Best 194 quotes in «werewolf quotes» category

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    She once told him about the mysterious trampled-down places found in fields, which the peasants superstitiously called werewolves' nests. Coming across one of these sites, she fell to her knees and buried her face in the flattened yellow grasses, hoping to inhale the odor of a werewolf, a csordásfarkas. As if his scent was a charm. She smelled nothing but hay burned by the afternoon sun.

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    She's a she-wolf. Her nature demands she's dominated, even if she tries to fight it. She'll listen to an amount of force – positive force, not negative force. But leave the run wide open with no boundaries and she won't listen to you at all. All she'll listen to is the call of freedom, even if it leads her straight into a trap. Stop thinking like a human. She's a wolf.

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    She smirked and felt the familiar pain of her fangs elongating and piercing through her gums. She inhaled the night air deeply and smiled at the intoxicating aroma. Multiple scents hit her nose at once. They were thick and rich, mixed with booze and teenage pheromones. Her leather jacket fluttered slightly as a night breeze swept under it.

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    She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, a tiny, bloody angel in the snow, and they were going to destroy her.

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    Silloin susi, jonka kanssa Aalo oli juossut, yhtäkkiä muutti muotoansa. Metsän halki kulki elävä ja väkevä henkäys, niinkuin jättikeuhkot olisivat henkäisseet, ja koko korpi vavahti näkymättäin askelten astunnasta, ja suuret siivet, joitten leveyttä ei kenkään kuolevainen vielä ole mitannut, kätkivät korven salatumpaan pimentoon kuin on aarnikuusien katve. Sillä tämä susi oli Diabolus sylvarum elikkä Metsän Henki, vaikka hän nyt vasta oikian hahmonsa edestoi.

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    Silly cop, I don't need your help; I have a werewolf on retainer.

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    Silver bullets and a stake in the heart But the cross still awakens my heart I'm the freak of nature that's all Darling it's not the way that you are

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    So, Cormac, have you ever dealt with a PMSing werewolf?' No.' Well, it's a real bitch...

    • werewolf quotes
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    So, I'm just hotter than the rest of you because I'm Alpha?" "Hey, I take offense to that," Steve said. "I'm pretty damn sexy if I do say so myself.

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    So you believe in blood sucking fangers, but you don't believe in the existence of werewolves. What kind of narrow minded crap is that?

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    That did explain his sucky home life growing up but didn’t excuse the way he treated others. Was there childcare for abused werewolves?

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    Somehow everything always came down to time, she realized with perfect lucidity. There was either too much or too little. It either passed too quickly or too slowly. It didn’t belong to anyone—it was simply a gift, bestowed by God, and yet eternally taken for granted. She closed her eyes for a moment, wishing Time could be tamed—reigned in—and tethered, synchronized with human needs and wants. But that wasn’t the case, was it?

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    Sorry if I can't be the right monster for you Bella.

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    So you are vampire then, my beauty?”- Damian (Marked Book #1) page 160

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    So you want me to track down a supernaturally fast sniper who can disappear into thin air, retrieve your maps, and do it so nobody finds out what I'm doing or why?' 'Exactly.' I sighed. 'I'll get the paperwork.

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    That was why he still hadn’t called her. He wasn’t sure what the hell he was going to say if she picked up. Evie, I’m really sorry about acting like a complete dick to you. Would you be willing to go out for lunch again? This time somewhere where my brother can’t kill anyone, and my fucked‐up father won’t take revenge for my letting it happen by trying to kill you?

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    The cold reality of what he is ― what I am ― sets in like cement and our former selves have been buried and smothered to death beneath the thick concrete of our separate fates.

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    The Earl of Woolsey was indeed completely nude. He did not seem particularly perturbed by this fact, but Miss Tarabotti felt the sudden need to close her eyes tight and think about asparagus or something equally mundane.

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    There are some things in life that we are meant to experience. Circumstances will always shift us back to certain situations until we walk through it and learn something.”- Aimee (Marked Book #1) page 79

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    The werewolf by the moon. The wererat by money. (Loup garou par la lune. - Rat garou par les thunes.)

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    There are a few other things. Weesee, when she used that word, Loup-garou, was right, at least in a sense. The word means werewolf.' Whitaker protested with a gasp of astonishment. 'They don't exist,' he said sharply, jolted by a memory of old movies. The doctor replied quickly: 'No, of course not. Not that way, not like some monster, a vampire or some such' 'What's the matter with him?' The doctor spoke softly, unwilling to stop until he had talked out the whole scope of the problem. 'It is a type of encephalitis. Uncommon, but there, as solidly classified in medical literature as measles. Late effects of acute infectious encephalitis, lycanthropy, to be exact. Once it was called a form of monomania. Morbus lupinus is another name.' 'You will have to hunt him down. Then he will have to be kept in a cell, for a long time, under strong drugs, probably until he dies.' De Glew touched his throat, cleared it slightly. 'The alternative is that you hunt him down and kill him. He will kill, Aaron.' 'Won't it pass?' asked Whitaker incredulously. 'I don't think so, not permanently. And pass for how long? Suppose he is only mad one day out of four.' The doctor paused. 'Or when the moon is full. Or when he sees it full in his mind's eye.

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    They say the crazies come out at night. I say the crazies come out during election year: Elections have the power to turn once seemingly normal people into certified loonies.

