Best 286 quotes in «stealing quotes» category

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    When individuals get crowbars and start prying open doors to loot, they're not protesting. They're not making a statement. They're stealing. When they burn down a building, they're committing arson.

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    Where there's property, there's theft.

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    Why did I take up racing? I was too lazy to work and too chicken to steal

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    When we went up against teams that were better, I just hoped that we could steal the victories.

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    You can steal my women but don't play with my whiskey.

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    You can take power from others; you can steal it. It is not a very high-grade power. It will give you a certain amount of access to a better life; but it corrupts the individual.

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    Worry - a God, invisible but omnipotent. It steals the bloom from the cheek and lightness from the pulse; it takes away the appetite, and turns the hair gray.

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    Yes, my friend, and if you will steal for me then you will steal from me.

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    You can't steal an artist's songs and also tell him he can't license that music to a commercial.

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    You must remember always to give, of everything you have. You must give foolishly even. You must be extravagant. You must give to all who come into your life. Then nothing and no one shall have power to cheat you of anything, for if you give to a thief, he cannot steal from you, and he himself is then no longer a thief. And the more you give, the more you will have to give.

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    You steal the limelight, you steal the market share

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    99% of all addicts are liars and thieves. This might sound unfair and even close-minded, but it's the truth. There are some exceptions to the rules, but they are incredibly rare. Most people are no match for their addictions. They will be driven to do things they would normally never have considered all in the name of getting high. Sad, but true. So if you're thinking of trying drugs, keep in mind that all the people you will be dealing with are likely to steal from you and lie to you at your own expense.

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    A complex is stealing energy from our personality

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    You couldn't beg, borrow, or steal a job in 1931, 1932... it was really tough.

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    You're creating new things in movies and people are going to steal them.

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    Astray from a deep sleep chronic as I write by phonics, like insomnia I will always live the onyx night for revealing, and, upon it, still I'll steal the bright light of day right away just to keep building at speeds hypersonic.

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    But there are some things, child, that you should steal. That you must steal, if you have enough love and courage in your heart. You must snatch freedom from the hands of the tyrant. You must spirit away innocent lives before they are destroyed. You must hide secret and sacred places.

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    You won't walk into a store and steal food. But people think it's ok to steal music.

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    Clothes make the man. Especially the pockets.

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    Don’t let yourself to become so weak that you’ve to beg for the stealing of your love, but for the heart to conquer your feelings and emotions.

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    Comfort came in and stood with an appearance of guilt and shame. Her head bent, her eyes soaked with tears, her hands and legs, vibrating like a guiter string as perspiration covered her entire body, she felt like disappearing into the thin air, maybe to another mind creating world.

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    gimme thousands of choices of joy and glory. gimme dreaming promises that lift up my intention. I won't take one of them at all cos I've chosen my own and it's you

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    Earth is a game of theft in which humans steal life force from one person to the next in order to raise their light quotient supply. It is a dysfunctional game based in lack. Humans unconsciously seek more light by creating energetic cords with another person. It is time to create a better way. It is time to activate divine love and complete self acceptance.

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    From the age of nine, I was on the streets. This came about because I was being rude with my parents and I was moving things without their permission, like money. So my stepfather didn’t like what I was doing and he didn’t like me, so he eventually put me out on the streets. My mother was always sick, and my father—I never met him. While I was on the streets, I used to sleep in old abandoned vehicles. Galen ‘Ninja’ Nordelus former leader of the Public Terrorist Rebellions through Milton Street

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    Gathering your own reference materials, sketches and using your own imagination is going to help you grow as an artist far more than stealing someone else's work.

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    I can sense your love, why leave me in darkness? Beguile me for your amusement, stealing my soul without kisses. You are the sun and I, the moon. Your beauty is reflected in my eyes. When we are apart, I am extinguished in the blackness of these skies.

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    Having no applicable skills, in any possible area whatsoever, effectively makes me the master of redundancy. But that info is obsolete, like my insults dictionary, which I stole.

