Best 817 quotes in «inner strength quotes» category
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The limitations in life do not necessary limit you.
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The girl was a gypsy before an illness took control of her legs, now she watches in awe the world pass by whilst stillness teaches her about inner strength.
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The glory of God is upon you. Arise in great might and chase your dream.
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The greatest riches are the gift of life, strength and wisdom.
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The heart smiles when the soul shines.
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The highway of grace will get you somewhere a whole lot faster then the freeway of spite.
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The inner light is the true soul of a man.
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The joy of the Lord is our strength.
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The Kingdom of God lies within thee.
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The longest path leads to the destiny destination.
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The obstacles were intended to be a distraction from the goal. You must keep a persistence focus to realise the goal.
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The only freedom is Faith that fuels enthusiasm for a higher self realization.
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The Lord is my ‘Strong Fortress’. The Lord is my ‘Solid Rock’.
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The opportunities far outweigh the disappointments.
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The measure of a man is his state of mind.
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The power within is strength of the spirit.
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The power within us is immeasurable strength.
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The princess had accepted her fate in an effort to make the best of things, but she refused to do so any longer. It wasn't till she was outside those walls that she'd realized the truth: the only one who could truly break her free was herself. That's why she was back. To claim what was truly hers. Not just the castle, but the province and its throne. Not just for her own happiness, but also for that of her people. Now was the time to strike. It was why she had traveled so far, risked so much, and found strength that she hadn't known she possessed. Queen Ingrid's popularity had never been strong, but in the last few years, the kingdom had gone from indifference to downright terror. She couldn't allow her people to suffer this way any longer. It was time.
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The problem when you are a strong, capable, self-confident person, is that more often than not, people think that you don't really need things like comfort, reassurance, loyalty and guidance. People are more likely to look at you and say, "She doesn't need this", "She doesn't need that", "She's already all of this and all of that". But then the truth is that most probably, you are a strong, capable, self-confident person because you built yourself brick-by-brick into that person; because you HAD to BECOME that person; because you had determination enough to make yourself into the image that you knew you needed to become. At the heart of many strong, confident people, is a heart most longing of the things that most others simply take for granted.
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The pursuit of a greater self is a holy-being.
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The power of greatness lies within each of us.
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The pursuit of dreams is holy act.
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The quietness of spirit is an inner peace.
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The power of the mind is the strength of being.
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The quest for learning is the quest for self-discovery.
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There are few moments in your life where it will all make sense, maybe not so logically but via intuition and inner knowing. You will go for it, against all odds, against all opinion. You won't know the outcome instantly but thats whats exciting, the outcome doesn't matter as much as the courage it took to risk it all for a dream no one else can see but you. That kind of integrity will take you places, the kind of inner strength that not only builds dreams but shatters nightmares.
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There are so many distractions in your daily life that taking the time to pause and consciously breathe is a gift you can give yourself – and in so doing you give it to others who feel your sense of calm and inner strength.
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There are two powerful fuels, two forces; motivation and inspiration. To be motivated you need to know what your motives are. Over time - and to sustain you through it - your motivation must become an inner energy; a 'motor' driving you forward, passionately, purposefully, wisely and compassionately... come what may, every day. Inspiration is an outer - worldly - energy that you breathe and draw in. It may come from many places, faces, spaces and stages - right across the ages. It is where nature, spirit, science, mind and time meet, dance, play and speak. It keeps you outward facing and life embracing. But you must be open-minded and open-hearted to first let it in and then let it out again. Together - blended, combined and re-entwined - motivation and inspiration bring connectivity, productivity, creativity and boundless possibilities that is not just 'self' serving but enriching to all humanity and societies...just as it should be.
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There are uncertainties in life. The development of inner strength is vital for overcoming any adversity.
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There comes a time we must rebel against the no’s, rejections, or disappointments we experience so to make things happen in our lives.
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There is always a voyage to our dreams and ambitions; a passage of ascension with many stops and starts along the way. In utilizing all that we have from within we become more skillful through any struggle to get to our place of passion and peace.
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There is a mighty power within every man to accomplish great things.
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There is an exemplary pillar of inner strength within you. Acknowledge it to embolden it to grow.
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The real heroes are those who rebuild their lives using adversity as a stepping stone to greatness in the midst of the chaos life has thrown at them.
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There is hope in any circumstance. Be strong!
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There is hope for you.
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There is no limit to what you can do.
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There is no lateness in life. Begin to pursue your dream.
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There is a part of 'Me' in 'You'. You are my extension, you are my manifestation.
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There is a powerful for within each of us.
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There is no limit to what you can do,when you focus on your strength.
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There is the pain that made me cry, and then there is the strength that made me stop crying. So I am glad the pain came because without it I would not have discovered my strength.
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There's more to a person than flesh. Judge others by the sum of their soul and you'll see that beauty is a force of light that radiates from the inside out.
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There's no risk on the path to bliss Be your own activist Imagine altering the process of thoughts to positive and passionate Honing in on habits of happiness
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There's something about the flower that grows through the rocks, the pavement; through logs and stone or brick walls... all roses are beautiful; but the rose that emerges unexpectedly through the asphalt has a beauty of soul. The flower that reaches through the brokenness of the wall has a beauty of spirit. You stop to look and not only to look but to cherish! Somewhere along its journey, it decided that it would reach for what was unseen, keep going in the direction of something that wasn't felt, it decided that it would be. That it would become. And it did. And there is something irreplaceable about that.
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The scripture gives us timeless hope.
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The secret is in absolutely refusing to let the river beat you down. If I had to, I'd measure my progress in inches. One more inch I've swum—one less inch to swim. Once you know the secret, then nobody's river can bring you down.
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The soul of a man is strong enough to withstand any adversity.
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The soul suffers to the pain for the neglect of the spirit.
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The soul that knows suffering, understand the grace of solitude.