Best 45 quotes in «diabetes quotes» category

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    She spent the next hour dividing her time between the phone and the computer; scaring the ever-loving shit out of herself while waiting on hold by investiGoogling type 2 diabetes on her laptop. She found one nut who claimed diabetes was a governmental plot to extract billions of dollars from the unsuspecting public in order to wage the war for oil.

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    Summer of this year I will be releasing a 'diabetic friendly' cookbook, sharing recipes and tips that have helped me lose 140 pounds and beat diabetes and hypertension! The title 'Losing To Win' will be published by Creative Partners Publishing!

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    That and many other cases since then, most of them concerning autoimune diseases, have drilled into my head that patient relief is NOT THE BOTTOM LINE IN standardized medicine - following protocol is. That kind of reasoning works when the protocol in question achieves a cure for a given disease. For diabetes, clearing it hasn't.

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    The 5-unit BMI difference between vegans and nonvegetarians indicates a substantial potential of vegetarianism to protect against obesity. Increased conformity to vegetarian diets protected against risk of type 2 diabetes after lifestyle characteristics and BMI were taken into account. Pesco- and semi-vegetarian diets afforded intermediate protection.

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    [T]he habit of living as if in the shadow of death has remained with me, and I consider that, too, a gift.

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    The high level of meat and saturated fat consumption in the USA and other high-income countries exceeds nutritional needs and contributes to high rates of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and some cancers.

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    The main finding was that vegan and lacto-ovo vegetarian diets were associated with a nearly one-half reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes compared with the risk associated with nonvegetarian diets after adjustment for a number of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors, as well as low BMI, that are typically associated with vegetarianism. Pesco- and semi-vegetarian diets were associated with intermediate risk reductions: between one-third and one-quarter. These data indicate that vegetarian diets may in part counteract the environmental forces leading to obesity and increased rates of type 2 diabetes, though only vegan diets were associated with a BMI in the optimal range. Inclusion of meat, meat products, and fish in the diet, even on a less than weekly basis, seems to limit some of the protection associated with a vegan or lacto-ovo vegetarian diet. These findings may be explained by adverse effects of meat and fish, protective effects of typical constituents of vegan and lacto-ovo vegetarian diets, other characteristics of people who choose vegetarian diets, or a combination of these factors.

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    The main finding was that vegan and lacto-ovo vegetarian diets were associated with a nearly one-half reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes compared with the risk associated with nonvegetarian diets after adjustment for a number of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors, as well as low BMI, that are typically associated with vegetarianism.

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    The main finding was that vegan and lacto-ovo vegetarian diets were associated with a nearly one-half reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes compared with the risk associated with nonvegetarian diets after adjustment for a number of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors, as well as low BMI, that are typically associated with vegetarianism. Pesco- and semi- vegetarian diets were associated with intermediate risk reductions: between one-third and one-quarter.

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    The paleo diet uses a distorted view of ancient history to argue that a diet of 50 to 80 percent animal products is the most life span enhancing. (This recommendation is double to triple the average animal product consumption in America today.) Early humans ate many different types of diets in various parts of the world, but what they ate here or there is not even the relevant question. It is how long they lived, and how long present humans will live (in good health) with various diet styles that is more relevant. The answer to this question is clear as the preponderance of evidence is overwhelming today.

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    There is convincing evidence that vegetarians have lower rates of coronary heart disease, largely explained by low LDL cholesterol, probable lower rales of hypertension and diabetes mellitus, and lower prevalence of obesity. Overall, their cancer rates appear to be moderately lower than others living in the same communities, and life expectancy appears to be greater.

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    The Self Care Formula is simple-NITO(5R). Nutrients In & Toxins Out in the 5 Realms (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental, Spiritual).

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    The Self Care Formula is simple. It is NITO(5R)...that is Nutrients In and Toxins Out in the 5 Realms the body works in (Mental, Emotional, Physical, Environmental and Spiritual). Unfortunately, we are doing TINO(5R) that is toxins in and nutrients out.

