Best 160 quotes in «knowledge of self quotes» category

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    Akshaya Tritiya is believed to bring good luck and success. Most people purchase Gold and diamonds and any special things on this day as it is believed that buying things on Akshaya Tritiya brings prosperity and more wealth in coming future. Being Akshaya day it is believed that Gold, bought on this day, will never diminish and would continue to grow or appreciate and the charity on this day creats growth in financial sector and happiness in vision.

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    402Emotional position is part of it, but as an individual you are not your emotions, neither are you your intellect. These are things that you have . They're not things that you are . Therefore you have to start to become aware of the different requirements that human beings have, the different areas that they like to be satisfied in. Which means becoming aware of yourself. I mean, as a writer you're gonna have to understand pretty much the whole universe. But the best place to start is by understanding the inner universe. The entire universe – for one thing – only exists in your perceptions. That's all you're gonna see of it. To all practical intents and purposes this is purely some kind of lightshow that's being put on in the kind of neurons in our brain. The whole of reality. So. To understand the universe there's worse advice than that which was carved above the shrine of the Delphi oracle. Where it just said: “Know thyself”. Understand yourself. Know thyself is a magical goal, but like I say to me there is very little difference between magic and creative art in any sense – the laws of one apply perfectly well to the other.

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    All the faculties now has the capacity to understand the true knowledge sequence by which the Shreeom Surye Shiva's knowledge of soul seen law systematically gives rise, through its own self-interacting dynamics, to the diverse force and matter fields that constitute the universe. The modern science of cosmology can now account for the exact sequence of dynamical symmetry breaking by which the unified field, the singularity at the moment of cosmogenesis, sequentially gave rise to the diverse force fields and matter fields. It is now possible to determine the time and sequence in which each force and matter field decoupled from the Shreeom Surye Shiva's knowledge field. This gives us a clear understanding of how all aspects of the physical universe emerge from the Shreeom Surye Shiva's knowledge of soul seen law would be the key to happiness.

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    As long as one finds faults with the world, he won’t be able to find anything about the Soul (Self). He who sees his own faults is the Soul (Self) himself!

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    All those minds that are interested in finding out the truth communicate with each other across the distances of space and time. I, too, was taking part in the effort which humanity makes to know.

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    An honest assessment of our own capabilities, without conceit and without false modesty, is one of the first essentials of a useful life.

    • knowledge of self quotes
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    As children play games with imaginary things, initially a seeker indulges in little things. So simple people believe in simple things.

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    A person may learn things all their life, but never gain knowledge of truth.

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    A reputation is like a shadow; it hides when you go to sleep, but always returns with the sun…

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    A silent tongue does not betray its owner

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    As long as one sees faults with the world, he prevails in the knowledge of the senses. The inner purification has not yet occurred in him.

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    A true swarthi (interested in the Self) will become the absolute Self! This is considered paraartha (for the non-Self). A swarthi will attain the ‘Self’.

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    Calm is good, passivity not to much. Calm is always a basic inner attitude that makes it possible to concentrate and act purposefully. But passivity suggest an element of denial. Passive people refuse to take initiatives and to exploit stimuli. They sit and wait - without strength, defiant or rigid from shock - in whatever their situation is and prefer to suffer considerably from their plight rather than trying to change something. This includes boredom and even bad relationships.

    • knowledge of self quotes
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    Be the person you are, not the one others try to create.

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    Billions of people are living on the earth today with the knowledge of mathematics, physics, and biology. They have the knowledge of stocks market, the knowledge of politics, engineering, law, and medicine. They know about fashion, sports, arts, music and a lot more other aspects of life. However, the sad reality is that a greater percentage of these people do not know who they are nor why they exist. They do not know for what purpose they are on the earth and where they are heading

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    Cause nobody's the slightest idea who we are, or who we were, not even we ourselves - except, that is, in the glimmer of a moment of fair business between strangers, or the nod of knowing and agreement between friends. Other than these, we go out anonymous into the insect air and all we are is the dust of colour, brief engineerings of wings towards a glint of light on a blade of grass or a leaf in a summer dark.

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    Clarity does not always comes with experience. It does come with knowledge, with a proper state of mind. That is why the importance of meditation and literature can not be under emphasised.

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    Dedication and enthusiams are the greatest rewards for learning

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    Darkness is a knife that peels away the rind of what you think you know about yourself. The shades of your pretenses, the tones of your illusions, the layers of deception that glaze your life into the colors that tint your world–all mean nothing in the darkness. No one can see them, not even you. Darkness hides everything except who you really are

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    Consciousness cannot be glimpsed as though it were something outside yourself, because it is you.

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    Do you really know yourself so well or are you making it up?' she asks. Some things I concoct, some I glean from my senses, most I thirst for.

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    Dhriti is one of the kala or lila of knowledge, which is firmness strong intellect by which these peace elements are held in union and harmony kept in the state of steadiness and equilibrium.

