Best 37 quotes in «battlefield quotes» category

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    fierce lovers. and battle warriors both come from the same place. there is bound to be, some bloodshed.

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    History doesn’t move you more than when it’s in the iron of your own blood.

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    Every country is a battlefield for the struggle between honest and dishonest, between honourable and honourless people! At the end, the character of that country will be determined by whichever group wins!

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    I am the default woman who was never noted as special. I'm the tolerant one that he's blessed to have. Im not the Apple of anyone's eye. I'm not the one longed for or the one that is dreamed about. I am the woman that sticks around and gives her all. Im not the woman that he's always wanted. I remember writing a song for him and he blew it off. I remember trying to spoil him and he barely reacted.. I remember feeling foolish for him and he quickly became comfortable and then I was just "the wife". I remember being told that "I cheated him" as if I deliberately decieved him and little did I know I was the one who was being deceived. I was being looked down on. I would never compare. I was not good enough in the eyes of him, her or the family. I remember trying to motivate only to be blamed for being part of the reason for poor family ties. I remember having to stand up for myself. I remember giving birth multiple times only to feel afterwards that maybe he wished it had been someone else baring his children. Ive read oh God what you think of me. I'm losing the battle in my mind. How many times will I take up arms in this battle only to find myself dying to sleep and waking up to fight it all over again. This woman will not die and the fight is not changing. It's like a self defeat life loop of my reincarnated self. Just thinking.

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    I may be the last one, but I am the one still standing. I am the one turning to face the faceless hunter in the woods on an abandoned highway. I am the one not running, not staying, but facing. Because if I am the last one, then I am humanity. And if this is humanity's last war, then I am the battlefield.

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    Here there was no shelter for his soul. There were no houses for a home. It was all a wilderness. It was all a battlefield. It was wild, without a friend. It was all a broken battlefield.

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    Dunia ni uwanja wa vita wa vita ya dhambi ya vita ya maisha! Kuishi maisha ya kufikirika ni kushinda vita ya maisha ya vita ya dhambi. Vita ya dhambi ya vita ya maisha si vita ya kufikirika! Bila Yesu katika maisha yetu hakuna atakayeishinda.

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    I'm learning to let go of my shields, to take the armors off (they are too heavy anyways) and march unguarded, if ever the need arises, towards the battlefield in defense of love.

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    In realism's earth, I don't belong to you; though in surrealism I will stay as a part of you. But oh ! mysticism goes to a new conclusion of you and me as a single soul. And now its a battlefield among all.

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    It is not the state of war that isolates. It is well known, it brings people together. But in the battlefield -- that is something different. Because that is when the real enemy, death, appears. I no longer saw any warmth in numbers. I saw only Thanatos in them, my death. And just as much in my own comrades, in Montague, as in the invisible Germans.

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    I wish the enemy would hesitate to shoot when they see me, but you can't expect humanitarianism on the battlefield.

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    Married life is not for the faint hearted. Sometimes it can look like an ugly battlefield

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    May we each find in ourselves the courage we forgot we have, to see the beauty we forgot is inside us, while battling the demons we forgot we can slay, on a battlefield we forgot we can win.

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    Ni rahisi kushinda vita ya maisha na kuishi mbinguni duniani. Ni vigumu kushinda vita ya dhambi na kuishi mbinguni paradiso.

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    I wanted to leave the whole war behind me, and yet I was seeing something on that battlefield that demanded commemoration. It was unholy ground, but I wanted to thank God for showing it to me. I would never again look at a man without wondering what crimes he was capable of committing. That seemed important to know.

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    My body is a political battlefield. It is a place of war, of death and suffering, of triumph and victory, of damage and repair, of blood and tears and sweat. It is a place where memories go to find purpose for their existence. It is a place where humans cast all inhibitions aside to discover what exists at their very core. It is a place of growth wearing a mask of destruction. It is a challenge, not for the faint of heart, beckoning us to face it with eyes wide open. The only war is within. When you are ready to fight it, the field awaits.

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    Perhaps I occasionally sought to give, or inadvertently gave, to the student a sense of battle on the intellectual battlefield. If all you do is to give them a faultless and complete and uninhabited architectural masterpiece, then you do not help them to become builders of their own.

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    In war, the damage you inflict on the enemy might be immediately apparent. The damage you inflict on yourself in doing so will only become apparent later.

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    One side is not braver than the other. Bullets fly, and men get swept away. They rush into the thick of fighting, and ‘kill’ is written on every face. In a battle the commander who has more men—not afraid to die–drives his opponent off the field and declares a victory.

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    The ground had opened up and spit out hell, Nell thought, and the detritus was Shiloh.

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    Quel champ de bataille que l'homme ! Nous sommes livrés à ces dieux, à ces monstres, à ces géants, nos pensées.

