Best 367 quotes in «rebellion quotes» category

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    In every rebellion is to be found the metaphysical demand for unity, the impossibility of capturing it, and the construction of a substitute universe.

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    Learning is always rebellion... Every bit of new truth discovered is revolutionary to what was believed before.

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    Insurrection is an art, and like all arts has its own laws.

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    It's not wise to violate rules until you know how to observe them.

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    It is the very mark of the spirit of rebellion to crave for happiness in this life

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    I was very confused. I didn't understand the difference between rebellion against God and rebellion against the system that's not God.

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    Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is.

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    My parents were pretty liberal, but they were still parents. I definitely had my teenage rebellion.

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    My call is the call of battle- I nourish active rebellion;/ He going with me must go well armed.

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    Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.

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    Revolutions are not about trifles, but spring from trifles.

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    Revelation without a relationship produces rebellion.

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    Revolutions have never lightened the burden of tyranny; they have only shifted it to another shoulder.

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    Suspicion on one side breeds suspicion on the other, and new weapons beget counter-weapons.

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    "Spirituality" wrongly understood or pursued is a major source of human misery and rebellion against God.

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    Submission to the Scriptures is submission to God. Rebellion against the Scriptures is rebellion against God

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    Teenage rebellion is for suburban schoolchildren. Get over it.

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    The hippie movement politicized my generation. When it ended, we all started looking back at our own history, looking, in my case, for motives of rebellion.

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    The future will be the child of the past and the present, even if a rebellious child.

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    The Bible was so revolutionary and against all that came before it. It was a force for siding with the oppressed and a rebellion against hierarchical, ancient societies. Now it's institutionalized and all the life has been sucked out of it.

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    There is little hope of equity where rebellion reigns.

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    The right to rebellion is the right to seek a higher rule, and not to wander in mere lawlessness.

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    The rebellion of art is a daily rebellion against the state of living death routinely called real life.

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    The thing worse than rebellion is the thing that causes rebellion.

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    The strongest rebellion may be expressed in quiet, undramatic behavior.

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    The worst... was what the Pakistani soldiers did to the Bengali women after their failed rebellion.

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    The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution.

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    To me, Satan ultimately represents rebellion.

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    What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?

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    When the temperamental and unconventional people are not mere plagiarists of dead eccentrics, they lack, in almost every case, thehistoric sense.

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    Well, these tattoos aren't really rebellion. These tattoos are all tattoos I've had since I have been a pastor.

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    When your thoughts and opinions become intellectual gods in rebellion against the Word of God, you are in idolatry.

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    We would rather forgive the evil proliferating all around us than the rebellion against it, which we mistake for the true evil.

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    Where there is a living memory of struggle, they have a living memory of the rebellion. Where there's no struggle afterward the rebellion is forgotten.

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    According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the definition of the word ‘rebellion’ is ‘an act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention. Extensions of the expression include to fly in the face of danger and to fly in the face of providence, both of which carry a sense of reckless or impetuous disregard for safety.’ Because we did not grow up with our fathers, we became reckless with our lives and disregarded the lives of others as well. Therefore, the problem is not the gangs, so to speak; rather, it’s the conditions that create them. It is the dismantling of our homes and marriages that create the right conditions for gangs to flourish. If homes could be put back together or prevented from falling apart, then these symptoms could be, root cause eradicated.

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    Without slavery the rebellion could never have existed; without slavery it could not continue.

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    A Christian who rebels against God’s Word is not a Christian at all

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    A little rebellion is good now and then.

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    All children are born rebels and explorers until they're taught to sit still and obey.

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    All of their faces are cluttered with the shrapnel of rebellion, as if a grenade of alienation has exploded in their midst, piercing every possible soft point of flesh-from earlobes and nostrils to eyebrows, lips, and tongues-with metal studs and rings.

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    All the beliefs, habits, tastes, emotions, mental attitudes that characterize our time are really designed to sustain the mystique of the party and prevent the true nature of present-day society from being perceived. Physical rebellion, or any preliminary move toward rebellion, is at present not possible. From the proletarians nothing is to be feared. Left to themselves, they will continue from generation to generation and century to century, working, breeding, and dying, not only without the power of grasping that the world could be other than it is. They could only become dangerous if the advance of industrial technique made it necessary to educate them more highly; but since military and commercial rivalry are no longer important, the level of popular education is actually declining. What opinions the masses hold,or do not hold, is looked on as matter of indifference. They can me granted intellectual liberty because they have no intellect.

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    Agitators are a set of interfering, meddling people who come down to some perfectly contented class of the community and sow the seeds of discontent among them. That is the reason why agitators are so absolutely necessary.

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    A lot of us who were from Lizzy in particular, those who were in the front line of leadership, we were not drinkers or smokers. We liked to party and have fun, go to the dance/nightclubs, and we would take our tool [gun]. If we see fellas we had to deal with, then we dealt with them. When you look at it, Scrooge was never a drinker or a smoker. I knew he would drink his Guinness every now and then, but other than that, that was it. Then there was Troit, he never used to drink nor smoke. And I could call off a lot of fellas who never used to drink nor smoke, and yet they were die-hard gangsters. Then he stopped and asked me, Do you used to drink and smoke? I just smiled and answered, No. Satisfied with himself, Apples said with passion, “My point exactly. When we were gangbanging out there, that was our drug. It was the lifestyle itself that got us high. Shelton ‘Apples’ Burrows reform gang leader

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    [Alfred] Jarry’s teaching could be summarized thus: every man is capable of showing his contempt for the cruelty and stupidity of the universe by making his own life a poem of incoherence and absurdity.

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    A man's only got so many yeses inside him before he uses them all up.

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    Anarchism is the purity of rebellion. A pig who struggles wildly and rends the air with his cries while he is held to be slaughtered, and a baby who kicks and screams when, wanting warmth and his mother's breast, he is made to wait in the cold—these are two samples of natural rebellion. Natural rebellion always inspires either deep sympathy and identification with the rebelling creature, or a stiffening of the heart and an activation of aggressive-defensive mechanisms to silence an accusing truth. This truth is that each living being is an end in itself; that nothing gives a being the right to make another a mere instrument of his purposes.

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    And doing anything for love in a city that deny it, is a rebellion.

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    And because she worshipped joy, Kira seldom laughed and did not go to see comedies in theaters. And because she felt a profound rebellion against the weighty, the tragic, the solemn, Kira had a solemn reverence for those songs of defiant gaiety.

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    And if we burn, you burn with us.

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    And I kind of like the Teen Rebels; they seem to be better than the Bullying Trio. Still, watch your backs, rebels!