Best 263 quotes in «vegan quotes» category

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    We can eat meat, it tastes good, but it’s very costly considering the land we have to use to produce the plants needed to feed the animals. And then we have a huge consumption of water for every kilogram of meat (produced), which is around ten times higher than for the plant.

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    We don't live like our ancestors did, so why should we base our diet and ethics on how they may or may not have lived? Let's evolve into a more peaceful, compassionate species and respect all life forms.

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    We generally accept that it's natural for carnivorous wild animals to kill other animals in order to live. But people don't often think (or even know) about the extraordinary and unnatural suffering that humans inflict on the animals that we freely harvest for food, with the help of modern high technology and the animal food sciences.

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    We know we cannot be kind to animals until we stop exploiting them -- exploiting animals in the name of science, exploiting animals in the name of sport, exploiting animals in the name of fashion, and yes, exploiting animals in the name of food.

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    Wellness Salute!

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    We know today the calcium from plants can provide protection from fractures, while calcium derived from dairy products increases fracture risk. This is evident in a June 2016 longitudinal study from the China Health and Nutrition Survey published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research – Long-Term Low Intake of Dietary Calcium and Fracture Risk In Older Adults With Plant-Based Diet (65). Researchers found a high intake of calcium from dairy products may not offer protection from bone fractures, while a lower intake of calcium from plant-derived foods was protective. Calcium intake, and the number of bone fractures were analyzed from 6,210 participants consuming plant-based diets in the China Health and Nutrition Survey. Lower calcium intakes sourced from plants were found to be the most protective, with no added benefits for consuming above that range. The authors conclude, “A plant-based diet may be associated with lower requirements for calcium intake for bone health, compared with Westernized diets.

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    We report the unusual occurrence of eight cases of vitamin D intoxication that appear to have been caused by excessive vitamin D fortification of dairy milk... All eight patients drank milk produced by a local dairy in amounts ranging from 1/2 to 3 cups (118 to 710 ml) daily... Analysis of the dairy's vitamin D—fortified milk revealed concentrations of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) that ranged from undetectable to as high as 232,565 IU per quart (245,840 IU per liter). An analysis of the concentrate that was used to fortify the milk, labeled as containing vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol), revealed that it contained vitamin D3.

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    What if there were health food stores on every corner in the hood, instead of liquor stores!?

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    When interacting with people, I’m always aware that I might be the first vegan this person has ever met. So I try to be a good ambassador for the movement and show that I am grateful for whatever they are able to serve me, even if it’s just some boiled vegetables.

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    While it is one thing to strive for a cause that fundamentally and primarily benefits you—your freedom and equality (or the freedom and equality of those you know and care about), or for your environment (on which you depend for survival)—it is quite another matter to struggle on behalf of a cause that does not benefit you directly. As social justice activists, we must remember how ardently we wish that those in power would help bring change. The oppressed wish that those in power could empathize enough to understand the wrongness of what is happening, and how much they would need and appreciate the active participation of those in power to bring about a measure of justice. With regard to farmed animals, we are the ones who are in power. We are the ones who have the power to change our consumer habits. We are the ones who either put our money down for their lives, or boycott animal products.

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    We have to speak up on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.

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    We strive for a world where every earthling has the right to live and grow. That's why we don't eat animals.

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    What if acceptance and compassion were our daily practice and religion?

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    What I like best about traveling is exploring new places, cultures, and cuisines, and learning to look at the world through a different lens. Travel really is the world’s best teacher. And actually, veganism offers the same thing. Becoming vegan completely changed my worldview and enabled me to connect with nature and with my fellow earthlings in a way I never had before. By combining travel with veganism, I’m able to view the world through a whole new window and experience places in a way that most other tourists don’t.

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    While most people love certain species to pieces (e.g. cats and dogs), others are more loved in pieces (e.g. cows and pigs)

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    Why don't you like the foods I like?" he asks sometimes. "Why don't you like the foods I make?" I answer.

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    Why is it that the people who seem to have the most to say aren’t doing anything at all?

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    Without pushing an agenda (okay, maybe I've pushed a bit), I've spread a little veganism wherever I've gone. I've become friends with chefs at the meatiest restaurants you can imagine, and shown them a few things that opened their minds (and their menus) to vegan options. It's easy to be convincing when the food is delicious. It doesn't feel like a sacrifice--it feels like a step up.

