Best 251 quotes in «adam quotes» category

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    Human nature is the same now as when Adam hid from the presence of God; the consciousness of wrong makes us unwilling to meet those whom we have offended.

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    I always enjoy seeing Adam [Savage] in pain.

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    I am a believer in Adam Smith, who says that if you look at something that really contributes value to society, and you can deliver it at a reasonable price, then society will recognise that at some point because rational behaviour will come into play.

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    I'll tell you something,' she said. 'I'm not sure I ever really liked him.' Adam?' I said. 'I don't blame you.' 'Not Adam,' she said, struggling to swallow a greedily chomped chunk. 'God.

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    I believe in the story [ of Adam and Eve]. For me, it's a story.

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    I don't think Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell fear competition from me in their arena.

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    I'll squeeze the cider out of your adam's apple.

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    I debated free trade in college. I came out as a free trader. I'm a free markets guy. I'm an Adam Smith guy.

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    If Adam was stupid about his pride, Gansey was stupid about Adam.

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    If homosexuality were normal, God would have created Adam and Bruce.

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    I'll continue to make the typical Adam Sandler comedies.

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    In Adam's fall We sinned all. In the new Adam's rise, We shall all reach the skies.

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    I'm filthy rich! It's good to be Adam Sandler!

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    I love writing with Adam Lambert. He's really funny and very fun, he's a great friend.

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    I'm itching to see Usher & Shakira work their magic. And of course, Blake is so amazing! It was tough, but I went on my gut which was Adam.

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    I mock everything. Don't take it so personally." Adam Black

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    In other words, science tells us that Adam and Eve are fictions. That Saint Paul or Uncle Tom Cobley and all thought otherwise is irrelevant. They were wrong.

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    In my mind God made Adam and Eve, he didn't make Adam and Steve.

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    It was not that Adam ate the apple for the apple's sake, but because it was forbidden. It would have been better for us-oh infinitely better for us-if the serpent had been forbidden

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    In the ages since Adam's marriage, it has been good for some men to be alone, and for some women also.

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    I ought to be thy Adam, but I am rather the fallen angel.

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    I tried to get Adam Sandler hired on a movie called "Brain Donors" and the producers wouldn't hire him. And a few years later, he was doing "Happy Gilmore" and he remembered I had fought for him, so he hired me.

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    It's certain there is no fine thing Since Adam's fall but needs much laboring.

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    It was nothing, but it was Adam Parrish's nothing. How he hated and loved it. How proud he was of it, how wretched it was.

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    I planned my whole future around Adam," she said now, quietly. "And now I have nothing." "No," I told her, "now you just don't have Adam. There's a big difference, Lissa. You just can't see it yet.

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    It was once argued that 'Starring Sylvester Stallone' were the three scariest words in the English language but until I saw Adam Sandler I'd always thought the three scariest words in the English language were 'starring Dan Aykroyd.'

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    She breathed. "This is lovely." It was for Adam, not Gansey, but she saw Gansey glance over his shoulder at her.

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    Mercy?” “Just a minute,” I told Adam. “I'm in the middle of a revelation.

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    My family, the support of my friends, the amount of people that have written and come up to me on the street and said, 'Thank you for representing us,' and Adam Lambert, and Lady Gaga, that's been amazing.

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    My name is Adam Sandler. I'm not particularly talented. I'm not particularly good-looking. And yet I'm a multi-millionaire.

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    Oh,that's right. You're a...what did you call it? Ah, a ghost hunter. You don't have to see things to believe them." Adam's gaze locked onto the persecutor's. "Maybe you've got that backward," he said. "Maybe it's just that I believe things you cant see.

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    [On the Adam and Eve story:] They both fell from innocence, and consequently from happiness, but not from equality.

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    Remember Henry Adam's jest that the succession of presidents from Washington to Grant disproved the theory of evolution?

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    She speaks poniards, and every word stabs: if her breath were as terrible as her terminations, there were no living near her; she would infect to the north star. I would not marry her, though she were endowed with all that Adam bad left him before he transgressed.

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    I would love to work with Adam Sandler. Because then all I'd have to do is just turn the camera on and off.

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    I would rather be a transformed ape than a degenerate son of Adam.

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    Mary being destined to negotiate peace between God and man, it was not proper that she should be an accomplice in the disobedience of Adam.

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    Nor can the Apostle mean that Eve only sinned; or that she only was Deceived, for if Adam sinned willfully and knowingly, he became the greater Transgressor.

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    Since Adam and Eve ate the apple, man has never refrained from any folly of which he was capable.

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    The fundamentalists were equally stymied. “We were worried about Adam and Steve,” a Baptist minister said. “Should we have been more worried about Rover and Fluffy?

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    The American system of political spending is so unregulated that it might make Adam Smith rethink free markets.

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    The earth was cursed for Adam's sake. Work is our blessing, not our doom. God has a work to do, and so should we.

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    The new earth will complete God's program. It will be what God intended for Adam and Eve in Eden.

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    The Jewish tradition of learning-is learning. Adam chose knowledge instead of immortality.

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    The soul of the poorest child is of equal dignity with the soul of Adam.

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    There is a lot in Adam Smith that reflects the insights of Rousseau and anticipates those of Marx.

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    There is no old Adam Young, there is no new Adam Young, merely different colors and different brushstrokes over the same canvas.

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    There is nothing new about humanism. It is the yielding to Satan's first temptation of Adam and Eve: "Ye shall be as gods." (Gen. 3:5)

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    There is something incredibly arousing about being wanted. I pulled my hand back and sucked in a deep breath. “Adam,” I said.

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    We've sort of agreed that the account of Adam and Eve is a story.