Best 56 quotes of Lorna Luft on MyQuotes

Lorna Luft

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    Lorna Luft

    A gay man has no business leading on a heterosexual woman.

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    Lorna Luft

    A piece of advice I would give to young actors - hang on to your family, and hang on to your reality - and hang on to your "real". Because you're going into the land of make believe.

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    Lorna Luft

    Barry Manilow has gone from being the love of my life to being a friend for life.

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    Lorna Luft

    Being an actor is really odd. So, don't take that as your reality - take your family, take your friends, take your relationships - that's your reality. And hang on to them.

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    Lorna Luft

    Children have a way of forcing you back into the present moment.

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    Lorna Luft

    Dodi got a lot of criticism when he began dating Princess Diana. No one seemed to think he was good enough for her.

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    Lorna Luft

    Even at al my mother's concerts, I had never seen people go crazy the way they did with the Beatles.

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    Lorna Luft

    Every time I go out on a stage I consider myself very lucky. Because, in a time where people are economically thinking about what to go and see - so, when I am on a stage, and it doesn't matter where I am, that's my favorite show. I come home after and say "That was my favorite show".

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    Lorna Luft

    Fabio kept asking me out, but I knew we'd never get his ego through the door.

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    Lorna Luft

    I choose not to think of my life as surviving, but coping.

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    Lorna Luft

    I did my first Broadway show when I was nineteen years old - and to be able to say that I am still working with the incredible talents of all of the creative teams that I have been able to work with - that's so special to me.

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    Lorna Luft

    I don't like to hear anybody in show business complain, because I just find it to be such a grateful business. Because there are so many wonderful, creative souls out there and there are so few jobs. And, so, I just find myself thinking to myself "wow, if I could get into a show of any kind and have it last for a while" - that's when I find myself really happy.

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    Lorna Luft

    If you really want to kill yourself, you get a gun and blow your head off

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    Lorna Luft

    I guess the only way I could describe myself is someone that lives right in the present.

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    Lorna Luft

    I have a healthy body, free of the chemicals that once controlled it.

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    Lorna Luft

    I have spent much of my adult life flinching with pain as I tried to pull out the threads that bound the shadows of my past to me.

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    Lorna Luft

    I'm extraordinarily honored and proud when I am told that I am part of the Broadway community and part of the Broadway family. Because, Broadway is a family. And it doesn't matter if you did one show or if you did fifty shows.

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    Lorna Luft

    In June 1968, five days before my mother's forty -sixth birthday, the world fell apart again. Sirhan Sirhan shot Bobby Kennedy, who died the next day. Why were people shooting all the Kennedys? Had the country gone mad?

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    Lorna Luft

    Instead of joyfully looking forward to my birth, my mother began systematically preparing for her own death. She was fatalistic.

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    Lorna Luft

    I really don't look at my past and I really don't look too much to the future because I find that's sort of redundant. I really live right in the present. I live right in the now.

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    Lorna Luft

    I spent an entire evening seated between Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly, being charmed from either side. It was pure Hollywood magic.

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    Lorna Luft

    I think every show I do, whether I am doing eight shows a week of a Broadway show... I think, "that's a show I'll never get back"... I go home at night and I think to myself, "that was my favorite".

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    Lorna Luft

    I think that when you're in your twenties you think about your future, when you're in your thirties you're raising kids and you think about their future, but when you get to a time when you are diagnosed with any kind of life altering illness, what did you take away from it? And what I took away from it was how to live in the "now".

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    Lorna Luft

    I understand wanting to do your craft. I understand wanting to have a passion for your art and for your ability to be an actor, to be a singer, to be a dancer - that I understand. Wanting to be famous - I don't get that. But that's where we're living right now.

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    Lorna Luft

    I used drugs as a social activity; a way to have fun with friends.

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    Lorna Luft

    I was born in a blender.

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    Lorna Luft

    Life will force you to make changes you never wanted to make

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    Lorna Luft

    Living in continual chaos is exhausting, frightening. The catch is that it's also very addictive.

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    Lorna Luft

    Liza is in the tabloids almost as much as our mother was. She has struggled with her own ghosts and shadows.

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    Lorna Luft

    Maybe people don't know I'm a news junkie? I watch and I tape a breadth of everything that's happening in the world, and that fascinates me.

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    Lorna Luft

    My feeling about young people who want to pursue a career is - the first thing is do your homework on where it all started. Go back and look at history. Look at why the shows you are loving today happened and the artists you are listening to happened. And do your homework on history. Whether it's musical movies, musical plays, Broadway musical recordings - do your homework! And then, that way you will have an understanding of why, now, certain movies, certain plays, certain musicals are making some sort of sense.

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    Lorna Luft

    My mom was a phoenix who always expected to rise again from the ashes of her latest disaster... She loved being Judy Garland.

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    Lorna Luft

    My mother should have been Jewish. She could have taught a class on how to induce guilt.

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    Lorna Luft

    My mother's life had been destroyed by the Garland legend.

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    Lorna Luft

    My mother's suicide attempts were a way to release anxiety and get attention. Some of the attempts were drug reactions she didn't even remember later on.

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    Lorna Luft

    My mother wasn't rational those last years; if she had been, she would have been horrified by her own behavior.

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    Lorna Luft

    My mother was electric onstage, and I vividly recall the extraordinary power she had over her audiences

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    Lorna Luft

    My sister Liza and I have never felt that we were in competition.

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    Lorna Luft

    One of the oddities about being Judy Garland's daughter was that everyone treated my mother with such awe that they would never have asked me the normal questions kids get about their moms.

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    Lorna Luft

    One trait of addictive families is that we never recognize our own addictions.

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    Lorna Luft

    People are always asking me what it's like to be Judy Garland's daughter. It's hard to be a legend's child.

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    Lorna Luft

    Studio 54 made Halloween in Hollywood look like a PTA meeting.

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    Lorna Luft

    The Broadway community is unlike any community in show business and it is unlike any community in the world. When you come into the Broadway community they open the door and they say "welcome". Not only do they do that, but when times are really tough and horrendous things have happened and really tragic things - the Broadway community shows up! And they say "how can we help?".

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    Lorna Luft

    The eyebrow pencil and false eyelashes were essential; my mother didn't feel dressed without them.

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    Lorna Luft

    The high point of my entire junior high school career was going backstage after the first concert to meet the Beatles in person. I had a huge crush on George Harrison at the time, having inherited my family's passion for skinny musicians, and I was simply awestruck to be meeting the Fab Four in person.

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    Lorna Luft

    The most memorable night of The Judy Garland Show for me was the night my mother pulled me out of the audience and sang to me onstage.

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    Lorna Luft

    The only difference between the Bel Air of the '90s and the Bel Air of my childhood is that now the nannies are Latina instead of British, and the cars European instead of American

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    Lorna Luft

    There are some family traditions I don't want my children to carry on.

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    Lorna Luft

    There's so much, I guess I want to say, nonsense about show business now. Because of reality television. I don't get this, because I was never raised to get this, but I don't understand wanting to be famous. Maybe it's because I was born famous, but I don't get it.

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    Lorna Luft

    The sicker mother got, the stranger the people surrounding her became. I called them The Garland Freaks.