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    Do advise me,' he urged, 'as to how I can remove the illusions of the mind and free it from the turmoil to which it is always subjected, and realise God. I am simply caught up in the attachment to wife, house, money and property.' 'You have diagnosed,' Ramdas replied, 'the disease aright and also have a clear understanding of the remedy for it. Know in the first place that the God you seek is within yourself. He is the life and soul of the universe and to attain Him is the supreme purpose of life. Evil and sorrow are due to your belief that you are separate from this universal Truth. The ego has set up this wall of separation. Have a strong and intense longing to realise Him, that is, to know that your life is one with the life of the universe. Then surrender up the ego by constant identification with Him through prayer, meditation and performance of all action without desiring their fruit. As you progress on this path, which is the path of devotion, knowledge and self-surrender, your attachment to the unrealities of life will slacken, and the illusions of the mind will be dispelled. Now your heart will be filled with divine love, and your vision purified and equalised, and your actions will become the spontaneous outflow of your immortal being, yielding you the experience of true joy and peace. This is the culmination of human endeavour and fulfilment of the purpose of life.

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    Don’t be the person who has an overflowing cup of knowledge but an inactive state of action. That serves no-one, that serves no purpose.

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    Do your best. Then, surrender to the Divine Will. And of course, chill. Things work as they will.

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    Emotional position is part of it, but as an individual you are not your emotions, neither are you your intellect. These are things that you have . They're not things that you are . Therefore you have to start to become aware of the different requirements that human beings have, the different areas that they like to be satisfied in. Which means becoming aware of yourself. I mean, as a writer you're gonna have to understand pretty much the whole universe. But the best place to start is by understanding the inner universe. The entire universe – for one thing – only exists in your perceptions. That's all you're gonna see of it. To all practical intents and purposes this is purely some kind of lightshow that's being put on in the kind of neurons in our brain. The whole of reality. So. To understand the universe there's worse advice than that which was carved above the shrine of the Delphi oracle. Where it just said: “Know thyself”. Understand yourself. Know thyself is a magical goal, but like I say to me there is very little difference between magic and creative art in any sense – the laws of one apply perfectly well to the other.

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    Enlightenment is the Goal - Love is the Game - Taking steps are the rules! - Allan Rufus

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    Even a child cannot sit here without support. Some support will be necessary. No one can live without the support from the material world. After getting the support from one’s own Soul, one doesn’t need the support from the material world. ‘He’ will then become independent [support-free].

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    Every decision is a wrong decision when you don't know what you want out of it.

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    Everyone has to be humble, devotional and enthusiastic if they desires to acquire knowledge.

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    Follow the path that leads to understanding. Only then, will you illuminate the way for others. Once you open your mind and gain knowledge, truth, you'll leave the darkness and enter into the light of wisdom.

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    Gnani Purush’ [the enlightened one] has the [knowledge of the-Self] essence of all religions.

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    How to win in life: 1 work hard 2 complain less 3 listen more 4 try, learn, grow 5 don't let people tell you it cant be done 6 make no excuses

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    ..If not for the influence of Humans, I would not be Human. Shouldn't it be concerning that the quality of such examples continues to dwindle?

    • knowledge of self quotes
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    If one were to worship the Soul (self) for even a moment, he will attain moksha without fail. Such is the elegance of the body-complex (paudgalik ramanta) in this world!

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    If there is true ‘Selfishness,’ then there is ‘liberation of the Self’, and that indeed is one’s own form (the Self).

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    If you are going to accept anything, accept who you are.

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    If You Do Not Know, it is Useless to Explain, Because You Would Not Understand"__nickc

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    If you do not SEE, if you do not KNOW, If you do not BELIEVE, then never fly - And continue to walk...

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    Dharma (function or properties) of the mind, dharma of the intellect, dharma of the chit, dharma of the ego – when all these dharma and the dharma of the Self (Soul) come into their own dharma (functions); that is known as Gnan (Knowledge of Self). And if we (self) insist upon any one’s dharma; it becomes ignorance (agnan).

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    Every human form on this earth are spiritual. It is the central to its very soul and nature to manifest Its essence in knowledge forms which come into one another without an end. In its phenomenal aspect the love is thus intrinsically acceptable.

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    Every man must seek self-enlightenment

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    Every one has eyes but only handfull of people see.

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    Find 'I Am' in you. Lead the blind to the truth. This is truly true to be for it is the Kingdom above all kingdoms. It is not as far as you think. As you think, you'll know but let the thought grow from the character of a man to his values.

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    God is the key to Sat-Chit-Ananda = Sat simply means divinity supreme existence, Chit supreme soul and Ananda simply means bliss. Direct experience would be the key to the qualified knowledge of the true significance of the Vedanta. The key to manifested and pervaded energy is the key to imperishable knowledge. The soul is the key to amazement, indescribable, infinite and pure infinite awareness. By nonattachment beholding the scenes of life is the key to divine happiness or knowledge. Positive approach is the key to gain better understanding in life. Calmness, concentration and condensation of experiences by intuitional knowledge are the key to love of all knowledge. Spiritual advancement is not to be measured by one’s displays thoughts of outward, but solely by the depth of our bliss in Egyes, Pooja, Yoga and meditation.

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    Hang on! God will strength in any act of your pursuit.

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    Homes are built on the foundation of wisdom and understanding.

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    Hope is alive when u know your anchor

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    I can hardly keep track of the things I don't know, but every now and then comes an ignorance that makes me nostalgic.

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    If I believe the same things today I did yesterday I've learned nothing.

    • knowledge of self quotes