Best 80 quotes in «theme quotes» category

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    I always try and come up with a clear theme when I'm making a videogame.

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    If there were only one truth, you couldn't paint a hundred canvases on the same theme.

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    I'd say the biggest relationship is the repetition of certain themes. I don't want to say "topics," but certain points of interest.

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    If my life has had a theme, I suppose it has been a typical American theme in that, for most of it, I have been looking for happiness and success.

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    I get very driven by certain themes and ideas.

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    I guess every superhero need his theme music.

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    I like different shoes with different themes for different reasons.

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    I hear filmmakers saying, 'I wanted to make to make a film about this issue, or this theme,' but I never start like that.

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    I was "Never Trump." But it turned out never republican was really the theme of this election.

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    I never found even in my juvenile hours that it was necessary to go a thousand miles in search of themes for moralizing.

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    It chills my blood to hear the blest Supreme Rudely appealed to on each trifling theme.

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    I think doing variations on a classical theme is a dangerous thing to do.

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    I've always been interested in themes of memory, paranoia, and revenge.

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    I'm just really old [in Doctor Strange]. Just really, really old. There is I suppose a sort of theme tune which I'm really interested in.

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    Life is not a theme park, and if it is, the theme is death.

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    I would like to sing the theme tune of a big film - something like 'Titanic'.

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    Jokes do finish themselves. I really do see them as ongoing conversations about personal themes that I ruminate on.

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    My songs have always been frustrating themes, relationships that I've had. And now that I'm in love, I expect it to be really happy, or at least there won't be half as much anger as there was.

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    Men prominent in life are mostly hard to converse with. They lack small-talk, and at the same time one doesn't like to confront them with their own great themes.

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    My models, my human figures, are never like extras in an interior. They are the main theme of my work. I depend absolutely on my model.

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    Memory isn't a theme; it's part of the human condition.

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    Obviously death is a theme I'm fascinated by.

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    New earths, new themes expect us.

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    The first thing I learned was the theme from Peter Gunn.

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    One of my theme songs is that if you can't do it in a test tube, don't do it.

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    Pay attention to your visual themes.

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    The comedian sticks as religiously to her theme as a dancer sticks to a diet.

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    One of the great themes in American literature is the individual's confrontation with the vast open spaces of the continent.

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    Shambhala existed in Tibet and has been continued over the years, and now it is in the West. At its core, it is very much dedicated to the basic theme of benefiting others.

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    Some clergymen make a motto, instead of a theme, of their texts.

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    Something brushed his leg, and he gazed down into the face of Pippi Tucker. The theme from Jaws raced through his head.

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    The good thing about movies is that they're subjective. You can connect to different themes depending on your own perspective.

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    There are only a few notes. Just variations on a theme.

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    The music in the movie [Everybody Loves Somebody] is very much hand-picked specifically because it's our history and our traditions. The themes are universal.

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    The Puritans' sense of priorities in life was one of their greatest strengths. Putting God first and valuing everything else in relation to God was a recurrent Puritan theme.

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    There are patterns which emerge in one's life, circling and returning anew, an endless variation of a theme

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    The themes that the anti-globalization protesters bring to the discussion are of extraordinary importance. However, the theses that they often bring to it, sometimes in the form of slogans, are often oversimple.

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    There are themes that somehow stir me and that I find very interesting. They're themes that deal with leadership, the nature of bravery and courage, and how to define those.

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    The themes I sing about tend to be centered on love, but in the most total, general way 360 degrees of love.

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    There is a theme that runs through my work, and that is: the toxic property of keeping secrets.

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    The specifics of the platform, I don`t think, are necessarily going to be written by Bernie Sanders, but the themes of the platform are going to be written by Bernie Sanders.

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    Transformation, liberation and celebration are the themes of all my novels.

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    The unconscious obsession that we photographers have is that wherever we go we want to find the theme that we carry inside ourselves.

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    This is the sum; my brethren, preach Christ, always and evermore. He is the whole gospel. His person, offices, and work must be our one great all-comprehending theme

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    When I write I'm never really thinking about themes or the universal.

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    We are all souls, and what I have learnt so far is that while God is male, the souls created by Him are female, so I always had women as my theme, as they are dedicated to Him.

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    We the Living is not a novel 'about Soviet Russia.' It is a novel about Man against the State. Its basic theme is the sanctity of human life - using the word 'sanctity' not in a mystical sense, but in the sense of 'supreme value.'

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    You know, usually with movies there are periods, dark areas, where I might not be getting what I wanted out of a theme. I'll have to go over and over it again.

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    Because interiority focuses on the inside-outside aspect of hygge, it introduces the important theme of contrast. When we hygger there is a sense of distance between us and the outside world, a contrast between the feeling that we are at the still axis of a moment of pleasure and our awareness of ever-moving life around us. Our experience of contrast is heightened by spatial, temporal and social conditions - inside versus outside, shelter versus exposure, warm versus cold, day versus night, light versus shadow, stillness versus activity, indulgence versus restraint, relaxation versus work, independence versus society, equality versus hierarchy, peace versus conflict.

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    A mystery reader, confronted with a large mass of sudden detail, is going to go—subconsciously, at least—”Aha! somewhere in all of this the writer has planted a Clue!”, and look for that; a reader trained exclusively in mainstream literary fiction is likely to say, “Aha! all this emphasis must point to something of Thematic Importance!”, but an experienced reader of science fiction is going to assume that he or she is meant to take all of those details and out of them construct a world. Which is why the writer of a science-fiction mystery with literary ambitions is trying to do a quadruple somersault off the trapeze without a net.