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    Who are we to say dogs and cats have more rights than cows and pigs. They're all conscious. They feel the same. They hurt the same. God help us understand!

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    Writer Brigid Brophy exposes [their motives] with great precision: "Whenever people say 'We mustn't be sentimental,' you can take it they are about to do something cruel. And if they add 'We must be realistic,' they mean they are going to make money out of it. These slogans have a long history. After being used to justify slave traders, ruthless industrialists, and contractors who had found that the most economically 'realistic' method of cleaning a chimney was to force a small child to climb it, they have now been passed on, like an heirloom, to the factory farmers. 'We mustn't be sentimental' tries to persuade us that factory farming isn't, in fact, cruel. It implies that the whole problem had been invented by our sloppy imaginations.

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    You know the world has gone mad when those who have enlightened, compassionate views and future visions, are accused of borderline insanity, ridiculed and criticised for thinking positively.

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    You do not need to change people. Simply pull back the curtain obscuring their view of the truth and let them stare. Common sense, compassion and kindness will take it from there.

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    Your body is a Temple. You are what you eat. Do not eat processed food, junk foods, filth, or disease carrying food, animals, or rodents. Some people say of these foods, 'well, it tastes good'. Most of the foods today that statically cause sickness, cancer, and disease ALL TATSE GOOD; it's well seasoned and prepared poison. THIS IS WHY SO MANY PEOPLE ARE SICK; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually; because of being hooked to the 'taste' of poison, instead of being hooked on the truth and to real foods that heal and provide you with good health and wellness. Respect and honor your Temple- and it will honor you.

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    Your perception of meat being nice is blurred by the likely fact that you are excluded from participating in, or even witnessing the untimely mortal demise of the animals you gluttonously devour.

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    Anyone who cares about the Earth - really cares - must stop eating animals.

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    All wars are fought for the acquisition of wealth

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    A reduction in meat consumption is the most powerful single act that you can take to halt the destruction of our environment and preserve our natural resources.

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    A good deed done to an animal is as meritorious as a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is a bad as an act of cruelty to a human being.

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    Animal factories are one more sign of the extent to which our technological capacities have advanced faster than our ethics.

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    Being around all the animals in the film Dr. .Doolittle made me one too.

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    A vegan in a Hummer has a lighter carbon footprint than a beef eater in a Prius.

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    As we talked of freedom and justice one day for all, we sat down to steaks. I am eating misery, I thought, as I took the first bite. And spit it out.

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    Being shorter or taller depends on details of the diet. Vegetarians can obtain a balanced diet, with sufficient complete protein, vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients. It's trickier for vegans but it can be done.

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    Being vegan helped me realize I can say and do what I believe is right. That's powerful.

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    Being vegan just gives you such great karma.

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    Excessive animal protein is at the core of many chronic diseases.

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    Everything in food works together to create health or disease. The more we think that a single chemical characterizes a whole food, the more we stray into idiocy.

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    Every time we go by KFC, my kids ask me to honk and they yell 'Boo' out the window.

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    Fur used to turn heads, now it turns stomachs.

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    For lack of attention a thousand forms of loveliness elude us every day.

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    Humans are a part of nature, not apart from nature.

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    For the most part, we carnivores do not eat other carnivores. We prefer to eat our vegetarian friends.

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    I call myself a vegetarian with vegan tendencies.

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    Humans are the only hunters who kill when not hungry.

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    Human beings have capitalized on the silence of animals, just as certain human beings have historically imposed silence on certain other human beings by denying slaves the right to literacy, denying women the right to own property, and denying both the right to vote.

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    If your meals consistently revolve around corpse multiple times daily, you might become one sooner than you planned.

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    I enjoy cooking and baking. Alicia Silverstone's vegan cookbook is awesome.

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    If youre a vegan who ran a marathon & got your dogs from a shelter, how do you decide which thing to wedge into the conversation first?

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    I have had vegan Thanksgiving of tofurkey and soy gravy. And it's not to say that Thanksgiving will ever justify the genocide of the Native Americans. But vegan Thanksgiving - that's just spitting on the graves, isn't it?