Best 68 quotes in «hormones quotes» category

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    A sane man is at his sanest just after he has orgasmed.

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    between the love and the lust, between the feelings and the hormones, between the heart and the body love, feelings and the heart prevails over everything else.

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    Cortisol vs oxytocin Dawn of mood

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    But have you ever tried to walk away from a flirtation? It's good advice to do so, maybe. But it's like telling someone to walk away from a dragon's hoard of gold. It's so rare, so unusual and so completely overwhelming to feel that attention on you, to feel those warmth-giving hormones flood your brain and your body. It feels like an intrinsic good. Natural, and normal, and right. Yes, you could choose not to proceed. But also, no, you can't.

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    How embarrassing that she ever did something that silly. But, good God, she was seventeen. At that age, we're mostly high-pitched and crazy. All urgent chemicals raging around the blood course. And that's why we do dangerous and embarrassing things, as if simultaneously we're immortal and going to die tomorrow. And that's why we look back on that time so fondly from the dimmer years to come. Remembering the days when we were like Greek gods. Mighty and idiotic.

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    Estrogen deficient woman are nothing but the walking dead.

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    Hormones, it seemed, we're making a much-delayed appearance in her life. Liv was horrified.

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    Courtship is driven by hormones; marriage is sustained by humility and self-sacrifice.

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    Estrogen deficient women are the walking dead.

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    I am often described to my irritation as a 'contrarian' and even had the title inflicted on me by the publisher of one of my early books. (At least on that occasion I lived up to the title by ridiculing the word in my introduction to the book's first chapter.) It is actually a pity that our culture doesn't have a good vernacular word for an oppositionist or even for someone who tries to do his own thinking: the word 'dissident' can't be self-conferred because it is really a title of honor that has to be won or earned, while terms like 'gadfly' or 'maverick' are somehow trivial and condescending as well as over-full of self-regard. And I've lost count of the number of memoirs by old comrades or ex-comrades that have titles like 'Against the Stream,' 'Against the Current,' 'Minority of One,' 'Breaking Ranks' and so forth—all of them lending point to Harold Rosenberg's withering remark about 'the herd of independent minds.' Even when I was quite young I disliked being called a 'rebel': it seemed to make the patronizing suggestion that 'questioning authority' was part of a 'phase' through which I would naturally go. On the contrary, I was a relatively well-behaved and well-mannered boy, and chose my battles with some deliberation rather than just thinking with my hormones.

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    I believe that love and forgiveness engages an incomprehensible healing force and sometimes true healing occurs, but always an emotional and spiritual healing happens.

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    I don’t think I like that boy.” He growled, glaring for effect, just in case I hadn’t figured out his oh-so-subtle interpersonal cues. “He’s a sweet kid,” I insisted, folding the gray blazer over my arm. “He’s a teenage boy,” Cal said, his dark eyes narrowed. “They’re all sexual deviants under the surface. I should know. I was a teenage boy once.” “Thousands of years ago,” I countered. “Times may change, but testosterone does not.

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    Fermented foods contain natural probiotics, or healthy bacteria, that can take your health to the next level. Nearly every culture has a version of a fermented food: yogurt, kefir, miso, and fermented vegetables, including sauerkraut, pickles, and kimchi.

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    (In actuality there are no such things as "male" or "female" hormones. Hormones have no sex of their own, and all types of sex hormones are present in all human beings in varying amounts.)

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    Incorrect radiation levels may be able to affect your sex drive and it may be proven in the future that human sex drive is governed more by radiation types and levels than any other factor, even more so than hormones! Generally, a feeling of contentment replaces sexual desire in natural radiation environments.

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    I had been to the endocrinologist in 2017 due to my feet changing from size 9 to size 10 in just a few months. I had to throw out all of my shoes and buy new ones. I was told that there was nothing wrong with my hormones. The medical report shows they did not test my DHEA hormone levels, which I later showed a positive response to.

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    It may be easier to believe that we remain lean because we're virtuous and we get fat because we're not, but the evidence simply says otherwise. Virtue has little more to with our weight than our height. When we grow taller, it's hormones and enzymes that are promoting growth, and we consume more calories than we expend as a result. Growth is the cause - increased appetite and decreased energy expenditure (gluttony and sloth) are the effects. When we grow fatter, the same is true as well. We don't get fat because we overeat; we overeat because were fat.

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    I wanted desperately to get all hot and sweaty with this guy, but I knew from experience that hormones affected my sensibilities like alcohol or pot. In the throes of passion I tend to vow my eternal love to a penis I might use and abuse, with little regard for the man connected to it. I'm trying to keep that habit.

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    I’ve seen estrogen make princesses out of witches.

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    Science has proven that while your genes control your biology, a rather simple, nondrug formula of nutrient-rich food, targeted supplements to address missing precursors, and lifestyle changes can keep your genes in perpetual “repair” mode.

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    I was (an am) unsure about how I am related to my old self, or to myself from year to year. The hormonal profile of an individual determines much of the manifest personality. If you skew the endocrine system,you loose the pathways to the self. When endocrine patterns change it alters the way you think and feel. One shift in the pattern tends to trip another.

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    Masturbation is a function of sleep deprivation, electromagnetic exposures, hormones and ingested stimulants.