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    …Sugar has become an ingredient avoidable in prepared and packaged foods only by concerted and determined effort, effectively ubiquitous. Not just in the obvious sweet foods (candy bars, cookies, ice creams, chocolates, sodas, juices, sports and energy drinks, sweetened iced tea, jams, jellies, and breakfast cereals both cold and hot), but also in peanut butter, salad dressings, ketchup, BBQ sauces, canned soups, cold cuts, luncheon meats, bacon, hot dogs, pretzels, chips, roasted peanuts, spaghetti sauces, canned tomatoes, and breads. From the 1980's onward manufacturers of products advertised as uniquely healthy because they were low in fat…not to mention gluten free, no MSG, and zero grams trans fat per serving, took to replacing those fat calories with sugar to make them equally…palatable and often disguising the sugar under one or more of the fifty plus names, by which the fructose-glucose combination of sugar and high-fructose corn syrup might be found. Fat was removed from candy bars sugar added, or at least kept, so that they became health food bars. Fat was removed from yogurts and sugars added and these became heart healthy snacks, breakfasts, and lunches.

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    We can arrange better expectations and better circumstances beginning with the fact that we need not be who we are now; we can be better.

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    Diabetes is a lousy, lousy disease.

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    When it comes to cooking now, my motto is "out with the whites!

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    As of 2002, two million Latino adults had been diagnosed with diabetes.

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    Diabetes is caused by melancholy.

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    Focus on prevention; would save $14B with diabetes.

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    I fought Sugar Ray so often, I almost got diabetes.

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    I don't sugarcoat it you'd die from diabetes if these other niggas wrote it

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    I think I can wipe out diabetes.

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    Incarceration is as useful for addiction as it is for diabetes - i.e., not useful and potentially harmful, particularly for kids.

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    I have friends struggling with autism, juvenile diabetes.

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    When I got my success I became decadent for a while. This was 2003 to 2008. I fell for tiramisu really hard. I've become more moderate since, because African-Americans are prone to diabetes.

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    Life is not over because you have diabetes. Make the most of what you have, be grateful.

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    There are life-threatening issues related to diabetes.

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    A life without sweets is not much worth living.

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    The triumph of sugar over diabetes.

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    When I first found out I had diabetes I denied it.

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    Award Winning Book - 1st Place Life Awaits You ... Decide that just for today nothing is going to stop you!

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    Chris didn’t need to learn how to conquer fear. He had to embrace it, walk with it and listen to it.

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    Don't let yourself fall, you gotta pick yourself right up and strive to do better and be better! Think positive. Don't let the Diabetes control you! You control the Diabetes! Be strong because someways might be tough but you are tougher!

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    Never accept limitations.

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    Find the options that are right for you - for your condition, your personality, your lifestyle! This book is really about you and for you.

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    It is important for Americans to recognize that, despite all of the fancy gimmicks and perceived power of modern medicine, the largest explosion of preventable, chronic diseases ever in the history of mankind has occurred as a direct result of modern medicine and scientific reductionism. Modern medicine is not an antidote for the incredible harms caused by the modern food industry, but it is an effective distraction.

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    Ants always eat sweet food ... but none of them haven't diabetes ?

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    Get off the Medical System and onto the Self Care System

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    Growing up, coming to terms with, and living through the complications of Diabetes.

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    In 2012 about 56 million people died throughout the world; 620,000 of them died due to human violence (war killed 120,000 people, and crime killed another 500,000). In contrast, 800,000 committed suicide, and 1.5 million died of diabetes. Sugar is now more dangerous than gunpowder.

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    I should have titled it "Diet Like Your Life Depended On It!" because it's about so much more than just beating Diabetes.

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    I was born with a bad pancreas, and I could have been born with something a lot worse. I wasn't particularly lucky, but I wasn't particularly unlucky, either.

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    No one gets an easy pass in life. We all meet struggles while pursuing our dreams. Sometimes our knees shake when facing giants, and sometimes our feet get knocked out from under us. Those are defining moments.

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    People take ownership of sickness and disease by saying things like MY high blood pressure MY diabetes, MY heart disease, MY depression, MY! MY! MY! Don't own it because it doesn't belong to you!