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    The odor of burning sulphur shifted on the night air, acrid, a little foul. Somewhere, the Canaan dwellers had learned of a supplier of castor - an extract from the beaver's perineal glands. Little packets containing the brown-orange mass of dried animal matter arrived from Detroit at the Post Office's "general delivery." At home, by the kerosene light, the recipients unwrapped the packets. A poor relative sometimes would be given some of the fibrous gland, bitter and smelling slightly like strong human sweat, and the rest would go into a Mason jar. Each night, as prescribed by old Burrifous through his oracle, Ronnie, a litt1e would be mixed with clear spring water. And as it gave the water a creamy, rusty look, the owner would sigh with awe and fear. The creature, wolf or man, became more real through the very specific which was to vanquish him.

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    Think wolf; be wolf.

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    The wolf had begun hunting human prey. They were plentiful in the dark city streets and provided enough good meat to satiate his gnawing hunger. He was still very careful not to let any who saw him live. To do otherwise would displease the Master. He would only stalk those people that were foolish enough to walk alone in the night

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    This is what they mean by 'ghost town', she thought. It truly feels like a place frozen in time

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    This penne is much too arrabiata, and you did it on purpose," said Magnus when the surly werewolf waiter hove into view. "Werewolf rights," Erik grumped. "Crush the vile oppressors." "Nobody has ever won a revolution with pasta, Erik," said Magnus. "Now get a fresh dish, or I'll tell Luigi on you.

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    This time, I wanted to enjoy the passion that burned between us until we were both about to combust.

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    They were twin beasts in the night, swift and sleek and growling. With her body arched over the moonlight-soaked motorcycle, her thighs welded to metal and leather, Elise felt like she and the bike had become a single animal—another member of Rylie’s pack, restricted only to where the wheels could take her.

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    Time flies when you grow fangs and fur.

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    Too bad Guy interrupted," I said as we snuck around the rear of the building. "Otherwise, I could have just walked you down here before you changed back." His look said he wasn't dignifying that with a retort. "I always wanted a dog," I said, nearly running to keep up with his long strides. "My brothers were both allergic. Have I told you that?" "Once or twice." "Maybe, someday, you could humor me and— "Don't finish that sentence.

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    True, in The Howling, they had fun making out, but other than that, what was the good of being a movie werewolf? You howled at the moon; you couldn’t remember what you did, and then somebody shot you.

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    We feel fighting for dominance actually shows weakness. It's much harder to hold back the wolf than to let it have free rein.

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    Unlike the Jukel, he had not been raised among the Tigani (Gypsies who inhabited eastern Romania). Revered, protected, and educated. He had been born in the wild. The offspring of a werewolf to werewolf mating. A Ruv Bengalo (devilish wolf).

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    Vampires were myths, childhood stories– as were werewolves, mermaids and dragons. I believed none of it.

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    Violet suddenly felt something in her as her anger and adrenaline pulsed through her body like a raving lunatic. She felt the rage from before, trying to rise above her control. Her hands began to elongate and her nails grew to razor sharp knives. She tried to hold back the intense metamorphosis, but the more she let go, the better she felt. Millions of coarse hairs sprouted from her skin and covered her in a dense, white fur. Her eyes dilated and contracted with the effort of balancing light. Her face grew into a furry white snout and her limbs grew to immense sizes, filled with muscle. She looked down at herself. She was a beautiful werewolf. A white werewolf! She tried to laugh, but it came out as small barks. She was expecting black fur instead.

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    Was there childcare for abused werewolves?

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    We aren't taught to mourn. We're told to forget.

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    Well, isn’t this just perfect,” Kyle commented. “We need to go rough up a big bad wolf, and half the pack is already leaving.

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    Welcome back, Jem.

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    ¿Tienes idea de cómo es crecer en un lugar donde todo el mundo está esperando a ver qué dices, sólo para poder estar de acuerdo contigo? [...] Es extremadamente aburrido. Nunca nadie te desafía o expresa una opinión diferente. Nunca nada te cuesta esfuerzo. Nacer para ser un “alfa” es eso: nacer para mandar. Para que todo el mundo se calle cuando tú hablas, baje la cabeza y obedezca. Todo es tan fácil, y tan aburrido, que al cabo de un tiempo llegas a odiarlo. -- Nikolai Valinchenko

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    Werewolf change was never pleasant. That was one of the reasons pack members still referred to it as a curse, despite the fact that, in the modern age of enlightenment and free will, clavigers chose metamorphosis. The change comprised a good deal of biological rearranging. This, like rearranging one's parlor furniture for a party, involved a transition from tidy to very messy to tidy once more. And, as with any redecoration, there was a moment in the middle where it seemed impossible that everything could possibly go back together harmoniously.

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    When you have permission from me to be the wolf, you’ll have no need for guilt as a human.

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    Well you can go ahead and hand your head out the window if you feel like it" "I'm a werewolf not a golden retriever

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    With her face tilted up to his, the subtle edge of moonlight touched along the edge of one high cheekbone, the tilted edge of one eye, and those beautiful, enticing lips. Obeying an impulse he couldn’t put into words, he lowered his head and covered her mouth with his.

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    Which side was I on? There was no time to search for answers. All I could do now was ride on a werewolf's back, toward a destiny as hidden as the dark side of the moon.

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    Woman rescued by Yeti!’How dare they make this into a joke.

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    When it comes to love triangles and duels to the death, you should always cheat. - Fairy Werewolf vs. Zombie Vampire

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    You can have a lot of fun with rhinos

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    Yes, Dad collared me before I was even born. Nevertheless, he made me the one in authority of the collar and myself.