Best 87 quotes in «the future quotes» category

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    At the end of your struggles, challenges, and obstacles comes the mental strength to cross many boundaries in the future.

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    Adam offered a car key. 'Take my little red Honda. It's parked out front. When you finish with it, just tell it to go home. Don't be deceived by its modest appearance. It's fully shielded and equipped with enough gadgetry to tempt the ghost of James Bond.' 'Can it makes a vente triple-shot no-foam latte?' 'In a New York minute.' Ef took the key, kissed it, and headed for the front door.

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    Almost all sadness comes from thinking about the past, and all worry from thinking about the future — present-mindedness is your only safe haven.

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    A cheerful readiness is what seems honest now, facing an uncertain future with humor, grace and dignity.

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    All he knew about old age was that it a time when a person had passed his maturity; when fate had ended; when there was no longer any need to fear that terrible mystery called the future; when every love than came along was certain and final.

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    Always thinking is as tragic as never thinking.

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    A sure way a country can develop is through a true development of the masses. Yes! A sure way to ensure a true freedom of the people is for the people take up their own destiny into their hands and bond their strengths to positively dare with a clear vision and fortitude like the eagle for a great change in wisdom and in peace, devoid of rebellious motive, massacre and nepotism, and with tenacity, direct the thought, policy and inspiration of the few people who rule the masses for the best change ever! Until this is done, the masses shall always cry out of ignorance, not knowing the real power within them and beg at the feet of the few people for how they should live their lives!

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    But I've always been terrified of the future. Even back then, I couldn't stop thinking about what everyone else ignored so skillfully. We're all going to die. And bad things are waiting around every corner. But in the end...all of that anxiety...all that worrying about the didn't change anything.

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    Beginnings do not divulge their ends.

    • the future quotes
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    Be good at the people who are not yet born. Prepare for them a better place than the one you came to inherit. They will be grateful to you

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    Half of mindfulness is not thinking about what has, might have, could have, or should have happened, or what will, could, or should happen. The other half is not judging what is happening.

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    By and large, the kind of science fiction which makes tomorrow's headlines as near as this morning's coffee has enlarged popular awareness of the modern, miraculous world of science we live in. It has helped generations of young people feel at age with a changing world. But fashions change, old loves return, and now that Sputniks clutter up the sky with new and unfamiliar moons, the readers of science fiction are willing to wait to read tomorrow's headlines. Once again, I think, there is a place, a wish, a need for the wonder and color of the world way out. The world beyond the stars. The world we won't live to see. That is why I wrote The Door Through Space.

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    Canada, the most affluent of countries, operates on a depletion economy which leaves destruction in its wake. Your people are driven by a terrible sense of deficiency. When the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, and the last river is polluted; when to breathe the air is sickening, you will realize, too late, that wealth is not in bank accounts and that you can’t eat money.

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    Det förflutna, som är mitt och Johannes Lupigis och andras, börjar lagra upp sig framför mig såsom en framtid, vilken jag skall genomtränga. Det förflutna lagrar på det sättet upp sig framför oss alla. Vi står och trampar i detta och måste genomtränga det för att få kunskap. Vi har genomlevt - eller uppslukat - en del av det och nu måste vi genomtränga och svälja det igen för att bli fria genom kunskapen om hur det var. Så är antagligen kunskapslagen, vägen till erfarenhetens förvärv, har diakonen Anselmus sagt.

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    Happiness is the absence of self-concern. I have always considered my future and my fate none of my business.

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    Have high hopes for the future; take action and it will be a reality.

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    Don't jeopardize the future in an attempt to make the past RIGHT in the expense of today. Today is a new beginning! It deserves its own shot...

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    Every line we succeed in publishing today - no matter how uncertain the future to which we entrust it - is a victory wrenched from the powers of darkness.

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    Expectations have no effect on the harvest.

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    Fear is the greatest enemy. Not our pasts. Never our future. "Bitter Wines

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    I'd rather be rich and healthy than poor and sick.

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    He who knows the past well can best explain the present and can tell the probable certainties and uncertainties of the future better

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    He thought about the future and it was a vibrating darkness. He felt fear.

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    I don't really believe that people can predict the future,' he admitted. 'People predict the future every day, Stenwold Maker,' she replied, studying the rainbow carefully as the glass panels shifted slightly on the creaking wooded framework. 'If you drop a stone, you may predict that it shall fall. If you know a man to be dishonest, you may predict that he will cheat you. If you know one army is better trained and led, you may predict that it will win the battle.' He could not help smiling at that. 'But that is different. That is using knowledge already gained about the world to guess at the most likely outcome.' 'And that is also predicting the future, Stenwold Maker,' she said. 'The only difference is your source of knowledge. Everything that happens has a cause, which same cause has itself a cause. It is a chain stretching into the most distant past, and forged by necessity, inclination, bitter memories, the urge of duty. Nothing happens without a reason. Predicting the future does not require predestination, Stenwold Maker. It only requires a world where one thing will most likely lead to another.

