Best 88 quotes in «interaction quotes» category

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    Whether it be the singing of a lamp or the voice of a storm, whether it be the breath of an evening or the groan of the ocean — whatever surrounds you, a broad melody always wakes behind you, woven out of a thousand voices, where there is room for your own solo only here and there. To know when you need to join in: that is the secret of your solitude: just as the art of true interactions with others is to let yourself fall away from high words into a single common melody.

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    We can all make the world a better place through the moment-to-moment decisions we make as we interact with people.

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    We can say that one has remained [correctly] in worldly interaction if one has ‘adjusted everywhere’.

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    While we are expecting everybody to tell downright the truth, many are muddying the water, drowning questions in a river of words and trying to make us forget what actually the real issue is about. If paltering and deflecting matters might become a new way of telling the truth, interaction might be doomed to culminate in a cluster shell of suspicion and mutual trust to become frantically undermined. ( “Blame storming” )

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    Women’s liberation fought for the right of women to leave the home and become involved in the public sphere; feminists now want to convert this realm into a series of safe spaces and censored zones. If you don’t like what someone says to you on the street, say something back, put your headphones on, or just laugh – it’s really not that bad.

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    You need to be careful about interacting with corporate controlled governments, as killing people is part of their business model.

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    We are given these niches, small worlds of our own populated by only a handful, where we feel understood. Our bubble worlds bump into innumerable others daily, but there is so little cause to allow their integrity to be breached.

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    All human interaction, you can break it down to incentives. All relationships, at some level, are transactional. They're fascinated with incentives.

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    Any two particles in the universe attract each other through the gravitational interaction.

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    You are walking down a street and you meet somebody. Anybody. And you look at each other. And you are you. And he is him. Yet when you look at each other, the eyes make a connection. Then you go off one way. And he goes off another way. You go off into different parts of town, and maybe you never see each other again. Not in your whole life.

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    As a novelist, I'm endlessly fascinated by human behavior and interactions.

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    And in this relentlessly unfolding series of interactions, the U.S. has played a very distinctive role, which most Americans have been either shielded from or simply unaware of.

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    A knowledge of the interaction of your conscious and subconscious minds will enable you to transform your whole life.

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    Cultural objects have no notable identity outside of that which we confer upon them. Their value is entirely a product of the interaction that we have with them.

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    Bits of ignorance are like viruses that are copied and spread by interaction.

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    Color really doesn't have interaction if it's full of colors. It's the interaction or relationship among or between colors that makes a color image. This usually happens with a few colors, not a glut of them.

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    I am shy by nature, a person who's always found something burdensome about human interaction and who probably always will, at least to some degree.

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    Fashion is something that you can attach to yourself, put on, and through that interaction, the meaning of it is born.

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    Emotions are the interaction of thoughts and of sensations in the body.

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    Group interaction tends to amplify people's initial inclinations

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    I meet hundreds of people, and I'm not going to remember them. But every single one of them will remember their interaction with me.

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    If you can't be psyched about your own thoughts, then how are you supposed to have a meaningful interaction with anyone?

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    In all actuality, we got to do better about preparing our men for their interactions with women.

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    I take as my fundamental starting point the fundamental distinction between work and interaction

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    I just had a really good time when I did my voice work for Call of Duty. Ive had nothing but great interaction with Activision.

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    Music videos are very concrete and rigid. They don't allow for emotional interaction.

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    Markets are not static entities that are 'intervened' in (for good or bad) but are outcomes of public and private interactions.

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    Our interactions with one another reflect a dance between love and fear.This is quotes copyright © By Pumpkin Limited

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    Only architecture that considers human scale and interaction is successful architecture.

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    I remind myself that Im always more satisfied by human interaction than by a digital connection.

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    That's at the root of the human interaction: fair trade.

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    The immediacy of public interaction is just unbeatable.

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    The story of journalism, on a day-to-day basis, is the story of the interaction of reporters and officials

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    Social media allows me to pick my times for social interaction.

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    The history of life on earth has been a history of interaction between living things and their surroundings.

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    The whole can be greater than the sum of it's parts, that we all have something to put in the pie to make it better, and that the collaborative interaction works.

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    There's just something fascinating to me about watching a business interaction unfold, and the negotiation. And how everything is negotiable in life.

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    The very nature of interactions is bound to make it unpredictable.

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    What if you, too, were to greet every interaction in your life with the question 'What's the potential opportunity that this is?'

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    Whole interaction between the storyteller and the listeners had a very powerful influence on me.

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    What physics tells us is that everything comes down to geometry and the interactions of elementary particles. And things can happen only if these interactions are perfectly balanced.

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    A house takes on the character of its inhabitants; a homeowner takes on the characteristics of the house.

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    All the interaction has been my learning bed for understanding life and people. Truly, workplace is a learning bed of life.

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    Because we live in a world with many other people…we need to be not only smart about meeting our own needs but also gracious about their needs…we have to learn to be flexible.

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    Being on Facebook too much in a row is like playing chess in a black hole. You never know if the next move will lead you to a checkmate or a mate checked.

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    Building relationships is not about transactions—it’s about connections.

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    Enjoyable social interaction, community and laughter has a healing effect on the mind and body.

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    Everything results in the value that you wish to take from each experience or interaction.

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    Having to talk to people was the one thing, but soliciting conversation was something else. If I acted squirmy or didn't make eye contact, they would want to know what was wrong, and I would have to say, Nothing, since nothing really was wrong. Nothing is an easy thing to feel but a difficult thing to express

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    How then did it work out, this? How did one judge people, think of them? How did one add up this and that and conclude that it was liking one felt, or disliking?