Best 198 quotes in «impression quotes» category

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    I'm very wary with impressions - I don't think I'm very good at impressions, I hate doing them.

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    In '87, I used to do this awful, awful James Brown impression.

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    I never wanted to limit myself to just impressions. I wanted to branch out and develop other parts of my game.

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    I think if you watch a lot of what I do, you're going to ultimately walk away seeing me. I can't hide - that impression is a personal impression people have of me.

  • By Anonym gives you the impression that every day is Sunday.

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    Leave every person you come in contact with, with the impression of increase.

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    It takes 500 small details to add up to one favorable impression.

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    I've no idea what they make of me. People usually don't recognise themselves in an impression.

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    I was a fan of "The Daily Show" I watched it,I never imagined being on it, but I figured I would just go down there and do my best Stephen Colbert impression.

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    Merriment is always the effect of a sudden impression. The jest which is expected is already destroyed.

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    My aim in painting has always been the most exact transcription possible of my most intimate impression of nature.

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    My dear Algy, you talk exactly as if you were a dentist. It is very vulgar to talk like a dentist when one isn't a dentist. It produces false impression

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    My daughter has impressions that she does of me.

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    My movies, in general, I have the impression that when they finish of course they're never originally what you had in mind.

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    My impression is that American policy speaks not of antagonism but rather partnership.

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    Not only may she unconsciously register a favorable impression with my associates and me, but she may also suggest something by her work that will lead to some new and novel feature in a forthcoming production.

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    One man is more concerned with the impression he makes on the rest of mankind, another with the impression the rest of mankind makes on him.

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    Observermanship is the art of giving the impression that you are with it even though you don't know Latin very well.

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    Once the object has been constructed, I have a tendency to rediscover in it, transformed and displaced, images, impressions, facts which have deeply moved me (often without my knowing it).

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    On the other hand, the concept owes its meaning and its justification exclusively to the totality of the sense impressions which we associate with it.

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    [On Napoleon:] One has the impression of an imperious wind blowing about one's ears when one is near that man.

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    She was but a transient impression, half forgotten.

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    Perhaps men who cannot love passionately are those who feel the effect of beauty most keenly; at any rate this is the strongest impression women can make on them.

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    Personality in man is what is "not his own" . . . what come from outside, what he has learned, or reflects, all traces of exterior impressions left in the memory.

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    Religion, you know, enters very deep; in reality it is the deepest impression I have in speaking to people, that they are or that they are not of my religion.

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    Remember, the Congress doesn't get as many opportunities to make an impression with the public.

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    Silence,--the applause of real and durable impressions.

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    The extreme always makes an impression.

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    Subtle impressions for which words are quite too coarse a medium.

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    The effect of sincerity is to give one's work the character of a protest. The painter, being concerned only with conveying his impression, simply seeks to be himself and no one else.

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    Sometimes it is my impression that most politicians are still not aware of being under the control of the financial markets and are even governed by them.

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    [The child receives impressions like] a photographic exposure that can be developed after any interval of time and transformed into a picture.

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    The furnace of affliction refines us from earthly drossiness, and softens us for the impression of God's own stamp.

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    The impression that is out there about me is that I'm really hard-nosed, but the people who really know me, know that I am a soft touch.

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    The greatness of art is not in the display of knowledge, or in material accuracy, but in the distinctness with which it conveys the impressions of a personal vital force, that acts spontaneously, without fear or hesitation.

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    The impression of strength came from an extraordinary vitality that seemed to pulse in the very air around him

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    The human soul has sojourned in lower and higher forms, migrating from one to another according to the samskaras or impressions, but it is only in the highest form as a human being that it attains to freedom.

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    The impressions of the spriritual experiences gave my future life its form and content.

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    The majority of the books of our time give one the impression of having been manufactured in a day out of books read the day before.

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    The love of talk distracts all the powers of our soul from God, and fills them with earthly objects and impressions, like a vessel of water that cannot be settled while you are continualy stirring the earthly particles from the bottom.

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    The pretended admission of a fault on our part creates an excellent impression.

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    The mind which is most capable of receiving impressions is very often the least capable of drawing conclusions.

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    The only merit I have is to have painted directly from nature with the aim of conveying my impressions in front of the most fugitive effects.

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    The Outsider isn't [Albert] Camus, but in The Outsider there are parts of Camus. There's this impression of exile.

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    The people I work with have a very good impression of me for sure, because of how I am.

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    The poet sees better than other mortals. I do not see things as they are, but according to my own subjective impression, and this makes life easier and simpler.

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    the most charming thing about youth is the tenacity of its impressions.

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    [The popular impression about some chemists is that] the aquafortis and the chlorine of the laboratories have as effectually bleached the poetry out of them, as they destroy the colours of tissues exposed to their action.

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    The publication of the third volume of Capital has made hardly any impression upon bourgeois economic science.

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    To this day, to this very day, except for television, I've never had a writer. Anything I've ever done on the stage, happened on the stage and I developed it from there. It started doing impressions and jokes - which I did very poorly. To this day I can't tell a joke. That sounds nuts, but it's true. I exaggerate it and it becomes a joke. Everything I've ever done I've done out on the stage and it became a performance over many many years.