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    If everyone could get on the same page and realize that we live in the future, we wouldn't have to deal with this bullshit.

    • the future quotes
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    Little is the imagination of the person who believes that the future of another may be determined by his/her past. We are so much more than our minds and our memories! We are in fact transcendent souls. If you determine what is ahead by what you can see when you look back, then you will in fact never behold what actually stands in front of you.

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    If I had to give the young any advice, it would be this: Don't believe in tomorrow.

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    I found it impossible to tear myself away from my station and plunge into Hungary. I feel the same disability now; a momentary reluctance to lay hands on this particular fragment of the future; not out of fear, but because, within arm's reach and still intact, this future seemed, and still seems, so full of promised marvels.

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    - I believe in unlimited discovery and achievement. - I believe that dreams can become reality. - I believe in true love. - I believe in kindness and intelligence. - I trust life, regardless.

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    No matter how much you stress or obsess about the past or future, you can't change either one. In the present is where your power lies.

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    Mindfulness is the extremely difficult art of leaving the past and the future alone.

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    Nowadays, the Internet decides if you're good, not the big man in the big office. No matter how important that man thinks he is, everyone else knows that he's not important anymore, and the Internet decides these things, here in the modern age.

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    No tomorrow is worth waiting for.

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    One possibility is just to tag along with the fantasists in government and industry who would have us believe that we can pursue our ideals of affluence, comfort, mobility, and leisure indefinitely. This curious faith is predicated on the notion that we will soon develop unlimited new sources of energy: domestic oil fields, shale oil, gasified coal, nuclear power, solar energy, and so on. This is fantastical cause the basic cause of the energy crisis is not scarcity; it is moral ignorance and weakness of character. We don't know how to use energy, or what to use it for. And we cannot restrain ourselves. Our time is characterized as much by the abuse and waste of human energy as it is by the abuse and waste of fossil fuel energy. Nuclear power, if we are to believe its advocates, is presumably going to be well used by the same mentality that has egregiously devalued and misapplied man- and womanpower. If we had an unlimited supply of solar or wind power, we would use that destructively, too, for the same reasons.

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    One million light years from now it will still be now.

    • the future quotes
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    So let me get this straight," he says. "Death is the only destination and nothing else is real because it's not perfect or final?" I roll my eyes. "Okay, Nietzsche. That's not exactly what I said." "I just think people are always doing that." "Doing what?" "They're always asking themselves, 'Where am I going?' but they're never looking around and asking, 'Where am I?' Everything's about what's going to be next instead of noticing what's happening right now. But the now is the only thing that's actually real.

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    Or did I know by intuition that wonderful and terrible things were really imminent at last, trembling into being just behind the curtain of the future?

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    People live in different worlds. There's a rich world, there's a poor world, and there's an extremely poor. The one you dwell is determined by the outcome of your sacrifice.

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    Program your life the way you want it to be: don't waste the unuse energy that lodges in the matrix of your soul. You are transcendent, be a superintendent.

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    Self-concern: I have always considered my future and my fate none of my business.

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    She doesn't think it's a good idea to know the future, because you can hardly ever change it, so why suffer twice?

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    Since, in the long run, every planetary civilization will be endangered by impacts from space, every surviving civilization is obliged to become spacefaring--not because of exploratory or romantic zeal, but for the most practical reason imaginable: staying alive... If our long-term survival is at stake, we have a basic responsibility to our species to venture to other worlds.

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    Some people masturbate to temporarily replace their partners when they are absent, whereas some people do that to temporarily live in the present.

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    That greatest of mysteries: tomorrow.

    • the future quotes
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    So much it availed, you coming to him at night; his destiny, tall in its cloak, stepped back behind the cupboard, and his unquiet future, easily shifting, fitted itself into the folds of the curtain.

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    That most destructive of all myths: tomorrow.

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    The future is not predictable. A bee sting is not predictable.

    • the future quotes
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    That was your past, Michelle. You can't live in the past. Sure you can, Sean. If you're not too thrilled with your future.

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    The future is much brighter than the past. You just have to find the light switch.

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    The future that we want - this is it. This is the future of all the previous thoughts you've ever had about the future. You're in it. You're already in it. What is the purpose of all this living if it's only to get some place else and then when you're there you're not happy anyway, you want to be some place else. It's always for 'when I retire,' 'when I graduate college,' 'when I make enough money,' 'when I get married,' 'when I get divorced,' 'when the kids move out.' It's like, wait a minute, this is it. This is your life. We only have moments. This moment's as good as any other. It's perfect.