Best 30 quotes in «accounting quotes» category

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    I don't know technology and engineering. I don't know accounting.

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    I don't really care about money. I find money boring and accounting boring, so I'm probably not going to ever make a lot of money.

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    On a personal level, as a Christian, it will not be Barbra Streisand I'm standing in front of when I have to make an accounting of my life.

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    Never measure literature by accounting statistics. A quarter of working authors earn less than $1,000.

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    I know what I don't know. To this day, I don't know technology, and I don't know finance or accounting.

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    There are only two things as complicated as insurance accounting and I have no idea what they are.

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    Maybe it wasn't anything remotely to do with religion, mysticism or metaphilosophy after all; maybe it was more banal; maybe it was just...accounting.

    • accounting quotes
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    The only accounting we had of the origins and the structure of nature was Biblical Genesis.

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    To say accounting for derivatives is Americais a sewer is an insult to sewage.

    • accounting quotes
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    There is no accounting for tastes.

    • accounting quotes
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    There’s no accounting for the mysteries of the human heart

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    A firm's income statement may be, likened to a bikini-what it reveals is interesting but what it conceals is vital.

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    We have a remarkably complete picture in many ways - and it could be that we're not accounting for something that's almost three-quarters of the entire universe

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    As Francesco Datini of Prato did a century before, Pacioli advises merchants to incorporate explicit signs of Christianity into their books as a way of legitimising their profit-seeking activities. The use of double entry itself was like the Catholic confession: if a merchant confessed—or accounted for—all his world activities before God, then perhaps his sins would be absolved. These Christian flourishes that Pacioli recommends merchants include in their books are therefore no mere ornaments.

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    And he read Principles of Accounting all morning, but just to make it interesting, he put lots of dragons in it.

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    Any difficult task seems easier if you break it down into manageable steps.

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    Language as a Prison The Philippines did have a written language before the Spanish colonists arrived, contrary to what many of those colonists subsequently claimed. However, it was a language that some theorists believe was mainly used as a mnemonic device for epic poems. There was simply no need for a European-style written language in a decentralized land of small seaside fishing villages that were largely self-sufficient. One theory regarding language is that it is primarily a useful tool born out of a need for control. In this theory written language was needed once top-down administration of small towns and villages came into being. Once there were bosses there arose a need for written language. The rise of the great metropolises of Ur and Babylon made a common written language an absolute necessity—but it was only a tool for the administrators. Administrators and rulers needed to keep records and know names— who had rented which plot of land, how many crops did they sell, how many fish did they catch, how many children do they have, how many water buffalo? More important, how much then do they owe me? In this account of the rise of written language, naming and accounting seem to be language's primary "civilizing" function. Language and number are also handy for keeping track of the movement of heavenly bodies, crop yields, and flood cycles. Naturally, a version of local oral languages was eventually translated into symbols as well, and nonadministrative words, the words of epic oral poets, sort of went along for the ride, according to this version. What's amazing to me is that if we accept this idea, then what may have begun as an instrument of social and economic control has now been internalized by us as a mark of being civilized. As if being controlled were, by inference, seen as a good thing, and to proudly wear the badge of this agent of control—to be able to read and write—makes us better, superior, more advanced. We have turned an object of our own oppression into something we now think of as virtuous. Perfect! We accept written language as something so essential to how we live and get along in the world that we feel and recognize its presence as an exclusively positive thing, a sign of enlightenment. We've come to love the chains that bind us, that control us, for we believe that they are us (161-2).

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    Happiness is.. Starting your study with 3 principles of accounting, then your profession, with 3 principles of life.. CHALLENGE it, ACHIEVE it, Loop it. Happy to be a CA, Happy CA day.

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    Somewhere along the way, the conversation was shifted away from the vision of directors to that of producers. Yes, art is commerce, but I sometimes wonder if general audiences truly like art, or do they prefer accounting?

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    People are accustomed to thinking of accounting as dry and boring, a necessary evil used primarily to prepare financial reports and survive audits, but that is because accounting is something that has become taken for granted.

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    Read your paper backward, sentence by sentence, as a final proofreading step. This technique isolates each sentence and makes it easier to spot errors you may have overlooked in previous readings.

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    Segregation and separation can be a good thing. The person collecting money for your cannabusiness should not be the one that is in charge of doing the receivables or doing the reconciliations. 
 Segregate and separate those three tasks to three different people. Person 1 - collects the money Person 2 - invoices for the money Person 3 - reconciles the money.
 This allows for lesser chances of collusion, lesser chances of people walking with money and lesser chances of being fined or penalized by the state.

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    [To admit that college isn't for everyone] may sound élitist. It may even sound philistine, since the purpose of a liberal-arts education is to produce well-rounded citizens rather than productive workers. But perhaps it is more foolishly élitist to think that going to school until age 22 is necessary to being well-rounded, or to tell millions of young adults that their futures depend on performing a task that only a minority of them can actually accomplish. It is absurd that people have to get college degrees to be considered for good jobs in hotel management or accounting — or journalism. It is inefficient, both because it wastes a lot of money and because it locks people who would have done good work out of some jobs. The tight connection between college degrees and economic success may be a nearly unquestioned part of our social order. Future generations may look back and shudder at the cruelty of it.

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    There is a husband who requires mileage receipts, another who wants sex at three a.m One who forbids short haircuts, another who refuses to feed the pets. I would never put up with that, the other wives think. Never.

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    Whilst I could not think of any man whose spirit was, or needed to be, more enlarged than the spirit of a genuine merchant. What a thing it is to see the order which prevails throughout his business! By means of this he can at any time survey the general whole, without needing to perplex himself in the details. What advantages does he derive from the system of book-keeping by double entry? It is among the finest inventions of the human mind; every prudent master of a house should introduce it into his economy.

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    Cost Accounting is enemy number one of productivity.

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    Go is to Western chess what philosophy is to double-entry accounting.

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    I don't know about technology and I don't know about finance and accounting.

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    The key to revising is to let the writing get 'cold' between revisions; a time lapse between readings enables you to read the draft more objectively and see what you have actually said, instead of what you meant to say.

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    Accounting is the language of business.