normal people. Most of us worked at the plastics factory on the outskirts of town. Then one day there was an accident... something escaped from the factory, a yellow gas. It floated over the town so fast that we didn't see it, didn't realize... and then it was too late, and Dark Falls wasn't a normal town anymore.

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    Try as you might, you'll never be able to please an environmentalist. You can stop using coal to heat your house, you can stop throwing out bottles and cans, you can have every factory in Canada shut down and you can buy only organic gluten-free non-GMO food, you can give up your favorite station wagon for a weird electric hybrid, you can stop developing film and buy a never-ending cycle of digital cameras, you can give up your job at a refinery or mill, and they'll still get after you for not enjoying yourself while doing so.

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    To fart or not to fart, that is the question.

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    We are in the Frankenstein era.

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    Vents were added to the rear bonnet in 1972 and resulted in wet engines and starting problems, and then extra drip-trays to compensate. From 1968 the Beetle got the right side fuel flap that dodgy people used to break open to steal your gas – or your fuel cap – another hard to find item if lost!

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    Wealth of time is actually of more value than natural resources (petroleum, gold, diamond, gas etc.) and more valuable than human resources.

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    We weren’t running on fuel, we were running on fumes.

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    When discharging industrial gas into the indoor environment in high altitude astronomy, we never wore breathing respirators that fed us oxygenated air at above the legally required 19.5% oxygen levels.

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    When discharging industrial gas into the indoor environment in high altitude astronomy, we never wore protective breathing respirators that fed us oxygenated air at above the legally required 19.5% oxygen levels.

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    When I was instructed to use medical oxygen to do my job at the W. M. Keck Observatory from 2001 to 2006, I was never told about the legal health information that is now posted on oxygen cylinders. My memories of the green medical oxygen cylinders that we would use daily is that they had no information on them and we were never given a recognised legal oxygen administration training course for routine daily use or a medical prescription from a doctor. We were shown the three oxygen cylinders at the facility and told to use them whenever we developed headaches, which was multiple times daily. It was common to find all three oxygen cylinders in use by other very high altitude workers and to have to line up to get a turn on the magical medical gas.

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    When I worked in astronomy, I routinely observed young college and university students working with liquid nitrogen and breathing nitrogen gas as they discharged it into the indoor environment at high altitude.

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    When I worked at the W. M. Keck Observatory on the 13,796 feet very high altitude summit of Mauna Kea, we would routinely be engulfed in cold clouds of helium and nitrogen gas as we discharged it into the video camera systems daily. The management team never warned us that we were in a hazardous oxygen deprived environment during this activity that was known for its ability to adversely affect physical and mental health, and possibly bring on death by asphyxiation.

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    You never cook onions with your beans. That’s a recipe for tear gas.

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    Capital is to the progress of society what gas is to a car.

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    According to science, the universe began as a swirl of gas that, as it cooled, spun off the Ten Commandments.

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    As the price of gas goes up, people will become more conscience of how much they use.

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    A vegan riding a hummer contributes less to greenhouse gas emissions than a meat eater riding a bicycle.

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    Always expect the unexpected. The oil and gas industry is terrible at predicting anything. Always have a back-up plan.

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    A website without SEO is like a car with no gas.

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    Before you rob your first bank, knock off a couple of gas stations.

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    Gas is getting so expensive I'm gonna ride a mexican to work.

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    Dammit!" "What?" Gonzo sounds panicked. "We're out of gas." "You're Shithenging me." "I Shithenge you not.

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    Gas consumption is growing everywhere.

    • gas quotes
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    Column writing is like gas - it fills the available space.

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    God is not going to send us a bill for solar energy, but the gas industry will.

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    Eat more beans to produce more gas.

    • gas quotes
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    I can say that I don't see myself with the foot on the gas pedal as hard as it's been down for 16 years.

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    I don't think anyone can speculate what will happen with respect to oil prices and gas prices because they are set on the global economy.

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    If I relaxed, if I took my foot off the gas, I would probably die.

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    Greenhouse gas emissions: Ultimately, stabilisation - at whatever level - requires that annual emissions be brought down to more than 80% below current levels

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    He gave life to the breath- oxygen, a simple gas, he transferred into words, ideas, hope.

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    How are we going to know what impact that has on the greenhouse gas emissions? How are we going to hold everybody accountable for doing their part?

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    Hydraulic fracking is very much a necessary part of the future of natural gas.

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    I'd love to fly, especially with the gas prices right now.

    • gas quotes