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    There was no right or wrong during war. The setting sun made me realize that the ones who would live to see a new day would be the ones who are victorious. As with all the history of this world, the ones who won were always right.

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    Sword-arm pauses. War-heat recedes. Sacred soul-sister silently pleads For only peace, which never has been. Only has such been seen within A soul with the humblest, most basic needs. That soul I've fleetingly seen before, Crossing my path when I'd naught left in store- Nothing to which war-poet may run. Soul-sister-Soul-Angel- seeing poet undone, Paused, to hand war-poet gold from her Core.

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    This world isn't a battlefield. Someday you will realise how your success depends on a bunch of other people and that day you will be wiser. You will know how connected we all are. Either we all make it or none of us does.

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    Ukanda wa Gaza ni jimbo lenye miji minne na kambi mbalimbali za wakimbizi za Umoja wa Mataifa – lenye urefu wa kati ya kilometa 41 au maili 25 na lenye upana wa kati ya kilometa 6 mpaka 12 au maili 3.7 mpaka 7.5, pamoja na eneo la jumla la kilometa za mraba 365 au maili za mraba 141. Jimbo hili liliwahi kutawaliwa na Wamisri, Wakaanani, Waisraeli, Wasiria, Wababelonia, Wagiriki, Warumi, Waturuki, Waingereza, na Wapalestina, na limekuwa uwanja wa vita kwa karne nyingi kwa sababu za kidini na kihistoria. Ukanda wa Gaza uko chini ya Palestina. Uko chini ya serikali ya Hamas.

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    Through the door at the end of the hall, Bushrod could see daylight. Gray and sullen it was, but daylight all the same. Through the years Bushrod had seen the dawn come to many fields, after many hard fights, and it was always a sacred moment to him--proof that the universe was still intact in spite of the blood on the ground, the hosts of Departed beginning their first day in eternity, the dead horses and broken gun carriages and scattered equipment--in spite of all the panoramic ruin of the battlefield so brutal and grotesque that it was a wonder God did not bury it in darkness forever--and with it the guilty living, who crept from their holes or their stiff blankets and looked about with astonishment on what they had done. But God never would bury it. He always seemed to want to start over again, whether out of anger or pity Bushrod could not say. And now here was another dawn, after another great fight, and once more God had permitted Bushrod Carter to live.

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    Vita ya dhambi hupiganwa katika uwanja wa akili na katika uwanja wa mwili kati ya Shetani na Mungu. Hutumia silaha kuu ya uongo na silaha kuu ya ukweli. Mungu anataka tuujue ukweli. Shetani anataka tuujue uongo. Kushinda vita ya dhambi huna budi kutumia neno la Mungu, kama Yesu alivyolitumia kumshinda Shetani wakati akijaribiwa katika Mlima wa Majaribu wa Jangwa la Yuda.

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    we developed a firm, practical feeling of solidarity, which grew, on the battlefield, into the best thing that the war produced - comradeship in arms.

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    Wars are won from a wink, a gesture, an event that transpired a millennium before the battle. Humanity has always been saved by small acts; the ones where someone gained a piece of their own puzzle, not the ones where a hero stood prodigious on a battlefield.

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    We are constantly on battlefield, fighting for love, life, and anything that matters to us. Fighting for what we believe is worth fighting for.

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    You study the Path of Peace. I practice the Art of War. There are some congruities between these different approaches but there are many more differences, and they are significant. The Art of War is carried out on the battlefield with deadly weaponry and sometimes, more importantly, in other places and in other ways that you would find distasteful. If I speak little about my plans it's because the Art of War teaches that it is the business of a general to ensure secrecy. You might want to mollify or change my tactics or strategies to fit the morals of your peacetime world and I'd be shackled and hampered in seeing the victory won as it should be, as quickly as possible, with as little fighting as possible, and at the lowest cost possible. You cannot bear the consequences of battle and you don't know the resources required. I do.

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    When we see too many battlefields, it breaks something inside of a person and they lose the ability to distinguish between cruelty and necessity.

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    With fire and sword the country round Was wasted far and wide, And many a childing mother then, And new-born infant, died. But things like that, you know, must be At every famous victory. They say it was a shocking sight, After the field was won, For many thousand bodies here Lay rotting in the sun; But things like that, you know, must be After a famous victory.

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    Your real battle is not with the outside world, it is with an enemy that hides deep within you. Find it, Fight it and Set yourself free. The key to your freedom lies in your deepest fear.

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    All the words I had prepared turned coward and fled my mind like conscripts deserting a battlefield.

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    There are all kinds of courage in the world, and most of it takes place far from battlefields.

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    Baada ya Adam na Hawa kutenda dhambi katika bustani ya Edeni, kila mtu anayezaliwa anazaliwa katika dhambi. Kwa hiyo dhambi hutokana na maisha, na maisha hutokana na dhambi.