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    Perimenopausal women don't make eye contact, don't want to be touched, they slouch, they scuff, and avoid any social interaction if possible.

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    Sex Games: What Men Really Think About Sex Partners (Sexuality, Cheating

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    ... she bowed just low enough to draw the young man's [Daniel Carpenter] eyes to her décolletage. He flushed and looked away sternly. After a second. Tough to blame the kid. I've been a young man. Boobs are near the center of the universe.

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    Stop exhuming the women's health initiative for which doctors prescribe hormones. The WHI for HRT standards is a dead and irrelevant paradigm to modern HRT that needs to be buried.

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    Stud males might be emotional, temperamental, and developmentally stunted, at the mercy of their androgens, but that didn't make them incapable of generosity, friendship, cleverness, or creativity.

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    Testosterone has far less to do with aggression than most assume. Within the normal range, individual differences in testosterone levels don’t predict who will be aggressive. Moreover, the more an organism has been aggressive, the less testosterone is needed for further aggression. When testosterone does play a role, it’s facilitatory—testosterone does not 'invent' aggression. It makes us more sensitive to triggers of aggression. Also, rising testosterone levels foster aggression only during challenges to status. Finally, crucially, the rise in testosterone during a status challenge does not necessarily increase aggression; it increases whatever is needed to maintain status. In a world in which status is awarded for the best of our behaviors, testosterone would be the most prosocial hormone in existence.

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    That we are horny creatures is proven by the fact that the invention of video calling found us already having sex over the phone.

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    I sigh. "I don't know what's happening to me." "They're called hormones." I shoot him a dirty look. "I'm serious." "Me too." He cocks his head at me. "That's like, biological and shit. Scientific. Maybe your lady bits are scientifically confused." "My lady bits?" "Oh, I'm sorry" - Kenji pretends to look offended - "would you rather I use the proper anatomical terminology? Because you lady bits do not scare me-" "Yeah, no thanks.

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    The organs that have been identified as having issues in very high altitude worker Steven Magee are: 1. Brain. 2. Lungs. 3. Heart. 4. Skin. 5. Liver. 6. Bones. 7. Gastrointestinal system. 8. Kidneys 9. Vitamin B12 & iron absorption problems are currently being diagnosed and may involve the stomach, intestines, liver & blood. 10. Hormonal problems that involve various organ systems of the body.

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    There is a correlation between the number of days since a man last had sex, and, the number of things that he is willing to do for a woman.

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    There is a correlation between the number of days since a man last had sex, and, the number of women that he is convinced he is in love with.

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    There is a correlation between the number of days since a man last had sex, and, the number of women that he is convinced he is in love with, or, the number of things that he is willing to do for a woman.

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    The sudden surge of hormones at teenage age will continue to play an important part in the life of young people

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    The use of reason and that of an erect penis are mutually exclusive.

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    The women's health initiative standards for HRT is nothing but an embarrassment to all physicians, and I'm not sure why they have not retracted all the statements that came out of that joke of a study.

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    Sexual starvation forces a heterosexual man to see beauty in every single female who he can sleep with without his society’s disapproval.

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    ● We make changes when the pain of staying the same (same weight, same mood, same stress-crazed schedule) is greater than the perceived pain of change. I discovered (as have my patients) that there is a way to make those changes that is safe, proven, effective, easy, and, most importantly, fun.

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    Weight gain, mood swings, fatigue, and low libido aren’t diseases that can be “cured” with a quick injection or a pharmaceutical. Most of these problems can’t be permanently solved by eating less or exercising more. They are hormonal problems. They mean our bodies are trying to tell us that something is wrong.

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    The hormonal interplay inside a woman’s head creates her reality. Her hormones tell her day to day what’s important. They mold her desires and values.

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    When it comes to their love lives, some people do not really have high standards; they merely have low sex drive.

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    What else will we do?" I asked, turning to leave. "This is the only plan we have." "This isn't a plan," Prof said. "It's hormones.

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    When I was suddenly thrust into what everyone calls menopause (Orchids) earlier than my body planned, I decided someone needed to take charge on so many levels. It was time to not only change the vernacular, but to speak up and say "Hey! This isn't an old lady's disease! We aren't old! We are strong and dammit, we are beautiful and sexy too!

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    Why don’t you tell people what happened last night” “You slept on the sofa!” “And why is that?” “Because you’re .... incompetent

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    Why do you think, A.J.," they say in unison, "that you find these boys so attractive?" I didn't say that this fiery chemical explosion leaps from somewhere inside me. Parents don't want to hear these things. I shrugged and said nothing. "Maybe you should try sitting on the intensity," Mom suggests, "just until your feelings catch up with reality." "We could chain you to the water heater," Dad offers, "until these little moments pass." You see what I'm up against.

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    Why is it up to me to shepherd a man’s—any man’s—hormones?

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    With two teenagers in the house, we sometimes experience a degree of domestic turbulence that sounds, to my ear, like a boiling teakettle filled with hormones shrieking on a stove.

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    You see, I'd behaved pretty badly. Losing my head about someone I didn't really love and hurting someone I did. Why is one so stupid?" "The heart has its reasons," said Will, "and the endocrines have theirs.

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    A pure heart and mind only takes you so far - sooner or later the hormones have their say, too.