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    I am not superior than anybody, don't say i am, else i won't defend you when you get caught.

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    If the choice is between being held up at gunpoint or holding the gun, only a madman would choose to hand over his wallet rather than fill it with someone else’s cash.

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    I flow like a butter in the nailed pan I stole. I also kept the nail, to polish and use as a means of teleportation.

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    If someone calls you disgusting, they are lusting. It creates an energetic cord of control, which steals power, gifts, money, reputation, and free will choice from you. Drop the parasites.

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    If a creative person steals your idea, he’s killing his creative ability, if he steals your art, he’s killing his art, if he makes it available to the world, it won,t create de impact you could have created, because it wasn’t from the right source.

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    I know for a fact that he regularly steals from self-checkouts and sticks his gum underneath desks. Those are not the actions of a moral person.

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    If you don't get caught, you deserve everything you steal.

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    I miss the north side cliff and the waves below, and I miss the way the wind steals your breath like it never belonged to you in the first place.

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    It should be obvious why it's easier to copy someone else's painting, rather than work on site or even from a photograph. All the selection, rejection and design have already been done for you.

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    I'm not a thief because no one has anything I want.

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    Inch by beautiful inch, Grant stole his way into my body and into my heart. The feel of him stretching me, challenging me to work with him, was exquisite. It would be the story of us.

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    I reject ‛poor’ as the artificial creation of humans. Hunger exists, though, and a hungry creature is entitled to eat.

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    It's always easier to take something than work for it...

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    It's not stealing, it's retrieving.

    • stealing quotes
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    It’s unfair to see managers buying brand new cars for themselves when the salaries of their workers still remain unpaid! Good leaders are not selfish thinkers!

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    Love is the only criminal who, after stealing your heart, convinces you to celebrate her.

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    It was one of those decisions that shouldn't have been so easy to get so wrong. Go on your own or take the half wasted waif. She was wearing denim hotpants with a pink vest top, and was hanging off his arm, more for stability than closeness, so he propped her up against the wall next to the counter and reached inside his coat pocket for his badge. It was definitely his badge, he clearly remembered stealing it two years before whilst in California.

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    I've got kids that enjoy stealing. I've got kids that don't think about stealing one way or the other, and I've got kids that just tolerate stealing because they know they've got nothing else to do. But nobody--and I mean nobody--has ever been hungry for it like this boy. If he had a bloody gash across his throat and a physiker was trying to sew it up, Lamora would steal the needle and thread and die laughing. He...steals too much.

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    Month to month there were many discrepancies carried forward without resolution through what I jokingly called my “999 (or Nick Leeson)” account.

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    One theft, however, does not make a thief . . Action which defines a man, describes his character, is action which has been repeated over and over and so has come in time to be a coherent and relatively independent mode of behavior. At first it may have been fumbling and uncertain, may have required attention, effort, will - as when first drives a car, first makes love, first robs a bank, first stands up against injustice. If one perseveres on any such course it comes in time to require less effort, less attention, begins to function smoothly; its small component behaviors become integrated within a larger pattern which has an ongoing dynamism and cohesiveness, carries its own authority. Such a mode then pervades the entire person, permeates other modes, colors other qualities, in some sense is living and operative even when the action is not being performed, or even considered. . . . Such a mode of action tends to maintain itself, to resist change. A thief is one who steals; stealing extends and reinforces the identity of a thief, which generates further thefts, which further strengthen and deepen the identity. So long as one lives, change is possible; but the longer such behavior is continued the more force and authority it acquires, the more it permeates other constant bodes, subordinates other conflicting modes; changing back becomes steadily more difficult; settling down to an honest job, living on one's earnings becomes ever more unlikely. And what is said here of stealing applies equally to courage, cowardice, creativity . . . or any other of the myriad ways of behaving, and hence of being.

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    Only a foolish child would go swimming in the river that swallowed his father.

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    On the steps leading to a door was a scrub brush that was blue. I snatched it quick and ran for home because it was just the thing to chew.

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    Shelving books incorrectly is as good as stealing them. It's almost worse.